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Vicki Davis

Mrs. McConnell's Blog: My Top 12 Reflections on 2012 pt. 1 - 4 views

    Sandy McConnell has created a nice set of reflections for 2012, something I think all admins should want their teachers to do, where she shared her views, what she has done, and how she's improved. Such retrospection on a year is a powerful way to mark learning and remember. She's done so many things, but particularly I like how she didn't let the fact that she was temporarily laid off stop her from learning and moving forward. IF you're having a tough time, you might want to read what Sandy is and has done. She inspires me. Wow. I"ll link to all of her sets, because I"d like you to read them all.
Vicki Davis

PDF ePortfolios, assessment, and administrative productivity . Pages . Adobe Education Exchange - 7 views

    One of the things I have as my "big three" this year is the concept of a paperless portfolio using adobe acrobat pro. I'm a member of Adobe ed exchange and am using it to find all kinds of great resources. This page has links to best practices for eportfolios, digital assessment, as well as streamlining admin tasks. Useful resources. The cool thing is you can annotate with video, audio, an text and pdfs move very well onto ipads and devices like that.
Martin Burrett

Pora Ora : The Online 3D Educational Game for Children - 13 views

    This is a MUST TRY site. It's not often that I'm amazed be an educational resource, but I am with this one. Pora Ora is a stunning educational virtual world for Primary school aged students. Play truely fun educational games which practise skills in English, maths and many other subjects. The graphics and useably is superb. Online safety is at the heart of this site. The parential admin account can set the student's account to free chat with everyone to completely locked down where they have the world to themselves and everything in between. The site has a language filter and users can report any incidents of trouble. Also, the first task requires the user to complete an online safety task. The site is free with a few premium features coming out later. You have got to try this one!
Dave Truss

ISTE NETS e-Portfolio Templates - 23 views

    ISTE's National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers Admin Students
Dave Truss

Education World ® Administrators Center: Morning Meetings in Middle School: An Elementary Ritual Grows Up - 0 views

    more and more middle schools are finding that this social experience is just, if not more, important in upper grades. Navigating the stormy seas of adolescence, kids in middle school crave the community and camaraderie that the morning meeting provides.
Brett Campbell

Former 'No Child Left Behind' Advocate Turns Critic : NPR - 4 views

    book promotion: NCLB failed, parents didn't want choice students avoided tutoring (longer school day) Admin gamed the system or outrighted cheated state officials lowered standards
Martin Burrett - 1 views

    It has changed the very essence of daily life and revolutionised the way we work, play and interact. But has technology reached its full learning potential in the classroom? The picture seems mixed. While there is no doubt that technology has changed the admin of teaching, in lessons, technology is often still seen as an add-on or a simple replacement for traditional methods, rather than enhancing learning. But integrating technology into your teaching has so much more to offer.
Martin Burrett

Reflective Teaching: Looking Back To Move Forward - 1 views

    "Reflecting on what has been learnt (or not learnt) is vital for our pupils to know where to focus their efforts next. In the same way, reflecting upon one's teaching craft is vital to improvement. Yet too many of us feel we do not have time to reflect because we have to move onto the next lesson or admin task. How can we create the time to pick apart our lessons and what are the best methods to do so?"
Martin Burrett

Marking: Why, What and How? by @RichardJARogers - 2 views

    "As a PGCE Student going through two school placements in North Wales back in 2005, I found it hard to keep up with daily admin. Just planning lessons and trying to deliver stimulating content and keeping the students engaged throughout, was challenging enough. Marking: I dreaded it, and found it almost impossible to fit it into my weekly regimen of teaching, planning and completing assignments for university."
Dave Truss

What should a networked educational leader tweet about? - 14 views

    A question that I have received from many educators/administrators is what could I possibly share on Twitter.  Although this is not the "definitive" guideline below, I would love to share my thoughts on what you should tweet
Vicki Davis

9 Ways to Start the 9AM Meeting On Time | Time Management Ninja - 9 views

    I wish every leader who runs any meeting would read this post about how to start a meeting on time. It isn't that hard to start meetings on time but it does require STARTING ON TIME. Even when people are late. Please read and apply, as a former manager myself - these tricks work.
Dave Truss

Technological Literacy « Sean Banville's Blog - 13 views

  • Ten “buts” that need to disappear These have all entered my head over the past 16 years, since the time I didn’t know where the on button was on my school’s first Mac. They get in the way of my technological literacy, but shouldn’t. I’ve added just one piece of advice to each.
    Two questions sprang to mind upon reading Tom's words: 1. How literate / illiterate am I? 2. How literate do we need to be?
Dave Truss

The Longest Snipe Hunt in History | - 9 views

    To thrive in the 21st century, what can you do? There are several workable actions that any school leader can take starting right now:
Ed Webb

Princeton U. Decides to Shut Down Online Collection of Policy Videos - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 3 views

  • The University Channel Web site will shut down on November 3
  • Princeton (and other universities) can upload these videos onto their channel on YouTube (regular and .edu), which would actually make them available to a wider audience. They can also leverage their other social media channels (e.g., Twitter, Facebook and even their website) to promote the videos periodically. Rather than viewing this as a loss, I see this as a pragmatic, digital-era cost-saving measure that can also increase the opportunities to share this valuable content.
  • Articles like this aren't very helpful unless they provide readers key data, such as the yearly budget for running this sort of operation, and the traffic the service generated. Other information, such as why there are budget problems would be helpful.If there was little interest in this service, then paying for servers and bandwidth makes little sense. On the other hand, if there was a lot of interest, then finding alternative funding would seem to be something that Admins should be requested to do.Youtube is getting about 5B hits a month, so somebody is watching video out there.
Dave Truss

Alberta Education - Technology in Schools - 5 views

    The Implementing One-to-One Laptop Learning in Alberta's Schools resource is available online. This support resource and the accompanying summary document are gudes for implementing a one-to-one program with advice from the participants of the Emerge One-to-One Laptop Learning Initiative.
Dave Truss

10 things teachers should unlearn… « What Ed Said - 36 views

    ...In my opinion, all of the above are outdated ideas. I won't elaborate at the moment, as I'd rather have your input! Which ones do you agree with? Disagree? Challenge? Question?
Dave Truss

Teachers Headline Capitol Hill Event on Digital Media & Writing -- WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- - 0 views

    The report makes three recommendations to meet the challenges of teaching and learning in the digital age - at all levels of education - including: * 1-1, pro-d, & info tech policy/infrastructure/support
Dave Truss

FedEx Prep: Time for Innovation | Connected Principals - 2 views

    # I will provide you with an extra prep per week ("A Fed Ex Prep") for 6 straight weeks. This would be prep-free for you as I would prep whichever subject the you would like. The time is also negotiable (ie. if you would rather have 2 periods a week for 3 weeks). # This time will be self-directed to ANYTHING you want with the only goal that you must DELIVER your ideas.
Dave Truss

My TEDx Experience « Chris Kennedy & Students Live! Olympic Reporters - 12 views

    "It was hard! As a teacher, I think sometimes we say that technology is going to make teaching easier. It's not. It's going to make it different."
Dave Truss

Remote Access: I'm Done with Edtech - 0 views

    Not about the tech or the tools, it's about the learning!
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