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James Davis

Barracuda - Learn to type with a typing game. - 0 views

    Free typing game. Type the words floating across the screen to gain points. Doesn't teach proper keyboarding, just provides practice.
James Davis

BBC - Dance Mat Typing - 0 views

    Online tool to build typing skills. Oriented to younger learners.
    Cute free typing tutorial. Scottish accent might be off-putting
James Davis

Online Typing Games - 0 views

    More games to practice typing. Does not teach keyboarding.
amanda kloster

Using Music to Teach Spanish - 0 views

    Music is a very effective way to teach Spanish vocabulary and to reinforce previously learned vocabulary and grammar. This link includes a list of both types of songs.
amanda kloster

Wordle - 0 views

    Wordle is a webiste that allows you to create "word clouds". You type in a number of words (could be key vocabulary terms) to create a "word cloud" that can be tweaked to give more prominence to words that you deem most important.
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