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6 Easy Steps to Online Success -- Campus Technology - 3 views

    "The online Master of Education program in instructional design and technology at my school, West Texas A&M University, has more than doubled its admissions during the last two years, even as similar programs nationwide have struggled. This is because we consistently honor six very simple practices in every course in the program. During my career as a senior instructional designer at Microsoft and Boeing, these practices were universal for online instruction. I have been shocked to learn how many online college courses incorporate none of them. So, with apologies, here we go:"

7 Essential Skills You Didn't Learn in College | Magazine - 3 views

shared by anonymous on 11 Jan 12 - No Cached
    This is very interesting - describes courses we should take to survive in the world today. Includes vidoes and visuals . . .

Using a Google Calendar in ANGEL (Updated) - YouTube - 3 views

    Teaches you how to replace the calendar in Angel with a google calendar.  When you update your google calendar it updates in Angel.  You can't make updates to the calendar in Angel, it has to be done through Google.  Great if you have multiple sections of the same class--only update once!
    Nice find. I used this tool for all my classes and it works great. Now, though, I use that embed code and put the code into a section header in a lessons page. That way it's in the students view the moment the get into the course. Then I hide the calendar tab.
    Love this idea! Jeff - do you have a separate google calendar for each course, or do you have one for all your courses? Also, I'm interested in using google blogs (blogger) for journals and would like to embed the codes, just as done for google calendar. Have you heard of anyone doing so? I tried changing a tab to a link for a blog, but am not sure if this is the best way. I did see an article in which the instructor had students create their own blog, then submit the link. The links were then put into a chart put into the course. Any other ideas?

A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods - 3 views

    We may have already looked at this, but it's a great tool.
    I love this info-graphic, great information with examples all contained within one page- great find!

There's Blended Learning and There's Blended Learning! « Educational Technolo... - 4 views

    Thanks Chris- Great Article.

Interaction in Online Courses: More is NOT Always Better - 3 views

    I really appreciate all the links you put up Connie, thanks :)

Coursera - 3 views

started by Kathy Schwarz on 01 Feb 12 no follow-up yet

The Noun Project - Building a Free Collection of Symbols by Edward Boatman - Kickstarter - 3 views

    I heard a great interview with the founder of The Noun Project on CBC's The Spark. This project offers some excellent simple, clean icons for easy use. Food for thought!

#MobilityShifts - 5 key trends for the future of education [guest post] | Dangerously I... - 3 views

    A. Openess B. Greater insight into the knowledge and creation process C. Mobile Learning D. Alternative forms of assessment (badges) E. Rethinking the classroom environment

Can I Play Flash on iPad? Yes! - 3 views

    These are a few solutions for viewing flash on an Apple device.

Technology in Schools Faces Questions on Value - - 3 views

    "This conundrum calls into question one of the most significant contemporary educational movements. Advocates for giving schools a major technological upgrade - which include powerful educators, Silicon Valley titans and White House appointees - say digital devices let students learn at their own pace, teach skills needed in a modern economy and hold the attention of a generation weaned on gadgets. "

Student perception of online learning: Skip online classes « Online Learning ... - 3 views

    Interesting information on students' perceptions.

EET - Knowledge, Visualization and Brainstorming Assignment - 3 views

    This a collaborative table I made with my group in one of my courses. There are some great brainstorming and visualization tools on here.

Creating Social Presence in Online Environments Steven R. Arago - 3 views

    Strategies for Creating Social Presence This section examines strategies that will help establish and maintain social presence within online environments. In this section, I offer strategies for the three groups of individuals involved with the three functions of these environments: (1) course designers (course design), (2) instructors (delivery and management), and (3) participants (participation). In reviewing the literature, the main responsibility for creating social presence is placed on the instructors. However, based on my personal experience as an online course designer and online course participant, I contend that the responsibility for establishing and maintaining social presence extends beyond the role of the instructor

Articles | PowerPoint Doctor - 3 views

    Links to many resources for enhancing PPTs, along with other technology related topics.

EVERNOTE - 3 views

    Weird. Why is this titled Evernote? Isn't it Netvibes?
  • ...1 more comment...
    That was a mistake. I was showing someone how to use Diigo and meant to delete this right afterward but now I can't because you have commented on it.
    Are you implying that this is my fault?
    yes . .

Faculty Focus Email - 3 views

    "Thinking developmentally is one of those instructional design issues that we don't do often enough. We understand that different learning experiences are appropriate for students at different levels. We expect a higher caliber of work from seniors than from those just starting college. But how often do we purposefully design a progression of learning experiences? "
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