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amanda kloster

ePals - 0 views

    ePals connects students from around the world. Students can interact with other students and collaborate on projects and assignments, or just simple communicate. It would be a great way to facilitate a class exchange between students in a Spanish speaking country and our students.
amanda kloster

Films in Spanish - 0 views

    Using Spanish-language films can allow students to practice their listening comprehension while also learning culture as presented in the film. Some of these films may be inappropriate in your situation so be sure to screen them before you show them to your students!
Christina Frum

CPS Science Fair Handbook - 3 views

    Complete handbook for the CPS student science fair. Includes all documents required, including endorements, abstract, and safetly contract, all of which may be edited and printed.
Rebecca Schild

WallWisher - 0 views

    WallWisher is a website that allows anyone to create a wall that is based around a topic or question. Other users can log on and leave virtual sticky notes with comments about the topic. Great for engaging students. WallWisher can address questions or topics as high on Bloom's Taxonomy as the creator chooses.
James Davis

Bugscope - 0 views

    Set up a meeting for your class to meet online with grad students and examine bugs under the university's electron microscope.
    This is an example of "extending the classroom". A cross between the virtual field trip and videoconference.
amanda kloster

How to Make a Family Tree in PowerPoint - 0 views

    I used this as an assessment after teaching the vocabulary used to talk about the family. The students were very engaged in this project and also learned valuable computer skills that will be useful to them in the future.
amanda kloster

Culture and Diversity Lesson Plan - 0 views

    This is a lesson plan that asks students to investigate their culture and what defines them as individuals. It does not specifically teach Spanish, but would be a good way to begin a discuss of other cultures.
amanda kloster

Hoy Newspaper - 0 views

    This is a link to the web edition of the Spanish language newspaper "Hoy". It is useful because it allows students to read about local news in Spanish. It is also interesting to read an article on the same topic from an English language newspaper and a Spanish language newspaper and investigate the differences in opinion.
amanda kloster

Mexico Country Study - 0 views

    A website full of information about Mexico. This could be useful for students looking to study more about Mexico.
Rebecca Schild

Time for Kids - 2 views

shared by Rebecca Schild on 09 Jul 10 - Cached
    Published weekly by Time magazine, TFK contains non-fiction articles geared toward kids. Each week has a theme and worksheets that accompany. TFK can be accessed two ways - one is the physical magazine, sent weekly to your school. It is fee based, but comes with student copies and a TE which includes enrichment worksheets. TFK can also be accessed online and individual articles can be printed. A quiz for the entire edition is available weekly online, along with hundreds of free, sortable worksheets.
Mary Lukeman

xtranormal - 0 views

    Site where students or teachers can create videos. English and Chinese are language options. Spanish questionable.
amanda kloster

Museum Box - 0 views

    A very potent, multi-media organizational tool for constructing arguments - based on Clarkson's box. Easy to use but somewhat abstract for younger users.
    Museum Box is a way for students to create digital boxes of artifacts to create or support an argument.
Allison Grzadzinski

BrainPopJr. - 0 views

    BrainPopJr is an extremely engaging website that provides games for students in all subject areas. It is easy to differentiate. It also gives many teacher resources which can help link this material to the traditional curriculum. Trial available.
Christina Frum - 2 views

    On-line resource to create diagrams and graphic organizers. Free to use; registration required. Teacher and student friendly. Recommended uses: water cycle, rock cycle. Relatively easy to use. On-line save option. Can edit simultaneously from remote sites (real time collaboration).
James Davis

NYT: Computers at home result in lower test scores - 0 views

    NYT article on research suggesting that computers at home show little impact of student test scores, and for lower income households, may result in lower scores.
James Davis

Internet Search Engines for Kids - 0 views

    Aggregates various kid-friendly search sites.
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