Smart Circle DirecTV can be a complex term to explain given it is covering all the down sides of world that are generally continuously changing. To explain the true present picture in the Environment it's necessary to disclose the most up-to-date literature and study the current changes. This chapter is giving the concept about the today's marketing and advertising and changes & challenges in the sub environmental forces.
Today's Marketing
The changing behavior involving customers and proliferation of new marketing channels setups the new issues in the business world. In international market levels of competition it's becoming harder and harder to maintain the life time relative with customers. Selling quality product and service in affordable price is not enough to gain the customer loyalty there are many other dimensions involving care. These all changes create profit secondary and change organizations to customer-focused organizations and born the brand new theories and approaches.
Today's marketing has end up with the circle with 4P's (Product, Amount, Place and Promotion) and in the broader sense it is taking as an organizational function. The modified form of marketing is to give greater value to customer and develop and a healthy relationship.
Using the American Marketing Association today's Marketing is:
"Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering benefits to customers and with regard to managing customer relationships with way that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. "(Keefe, 2004)
That Smart Circle DirecTV
The Smart Cir DirecTV comprises the intermediate and the macro environment. The intermediate environment contains those factors that happens to be semi-controllable through contracts and they will be categorized as suppliers, Distributors, facilitators and investors. For example in software industries the many vendors, application sellers, temporary specialist staffs together with subcontractors etc are component of intermediate environment. The macro environment is made up of those factors and forces which can be uncontrollable. (Lee, 2005)
For any Smart Circle DirecTV strategic marketing going to evaluate and investigate that threats, opportunities and for associated risk assessment usually organizations made use of the PESTLE analysis here PESTLE means Political, Economic, Social, Scientific, Legal, and Environmental Elements. (These macro environmental forces are shown in above figure). Mostly external auditor is utilized to audit the impact of these forces.
Some countries have more relaxed and easy restrictions for import and move.
Countries history of friendly relation and healthy business deals also have a positive impact when you need it trades. Similarly if countries have better infrastructure for trading polices and legislations in addition, it goes in the favor of the international traders. It allows you minimize the time and provide the secure dealings and especially newcomers feel comfortable to trade in these environment. With all these reasons the fresh literature tells us regarding the twelve factors involvement inside international trading.
In 2005 using the Geri Clarke the HELPS FREDICT can be a more complete framework for any international marketing environmental analysis.
H Historical past F Fiscal
E Financial R Rules- International Trade
L Language E Natural environment
P Politics D Demographic
S Social I Infrastructure
C Traditions
T Technological know-how
Changes and Challenges
In 1998 article inside Economist Magazine Sums it up nicely:
"Marketing has become a complex art. Technology and trade have increased the probability global brands. The fragmentation associated with audiences and rising bills of television and create advertising are making other media attractive. And direct marketing along with the internet are rewriting most of the marketing rules. "
fifty five years back, the television invention opens the new ways of the mass marketing and with the visual demonstration many local brand and now take the status of the world class brand. This technology changes the language of the advertising. In old age mostly people preferred to purchase things from market seek and mainly radio transmitted about the market affairs and innovative coming products. Then TV gave the brand new confidence to its people and globally advertised the real market position. The visual demonstration also teach the people and guide them correctly and it also answered the question that why they need and want this certain product. Now World Wide Web is taking the positioning of the TV together with Similarly the Digital TV along with the Smart mobile are writing the new rules of the marketing.
Today mobile and pager could be the basic need of people and every one is in range just because of a small piece of technology. Here telecommunication was playing a critical role. Now in the end of 20th century, that emergence of internet together with telecommunication introduce m-commerce. First mobile companies simply offer an updates information like weather reports, games online information, latest movies and songs information etc only to provide better services and to satisfy customer. From this time the m-commerce became the part of our life and nobody feel this addition of the new business technique, today banks and other financial services are providing mobile commerce services and this tiny device has become the source of market transactions. This was the small review of emergence of the technology.
The customer buying behavior and also its particular quality perception is also changing and now he is demanding this rich added value product or service. The multinational companies together with chain store also produce a strong competition globally and it's becoming more difficult to retain a long term relation with existing site visitor.
Today's Marketing
The changing behavior involving customers and proliferation of new marketing channels setups the new issues in the business world. In international market levels of competition it's becoming harder and harder to maintain the life time relative with customers. Selling quality product and service in affordable price is not enough to gain the customer loyalty there are many other dimensions involving care. These all changes create profit secondary and change organizations to customer-focused organizations and born the brand new theories and approaches.
Today's marketing has end up with the circle with 4P's (Product, Amount, Place and Promotion) and in the broader sense it is taking as an organizational function. The modified form of marketing is to give greater value to customer and develop and a healthy relationship.
Using the American Marketing Association today's Marketing is:
"Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering benefits to customers and with regard to managing customer relationships with way that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. "(Keefe, 2004)
That Smart Circle DirecTV
The Smart Cir DirecTV comprises the intermediate and the macro environment. The intermediate environment contains those factors that happens to be semi-controllable through contracts and they will be categorized as suppliers, Distributors, facilitators and investors. For example in software industries the many vendors, application sellers, temporary specialist staffs together with subcontractors etc are component of intermediate environment. The macro environment is made up of those factors and forces which can be uncontrollable. (Lee, 2005)
For any Smart Circle DirecTV strategic marketing going to evaluate and investigate that threats, opportunities and for associated risk assessment usually organizations made use of the PESTLE analysis here PESTLE means Political, Economic, Social, Scientific, Legal, and Environmental Elements. (These macro environmental forces are shown in above figure). Mostly external auditor is utilized to audit the impact of these forces.
Some countries have more relaxed and easy restrictions for import and move.
Countries history of friendly relation and healthy business deals also have a positive impact when you need it trades. Similarly if countries have better infrastructure for trading polices and legislations in addition, it goes in the favor of the international traders. It allows you minimize the time and provide the secure dealings and especially newcomers feel comfortable to trade in these environment. With all these reasons the fresh literature tells us regarding the twelve factors involvement inside international trading.
In 2005 using the Geri Clarke the HELPS FREDICT can be a more complete framework for any international marketing environmental analysis.
H Historical past F Fiscal
E Financial R Rules- International Trade
L Language E Natural environment
P Politics D Demographic
S Social I Infrastructure
C Traditions
T Technological know-how
Changes and Challenges
In 1998 article inside Economist Magazine Sums it up nicely:
"Marketing has become a complex art. Technology and trade have increased the probability global brands. The fragmentation associated with audiences and rising bills of television and create advertising are making other media attractive. And direct marketing along with the internet are rewriting most of the marketing rules. "
fifty five years back, the television invention opens the new ways of the mass marketing and with the visual demonstration many local brand and now take the status of the world class brand. This technology changes the language of the advertising. In old age mostly people preferred to purchase things from market seek and mainly radio transmitted about the market affairs and innovative coming products. Then TV gave the brand new confidence to its people and globally advertised the real market position. The visual demonstration also teach the people and guide them correctly and it also answered the question that why they need and want this certain product. Now World Wide Web is taking the positioning of the TV together with Similarly the Digital TV along with the Smart mobile are writing the new rules of the marketing.
Today mobile and pager could be the basic need of people and every one is in range just because of a small piece of technology. Here telecommunication was playing a critical role. Now in the end of 20th century, that emergence of internet together with telecommunication introduce m-commerce. First mobile companies simply offer an updates information like weather reports, games online information, latest movies and songs information etc only to provide better services and to satisfy customer. From this time the m-commerce became the part of our life and nobody feel this addition of the new business technique, today banks and other financial services are providing mobile commerce services and this tiny device has become the source of market transactions. This was the small review of emergence of the technology.
The customer buying behavior and also its particular quality perception is also changing and now he is demanding this rich added value product or service. The multinational companies together with chain store also produce a strong competition globally and it's becoming more difficult to retain a long term relation with existing site visitor.