'Designing activities for the 2.0 Language Classroom' (A Comenius professional development course)
In conjunction with the Utrecht University Summer School the Faculties of Education of Heidelberg and Utrecht Universities of Applied Sciences offer a 7-day, international course exploring WEB 2.0 applications such as Wiki and Weblogging, real-time communication (Videoconferencing and 3D Virtual Worlds) and the LanguageQuest format for integrating the World Wide Web into classroom teaching.
Besides, the course location in the brand-new building of the Faculty of Education in Utrecht, the Netherlands, allows for demonstration of good practices of and personal training in the use of Interactive Whiteboards.
Intended participants are practising (student) language teachers, teacher trainers and materials developers. Persons eligible for EU Comenius Grants can apply at their National Agency for compensation of costs for travel, accommodation and fees for this course. The deadline for grant applications is January 14, but please confirm with your National Agency for country-specific deadlines.
N.B. Teachers who would prefer a course exclusively on the use of Interactive Whiteboards in (language) teaching are advised to register for the course: 'Using Interactive Whiteboards to support discipline-specific pedagogies'
(A Comenius professional development course)
In conjunction with the Utrecht University Summer School the Faculties of Education of Heidelberg and Utrecht Universities of Applied Sciences offer a 7-day, international course exploring WEB 2.0 applications such as Wiki and Weblogging, real-time communication (Videoconferencing and 3D Virtual Worlds) and the LanguageQuest format for integrating the World Wide Web into classroom teaching.
Besides, the course location in the brand-new building of the Faculty of Education in Utrecht, the Netherlands, allows for demonstration of good practices of and personal training in the use of Interactive Whiteboards.
Intended participants are practising (student) language teachers, teacher trainers and materials developers. Persons eligible for EU Comenius Grants can apply at their National Agency for compensation of costs for travel, accommodation and fees for this course.
The deadline for grant applications is January 14, but please confirm with your National Agency for country-specific deadlines.
More information and registration at:
Teachers who would prefer a course exclusively on the use of Interactive Whiteboards in (language) teaching are advised to register for the course:
'Using Interactive Whiteboards to support discipline-specific pedagogies'
More info here:
Ton Koenraad, Course Director