اليوم السابع | اعتصام عمال البترول أمام وزارة القوى العاملة - 0 views
نظم 750 عاملا من عمال شركة الحفر المصرية للبترول وقفة احتجاجية ظهر اليوم، الأربعاء، أمام مقر وزارة القوى العاملة والهجرة
طلب العمال المعتصمون من الشركة عدم تسريحهم وإعطاءهم حقوقهم المالية، وقال العاملون إن الشركة وزعت عليهم جوابات لسرعة توقيع استمارة 6 بالاستغناء عنهم بعد انتهاء أعمال الحفر.
Egypt and beyond: Oil workers protest layoffs - 0 views
the Egyptian Drilling Company, EDC (despite the name apparently 45% owned by a Danish company - the A.P Moller-Maersk Group)
As the workers were still gathering outside the gates, the minister - Aisha abdel Hadi - suddenly left the building in a car, which made some of them furious. "We came to talk to the minister and you smuggle her out in front of our eyes?" one man yelled to the security guards. Later, a ministry official (possible security) came out to talk to the workers, refusing to say his name. He told them that the situation was beyond the control of the government since this is a global crisis and "even in America 5 million workers has been laid off".
It's ironic how government officials will deny the impact of the global crisis on Egypt one day, while at the same time using it as an excuse to escape all responsibility to help workers who are losing their jobs because of it..
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Egypt and beyond: EDC owners accused of "oppressing" Chinese workers - 0 views
Despite the reputation of Scandinavian countries as progressive, just and socially advanced, our capitalists are just like any others, it seems... especially when operating in "third world" countries like Egypt or China. I was just sent this link to an article about A.P. Moller-Maersk, the Danish company that owns 45% of the Egyptian Drilling Company (EDC), which was recently accused of laying off employees on fixed contracts while hiring new workers on temporary contracts. The report in Danish daily Politiken recounts accusations concerning a container factory in Dongguan in southern China, owned by Maersk, where workers are said to suffer from health hazards, corruption within the management, and humiliating work rules - including a ban on strikes (with no basis in Chinese law according to an expert interviewed in the article) imposed in June 2008 after a series of strikes and protests for better work conditions. A number of reports and statements in Danish and English are available at the Hong Kong-based Globalization Monitor.
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