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Vicki Davis

Google Moderator - 1 views

    IF you use Google Hangouts, you'll want to check out Google moderator which lets you ask questions and people can suggest answers and vote up answers. You can use this in class as well.

Google Moderator This I Believe about Learning - 0 views

    Google Moderator Demonstration: Nine Beliefs about Learning Drawn from Stephanie Pace Marshall's The Power to Transform
Martin Burrett

Teens need vigorous physical activity and fitness to cut heart risk - 0 views

    "Guidelines for teenagers should stress the importance of vigorous physical activity and fitness to cut the risk of heart disease, new research suggests. Current NHS guidelines say people aged 5 to 18 should do at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day to improve their current and future health. But in a study of adolescents aged 12 to 17, University of Exeter researchers found significant differences between the effects of moderate activity (such as brisk walking) and vigorous activity (activity that leaves people out of breath, such as team sports or running around a playground)."

Google Moderator - 10 views

    Let your audience decide Get to know your audience by letting them decide which questions, suggestions or ideas interest them most. Everyone's voice is heard The voting box at the top of page focuses attention on submissions recently added and on the rise, making it simple and easy to participate.
Vicki Davis

Artsonia sample permission form - 0 views

    This is an online art museum for student work. This permission form is used by artsonia, a student online art museum. It is a great place to participate and share artwork. Also, I like how artsonia allows parents to moderate the comments left on their child's artwork. This form also asks for parent volunteers. This is a nice way to share your student's best work.
Martin Burrett

Tinkatolli - 8 views

    This is a fun, cute, social 3D island world designed especially with children in mind. Children make an avatar and follow a quick tutorial and explanation of safety rules. The children can take their characters on quests, play educational games and interact with other users of the site. A fabulous feature of the site is that users are encouraged to 'make and do' offline as well. These activities can be uploaded to a scrapbook and multimedia blog. Offline activities also generate points in the game. The scrapbook is defaulted to private and no photos of children will be approved by moderators if the scrapbook is public. All the usual safety features are in place, including a 'report' and 'block' other users button. The basic account with most features is free, but there are optional 'paid for' extras.
Vicki Davis

Connected/CEM Cafe | Connected Educators - 3 views

    Most weeknights of Connected Educator month #cem13 there are Connected Cafes with many online leaders in education. They are free and will be great conversations. I'm on October 3 at 7:30 pm and we're talking about connected leadership with Dean Shareski and moderated by Steve Hargadon. Take a look at the calendar to see more. October 4 is Larry Ferlazzo and Angela Maiers, October 8, Ira Socol and Kathleen Cushman and many more.
Vicki Davis

REading with Sound: The Interplay of Text and Sound in Ebooks and its effect on retention - 3 views

    Yes, this study was funded by Booktrack (a 2011 study), however, I find that the information is fascinating. By setting sound tracks of different mood music, this study showed: *Virtually all subjects performed moderately to significantly better on information retention tests. * Subjects reported a strong correlation with interacting with the enhanced platform and an ability to focus. There are other results on this, but I find this fascinating and find this a very interesting point to consider as ebooks evolve. Will ebook authors attach music to different pages? Will reading become more cinematic and theatrical? All kinds of interesting thoughts here.
John Evans

About Us | SchoolWAX TV - 0 views

    SchoolWAX TV was designed with students, teachers, and parents in mind. All uploaded videos are pre-screened and approved by our moderators before ever showing up on the site. It may take 1 to 2 days for an uploaded video to appear for that very fact, but we know that being able to guarantee 100% safe educational content makes it worth the slight delay.
Vicki Davis

Listening to the Audience (Twitter) at Web 2.0 Expo: The Balance of Value vs Entertainment - 0 views

  • so I acknowledged them in twitter, and let everyone know we would quickly shift to questions, so the audience could drive the agenda. We received over a dozen questions, and I hope the audience was satisfied, lots of good hard questions from many folks on the ground that are trying to solve these problems: getting management to agree, measuring roi, dealing with detractors, etc. After which, I think we won him over: “Questions made the panel: Love hearing viewpoints from people with boots on the ground”
    • Vicki Davis
      This is the point, the audience (students) want the session to be relevant. They wan tto be part of it. That is WHY you should establish a backchannel. Then, the moderator of the panel should monitor the backchannel. I use a backchannel room on Chatzy. Jeremiah just used twitter. However, I agree that BACKCHANNELING is an essential best practice to a good presentation AND having a backchannel moderator. I would add that I like to also have "google jockey" dropping in links as well!
  • Now, the next panel (Greg Narain, Brian Solis, Stowe Boyd) wasn’t traditional by any sense, it was an experiment, where we crowd-sourced the agenda to the audience –they used Twitter. Greg Narain setup an application where members from the audience could message (@micromedia2) and their tweets (comments, questions, requests, answers, and sometimes jokes made at Scoble’s expense) were seen live on the screen.
    • Vicki Davis
      This is a cool idea and something we may do in our NECC presentation about viral professional development.
  • he was waiting for that breakthrough insight.
    • Vicki Davis
      This is an important point -- it is not just about being entertained -- people want MEAT and breakthroughs as well, especially if you're one of "those" people with a reputation for break through statements. Don't let backchannels become distracting -- keep focus and let them add to the presentation.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Later, I talked to the gentleman who thought the session was negative, and his reason was because he was left out, and didn’t know how to get twitter started.
    • Vicki Davis
      Another good point, people feel left out when they don't know what you're doing. How about some "suggested prerequisites" or links published prior to a panel so that people will "get it??" I think the rules are changing and we are reinventing PD.
  • we can tell as people actually took the time to blog about it
  • I think our culture is being overrun by big mouths & squeaky wheels. Not everyone wants to jump into the mosh pit or finds it boring to have useful information presented in a structured format.
Vicki Davis

Edubloggers Group on Linked In - 0 views

    Edublogger group on Linked In
    If you are on linked in, we now have an edubloggers group. This allows you to contact other edubloggers directly. Right now, I'm moderating those who want to join, but could use some help. Please join in!
yc c

VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos - 0 views

    "My Fellow Americans" Voicethread challenge for President Obama.
    A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate pages and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too. Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embedded to show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies.
Scott Weidig - Create a quiz, embed it on your site or blog, all in just 5 minutes! - 0 views

    What an amazing tool! Currently there are two flavors of quizzed "promotional" and " "add on" promotional allows you to create a standard online "quiz" well if you call standard being able to embed audio, video, pictures, and text! The "Addon" quiz lets participants take the quiz and then add more questions if they want? Classroom thoughts abound in my head! Would love to get some traffic with this group on creating an ed version that would allow you to sign up your kids and moderate the questions they submit...
Maggie Tsai

Recommendation for this group membership setting - 105 views

Vicki Davis wrote: > We would love to be featured, just let us know when you do this, so I will be extra vigilant. k - will do. > > I wish there was a way to request people to send me a comment...

admin control spam

Vicki Davis

Faceless no more: Facebook admits errors | The Australian - 9 views

  • Staff reacted with shock and disbelief as they learned of the defacement of tribute pages set up to honour 12-year-old Elliott Fletcher and eight-year-old Trinity Bates.
  • Facebook stood accused of being faceless in Australia.
  • "Are people really doing that to a tribute page for a dead child? None of us as a group of people wants to see the product that we built used like that. It's awful."
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • If Facebook is subject to the traditional rules of publishing, then it is legally responsible for all the content that it hosts -- a commercially untenable position for a company of just 1000 employees for 400 million users globally.
  • But in fact, there was no security breach -- the people who defaced the Bates and Fletcher tribute sites had Facebook accounts and the tribute groups or pages were left open for anyone to join or comment.
  • but people who set up tribute sites do not have to wait for the website to remove objectionable material. When a person sets up either a group or fan page on Facebook, they can set controls about who is allowed to join or post content and what types of content -- such as comments, photographs or videos -- are permitted. The person running the tribute page can also delete any content they want without any need for a higher authority to intercede.
  • the problem was compounded by the fact the group founder quit and the page was left without an administrator.
    "Staff reacted with shock and disbelief as they learned of the defacement of tribute pages set up to honour 12-year-old Elliott Fletcher and eight-year-old Trinity Bates." This is an important article to discuss with students as the defacement of these pages happened because the group was set up for anyone to join and without moderation. Education Education prevents hurt and harm as happened in this case. Of course, it doesn't change the fact that Facebook, even though it is a global company, seems to have a centralized communications structure.
Anne Bubnic

Bitstrips for Schools - 5 views

    Web-based Comics. BitStrips for Schools places it on a private virtual network where teachers can moderate content and review all characters and comics. Students can flag inappropriate comments or bullying, which is then instantly removed pending teacher review. There is a nominal fee of $9.95 per month for up to 40 students.
Darren Walker

Domo Animate - Create animations - 0 views

    This is a child friendly version of go animate which is moderated and therefore perfect for kids. I have also been updating my own website with over 300 free web tools reviewed and linked. If you haven't been for a while it could well be worth a visit.
Maggie Verster

Learn from the Top Instructors in America at Educator® - 0 views

    " The customized interface creates a one-to-one learning environment with the professor while emphasizing graphical explanations and working through solution steps. Below each lecture video are detailed notes which highlight the most important points to remember as well as common student pitfalls. A powerful search engine also locates the exact time in a lecture your problem topic is discussed. Lastly, student comments are moderated by our instructors make sure any questions you have are answered."
Martin Burrett

3 percent of children hit daily activity target - 0 views

    "Only one in 30 children does the recommended amount of daily physical activity, new research suggests. Guidelines from the Chief Medical Officer say people aged five to 18 should do at least 60 minutes of "moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity" every day. Previous research has often used less than seven days of data on children's activity and created an average based on that."
Vicki Davis

Flipgrid - Video for student engagement and formative assessment - 2 views

    A fun tool to use for introductions. You post a video question and students can post their own videos as well. You can moderate and have the flipgrids be public or private. What a fun tool to use to start the year or even have introductions before you start.
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