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Vicki Davis

To boost student learning, improve student health, says panel - 2 views

  • Mazany also noted plans to institute a policy incorporating health and wellness as part of school improvement planning, but did not offer additional details.
  • Charles Basch, a professor of health education at Teachers College of Columbia University, presented highlights from his research on the relationship between student health and achievement. Basch’s research identifies major health risks that have a negative impact on learning, including asthma, teen pregnancy, poor vision and a lack of breakfast. “It’s not a coincidence that children in the 5,000 lowest-performing schools are the same ones that experience the greatest health disparities,” he said.
    "Charles Basch, a professor of health education at Teachers College of Columbia University, presented highlights from his research on the relationship between student health and achievement. Basch's research identifies major health risks that have a negative impact on learning, including asthma, teen pregnancy, poor vision and a lack of breakfast. "It's not a coincidence that children in the 5,000 lowest-performing schools are the same ones that experience the greatest health disparities," he said."
Martin Burrett

Mental Health Is 'Everyone's Business' by @MrsRuthStacey1 - 0 views

    "We all have mental health. Talk around mental health should be high priority in schools and we have to start with ourselves, realising that mental health is a continuum; it is not static. Positive mental health is a gift, one that should not be taken for granted, and wellbeing is something that needs to be worked at, just like physical health. "
Martin Burrett

Teachers and other school-based professionals can treat children's mental health problems - 0 views

    "School-based services delivered by teachers and other school-based professionals can help reduce mental health problems in elementary-aged children, reports a study published in the March 2018 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP). "Given the limited accessibility of traditional mental health services for children-particularly for children from minority and economically disadvantaged backgrounds-school-based mental health services are a tremendous vehicle for overcoming barriers to mental health care and meaningfully expanding the reach of supports and services for so many children in need. Treating children in schools can powerfully overcome issues of cost, transportation, and stigma that typically restrict broad utilization of mental health services" said lead author Amanda Sanchez, MS, of the Center for Children and Families at Florida International University."
Ed Webb

The crisis of student mental health is much vaster than we realize - The Washington Post - 2 views

  • the CDC found nearly 45 percent of high school students were so persistently sad or hopeless in 2021 they were unable to engage in regular activities. Almost 1 in 5 seriously considered suicide, and 9 percent of the teenagers surveyed by the CDC tried to take their lives during the previous 12 months. A substantially larger percentage of gay, lesbian, bisexual, other and questioning students reported a suicide attempt
  • More than 230,000 U.S. students under 18 are believed to be mourning the ultimate loss: the death of a parent or primary caregiver in a pandemic-related loss, according to research by the CDC, Imperial College London, Harvard University, Oxford University and the University of Cape Town. In the United States, children of color were hit the hardest, another study found. It estimated that the loss for Black and Hispanic children was nearly twice the rate of White children.
  • Professional organizations recommend one school psychologist per 500 students, but the national average is one per 1,160 students, with some states approaching one per 5,000. Similarly, the recommended ratio of one school counselor per 250 students is not widespread. The national average: one per 415 students.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Seattle teachers who went on strike in September included a call for more mental health supports for students as one of their bargaining points. The strike settlement included part-time social workers at most schools
  • “We’ve seen increases in anxiety, disordered eating, suicidal ideation, OCD and many other mental health challenges,”
  • Last school year, nearly 40 percent of schools nationally reported increases in physical attacks or fights, and roughly 60 percent reported more disruptions in class because of student misconduct, according to federal data.
  • “School-based health centers fill a void, particularly in low-income communities,” said Robert Boyd, chief executive at the nonprofit School-Based health Alliance. “In rural communities, sometimes it’s the only provider around.”
  • school systems are expanding social-emotional learning intended to help students understand and regulate their emotions, develop positive relationships and face challenges. These lessons may be embedded in classes (say, a discussion of empathy related to characters in a novel) or they may come directly through an activity about, for instance, decision-making. In some parts of the country, social-emotional teachings are tangled up in the culture wars, particularly when material deals with gender and racial equity.
  • Critics see the excused days off as counterproductive for students who have already missed too much school, but supporters say the laws recognize the stressful reality of many students’ lives and elevate the stature of mental health so that it is comparable to physical health.
Martin Burrett

Being happy in Bradford via #BGShappiness - - 0 views

    "With a major focus on wellbeing and mental-health among many communities around the UK, staff and pupils at Bradford Grammar School are taking things one step further, with a 'Spotlight on Happiness' focusing on actions that can improve the mental resilience of all. In tandem with the England government's pledge of £1.25 billion to improve children and young people's mental health services, the Department of health and NHS England published 'Future in mind', with a proposal to encourage schools to continue to develop 'whole school approaches' to promoting emotional well-being and mental health."
yc c

Better Health Channel image library - 8 views

    • yc c
      Copyright in this website (including content and design) is owned by the State of Victoria or used under licence. You may make limited copies of this website in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), including copies for research, study, criticism, review or news reporting. You may not publish, reproduce, adapt, modify, communicate or otherwise use any part of this website (in particular for commercial purposes).
    Nice mediacl infographies. The Better Health Channel website was founded in 1999 by the Victorian Government, Australia as a consumer Health information website for the Victorian community. It is now Australia's most popular Health and medical website. The site's aim has always been to provide free Health and medical information in an easy to understand format and language.
Vicki Davis

Project Heart by Texas Heart Institute | Heart Smart Health Education - 3 views

    Health teachers will love this site for kids. If you have a rainy day and have access to some computers, this would be a great place for activities. As we emphasize Health, we should seek out engaging content in this area. This site is free. Love it. "The multi-award winning program is focused on teaching the basics of cardiovascular Health, including anatomy, nutrition, and exercise, by offering comprehensive curriculum materials to teachers and a site just for elementary school children to explore. The curriculum was developed as part of our mission to educate the public in a collaborative effort with medical professionals and certified teachers.  Project Heart is completely free to use and free of advertisements. It is also fully translated into Spanish. 
Vicki Davis

Young Epidemiology Scholars Competition - 1 views

    Guidance Counselor Alert: "The YES Competition was established in 2003 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the College Board to inspire talented high school students to apply epidemiological methods to the investigation of public health issues and, ultimately, encourage the brightest young minds to enter the field of public health. The Young Epidemiology Scholars (YES) Competition, the nation's leading public health competition for high school students, has opened the application process for its 2010-11 Competition. The online registration, guidelines and a new YES project guide are now available online at The deadline for entries is 9 AM EST, February 1, 2011." I do wish that they would have multimedia as a part of this competition as some of the best competitions out there engage this medium. However, this is something that those going into health should look into.
Vicki Davis

NY City swine flu victim widow plans $40 mln suit | Health | Reuters - 0 views

    If your school doesn't have the health department to come in and brief your teachers - you are not only risking health but also something like this. The city of New York is being sued with a wrongful death suit for not addressing H1N1 in their school more proactively. Call your health department and get a 20 minute session on it - it should be free and you'll be responsibility. Do it because it is the right thing and not because you'll be sued (although that is a risk.)
Martin Burrett

Managerialism in UK schools erodes teachers' mental health and well-being - 1 views

    "Performance targets, increased workload, curriculum changes and other bureaucratic changes are eroding teachers' professional identity and harming their mental health, a new study in Educational Review finds. The study's authors interviewed 39 teachers across England and Wales who had experienced long term absence from work due to mental health problems, and six head, deputy and assistant head teachers who had dealt with mental health problems among staff."
yc c - Bringing Health to Life - 24 views

    TheVisualMD site offers a rich, visual experience to learn, understand, and interact with health content on the Internet.TheVisualMD is brought to you by Anatomical Travelogue, LLC. Anatomical Travelogue, LLC is a medical imaging research and media production company based in New York City. Our unique 3D visuals are the foundation and signature of all Anatomical Travelogue products, including books, websites, TV shows, and museum exhibits. We use the visuals to tell stories and educate the public on topics and issues related to health and wellness. Our visuals are produced using real human data from a variety of medical scans - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT) ultrasound, and confocal laser scans. The data is collected, digitized, and recompiled using volume-visualization software. These volumes and virtual models are dissected, repositioned, colorized, and texturized as necessary to bring them to life. This website contains advice and information relating to health care. It is not intended to replace medical advice and should be used to supplement rather than replace regular care by your doctor. It is recommended that you seek your physician's advice before embarking on any medical program or treatment.
Maggie Verster

Making Health Games Fun- Kids Nutrition and Exercise Games for Health - 15 views

    Health games don't have to be boring. Download our gameplay guides, classroom activities, worksheets, and student assessments.
    Health games don't have to be boring. Download our gameplay guides, classroom activities, worksheets, and student assessments.
Martin Burrett

Are you a Healthy Teacher? - 1 views

    "Teachers are notorious for ignoring health concerns and just carrying on. From teaching with a high fever, and soldiering on with 4 hours of sleep, teachers often put their health at risk. But done this make teachers more productive, or less?"
Vicki Davis

3 Factors Detrimental To Obesity-Related Heart Disease - 1 views

    With 1.4 billion adults over age 20 who are obese, these are things we should educate everyone about. Great information for a health or biology class and also for teachers to read as we think about our own health in a very high pressure job. "High blood pressure, serum cholesterol and blood glucose explain approximately 50% of the increased risk of heart disease and three-quarters of the increased risk of stroke among overweight or obese individuals, according to a new study published in the journal The Lancet."
Vicki Davis

Google Health - 0 views

    Google health - a new place to organize your medical records. Wow! This is new. I wonder if anyone has used this.
    Google health - cool to explore
Vicki Davis

Welcome to Blue Zones Community - 1 views

    Here is some information on the blue zones project that some of you may be interested in participating - I received this over email today: "2009 Blue Zones Quest Fact Sheet Program Name Blue Zones Quest Description Dan Buettner leads the third of four annual expeditions to the world's longevity hotspots, called Blue Zones. Under the direction of an online student audience, the team unlocks the secrets of longevity and gives students a cross-cultural recipe of the world's best health and lifestyle practices. Location Northern Aegean Sea. The island name will be announced in January, 2009. Date April 20-May 1, 2009 Targeted Audience Students of all ages Features Blue Zones Challenge, which teams students, parents and educators in a month-long program of healthy habits. Blue Zones Legacy Project in which students interview long-lived "super seniors" and share information with scientists (optional) Free Curriculum guide of activities for grades 4-8 Daily online delivery of dispatches, videos and photos Educators Web section with online classroom resources Evidence Tracker worksheet for tracking quest clues Sponsors & Partners Davisco Foods International, Inc. National Geographic Society National Institute on Aging University of Minnesota School of Public health"
Maggie Verster

Advocates For Youth - 2 views

    "Advocates for Youth champions efforts to help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates believes it can best serve the field by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolescent sexual health. "
Vicki Davis

Take the Don't Fry Day Pledge | SunWise | US EPA - 4 views

    If you discuss sun protection in your health program - here is some information for you. I had skin cancer removed when I wasn't even 30 yet! Skin Cancer has been an issue in my family and I hope you discuss this with kids. Here is information from my inbox. "With the UV Index on the rise, it's time to remind your students to Slip! Slop! Slap! and Wrap! In our effort to raise awareness about a health issue that is largely preventable and too often ignored-skin cancer, EPA encourages you to promote sun safety before the second annual Don't Fry Day on the Friday before Memorial Day (May 28, 2010). As millions of us prepare to enjoy the great outdoors this Memorial Day weekend, EPA and the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention are reminding Americans to practice sun-safe behaviors. We need your help; go online and pledge to incorporate sun safety into your spring and summer activities. Take the Pledge: Participating classrooms and informal education organizations will receive a Don't Fry Day poster and a set of sun safety stickers. The stickers feature SunWise animals showing children how to Slip! Slop! Slap! and Wrap! Additionally, you will be entered into a random drawing for a SunWise Prize Pack. The prize pack includes a set of UV-sensitive beads, a real-time UV monitor, UV-sensitive nail polish and other sun safety resources. To learn more about Don't Fry Day, visit the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention's Don't Fry Day resource page,, where you can find background information, skin cancer statistics and facts, and public service announcements you can put in your school's newsletter or distribute electronically to parents."
Martin Burrett

Research: Teens who were severely bullied as children at higher risk of suicidal thoughts, mental health issue - 0 views

    "Teens who were severely bullied as children by peers are at higher risk of mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts and behaviours, according to new research in CMAJ(Canadian Medical Association Journal). "Our findings showed a general tendency, in about 15% of the children, of being exposed to the most severe levels of victimization from the beginning of their education until the transition to high school," writes Dr. Marie-Claude Geoffroy, McGill Group for Suicide Studies, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, with coauthors. "Those children were at greater risk of debilitating depressive/dysthymic symptoms or anxiety and of suicidality in adolescence than less severely victimised children, even after we accounted for a plethora of confounders assessed throughout childhood.""
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