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Vicki Davis

Google Opens Google+ to Teens | News & Opinion | - 4 views

    Interestingly, if a stranger joins a hangout, google will kick a teen user off their own hangout. Anyone who is 13 and up can now use Google plus. "Google said Thursday that it is opening up its Google+ social network to teens 13 and over, while rolling out new protections for those teens who join."
    Not exactly kicking them off, their camera will be turned off and mic muted if someone that is not in their circles joins a hangout. The teens have the choice to continue back in the hangout if they want to. Pretty powerful tool for them to have. From the Google Safety Center: Hangouts are a great way to connect with other people face to face to face. Just like in real life, you can decide which people you want to chat with. However, sometimes someone joins a conversation that you don't want to chat with (also like real life). So when someone outside your circles joins a Hangout, we'll pull you out and ask if you want to continue. This gives you a safe and easy way to leave the conversation without having to interact with the new attendee first. At the same time, this still gives you the ability to stay if the new person is someone you want to chat with, but you haven't added to circles yet.
Vicki Davis

How to Use Hangouts in the Classroom - EdTechReview™ (ETR) - 0 views

    How to use Google Hangouts in the Classroom. Now that you can segment participation and let certain groups of students and educators participate in Google Plus, this is becoming a popular method of connecting classrooms. I'm setting up Google Hangouts on Air to record and send to the class YouTube channel to share conversations with guests and let those students who missed the day join in. I am also going to use these recordings as part of flipped classroom modules as I learn about using Sophia for flipping my classroom.
Vicki Davis

Get started with Hangouts On Air - Google+ Help - 10 views

    If you want to record your Google hangouts and post to your YouTube channel, you need to get started with "hangouts on Air." HEre's the page to get you started. Note that Google plus isn't available for Apps for education so you'll need to use your personal or another gmail account with a Google plus profile if you want to record and share your class hangouts.
Vicki Davis

Hangout With Explorers of Land, Sea, and Sky on Earth Day - News Watch - 7 views

    Science and elementary teachers CAN'TMISS THIS. Every hour on earthday will mark another hangout by National Geographic with scientists and all kidsof amazing people. Get in on this! This is one of those things to forward!! 'This year National Geographic celebrates its 125th anniversary and a long legacy of exploration, conservation, and research. Every hour of every day, National Geographic explorers take to land, sea, and sky (each frontier represented by a colored band on National Geographic's historic flag) trying to uncover, understand, or help care for the world around us.
Vicki Davis

Obama to do national 'Google+ Hangout' - 7 views

    Obama will do a "Presidential Hangout Roadtrip" as he has a "virtual whistlestop tour" - wondering if Skype will howl at this one. ;-) One thing is for sure, more people will activate their Google Plus handles trying to get in on the action.
Vicki Davis

Optimize your network for Hangouts - Google Apps Administrator Help - 4 views

    Having problems with Google hangout? Send this information to your network administrator with port information for the firewall that they'll need to know.
Vicki Davis

How to Use Google+ Hangouts for Teaching: 8 Steps - wikiHow - 13 views

    Nice examples and instructions if you're wanting to use Google Hangouts for Teaching and flattening your classroom.
Vicki Davis

3 Easy Ways to Create A Google Plus Hangout with Your Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 4 views

    An excellent point by point (with screenshots) how-to guide perfect for those using Google Hangouts in the classroom from Educators
Vicki Davis

Free group video calls on Skype for Educators - 18 views

    Teachers can apply for FREE group video calling to use it in the classroom. Many were moving to Google Hangouts because you can use 10 at a time, but now you can do it on skype if you're an educator. APPLY NOW, while you can.
Vicki Davis

Penn-Finn Learnings 2013: A Journey of Inquiry | Edutopia - 0 views

    I love this trip that is happening in Finland, especially the transparency. I'm going to be "hanging out" with some of those in Finland in the hangout on Wednesday. You can look at what they are doing and how they are traveling and sharing. I think more information-gathering trips should be this transparent. "Doctoral learners from the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education will spend a "week in the schools" -- the schools of Helsinki, that is -- looking at a variety of research areas through the lenses of students, teachers, parents and leaders. These lead learners will use that week to reflect upon where the United States and Finland agree and disagree on core beliefs surrounding teaching, learning and leadership."
Vicki Davis

Mrs. Pickrell's Technology Adventure | I'm going on a technology adventure! Let's get global! - 6 views

    "While I did enjoy David Burgess' Teach Like a Pirate, and the hangout that she shared with us, I'll admit… it made me kind of sad.  Not because of the content itself!  But because of the hard memories it brought up.  I used to teach creatively and encourage innovation in my classroom like that.  When I graduated college, I was chock full of ideas and adored hands-on learning.  But my communication skills was parents was very weak and my administrator was a frustrated man who decided his best way of control was micromanaging.  It's a bit of a long story, but the end result is I was knocked down to stop being creative; to just follow the curriculum and to push worksheets. " Wow. As I read this teacher from Dr. Lee Graham's class (they are in gamifi-ed with my students) I'm so touched by how the teacher helps us feel what is happening to TOO MANY TEACHERS. Too many teachers are being pushed down to teach the wrong way. Worksheet wonders and we wonder why no one loves to learn. This is sad and must change. I hope you'll comment.
Vicki Davis

Bartle's Taxonomy of Player Types (And Why It Doesn't Apply to Everything) - Tuts+ Game Development Article - 1 views

    LIstening to Lauren Ferro talk about Gamer Types and how it relates to designing games for education in the OOC Hangout now. #gamifi-ed - Great article to read about this. They are relating player types to personality types as they design games. The four main types are :killers, achievers, explorers, and socializers. This is fascinating.
Vicki Davis

Google Connected Classrooms - 3 views

    Connected Classroom - virtual field trips on Google+
    Coming up this week is a book club with +Roald Dahl and a hangout with a Google Doodler at the Connected Classrooms Field Trips space by Google.
Vicki Davis

Google Moderator - 1 views

    IF you use Google Hangouts, you'll want to check out Google moderator which lets you ask questions and people can suggest answers and vote up answers. You can use this in class as well.
Vicki Davis

Official Blog: Google+: Explore the world, right from the classroom - 1 views

    Google has a connected Classrooms initiative providing virtual field trips via Google Plus and Google Hangouts. Here are the details from the official Google Blog on how to join in.
Vicki Davis

The Mystery Skype Call - 2 views

    Here's a vimeo about how Mrs.Yollis Mystery skypes with her third graders including responsibilities of each person during the call.This can be used with Google Hangouts. Thank you Sylvia Martinez for sharing and putting this helpful video together.
Martin Burrett

Scoot & Doodle - 16 views

    A wonderful collaborative real-time drawing space which connects to your Google Plus account, allowing you to illustrate, explain and teach remotely across the world.
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