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in title, tags, annotations or urlUKEdMag: Maths Through Stories - 2 views
UKEdMag: April - Issue 04 - 1 views
UKEdMag: Can Teachers be Creative? - 2 views
UKEdMag: June 2014 Issue 06 - 3 views
UKEdMag: Different Worlds - - 2 views
UKEdMag: Get their hands dirty! by @MissNina1983 - 0 views
It is essential that children in today's 'technology focused world' get real, hands-on experiences. The only things that some of my children have in their hands, once at home, are games console controls! By making learning fun and interactive we can engage children in finding out about the world around them and their past, instilling a love of learning and giving them some practical skills to use in the real world...
UKEdMag: Facilitating Effective STEM Learning by @smwordlaw - 1 views
"English…done! Reading…done! Assembly…go, go, go! Packed primary timetables can sometimes feel like you're racing through an army drill. It can be difficult to stop, and allow children time for deeper thought and study. Integrating meaningful STEM into the week can often feel like a bit of a headache. Project Based Learning as a method of teaching STEM, could be the solution to this. Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths are the four disciplines many schools are hoping to focus on this academic year, looking at an applied and integrated approach."
UKEdMag: 'I'm rubbish at Maths' How personal experience can influence teaching by @karadubai28 - 0 views
I'm rubbish at Maths' are words that regularly come out of mouth during my adult life. This fixed mindset is deep rooted. When faced with a Maths challenge I have immediate flashbacks to those bottom set Maths lessons where everyone else were given more complicated problems with bigger numbers to solve. I may have a fixed mindset in terms of my own capabilities, but I believe every child has the capacity to be a fantastic Mathematician, if they are given the opportunity and are encouraged to have the belief in the 'power of yet'.
UKEdMag: Classroom Leadership vs Classroom Management by @RTBCoaching - - 2 views
Few people enter the teaching profession because they are passionate about controlling behaviour or disciplining prospective pupils. Most become educators because they want to make a positive difference in students' lives. However, countless well-intentioned yet potentially ill-prepared teachers find themselves in situations during the school year where they feel compelled to use forms of intimidation, manipulation, bribery, yelling, scolding, or even false praise to make students behave. These archaic classroom management techniques often backfire- as they did for me early in my teaching career-and result in students losing respect for and disliking the teacher.