member since 2009-10-26
member since 2009-06-27
member since 2007-11-23
Cara Whitehead
Instructional Specialist, National Board Certified Teacher in Literacy, Social Media Promoter for VocabularySpellingCity http://www.spellingcity.com , Promethean ActivInstructor and Social Media Council Member, avid Twitterer @WhiteheadsClass, author of Teaching...My Calling http://teachingmycalli...
member since 2011-03-20
Nedra Isenberg
I'm in my 26th year of teaching. I'm a first year reading teacher working with first and second grade students. I'm working hard to incorporate as much tech as possible into my lessons.
member since 2008-03-26
Learning Today
Learning Today is a leading provider of Internet based, reading & math instruction targeted at the K-5 marketplace, focusing on the “At Risk School/Student” segment.
member since 2010-03-16
member since 2008-01-08
Jeff Johnson
I have been a Professional Services Engineer (PSE) with JAMF Software since 2012. Prior to that, I was a K-12 technology coordinator/director in three different school districts between 1996 and 2012 and a middle and high school science/chemistry teacher from 1983 to 1996. I like dogs, photograph...
member since 2008-05-18
Natalie Stewart
Grad student of business,writer,love traveling to exotic places and meeting new people. Friend me on Facebook: facebook.com/NatalieStewart24
member since 2012-05-17
member since 2011-09-30
member since 2009-06-25
member since 2009-08-17
member since 2011-03-07
facebook guru
Its about iPhone gives you first hand on iPhone features, its software, and the technology running smartphones. Moving on from iPhone apps and accessories.
member since 2010-08-25
member since 2011-05-31
Doughlas David
Traindriver.org.uk has been to created to help those who want to become a train driver or obtain a job working for the train service.
member since 2012-03-01
member since 2009-07-12
Dan Sherman
I represent TenMarks, a company passionate for K12 education, and on a mission to build a stronger foundation and a stronger future for all children.
member since 2010-10-18
edutopia .org
Our mission is to improve the K-12 learning process by documenting, disseminating, and advocating for innovative, replicable strategies that prepare students to thrive in their future education, careers, and adult lives.
member since 2011-08-26
darren mccarty
I love to find new technology tips for my 11th grade U.S. History classroom. I have been teaching for 13 years in the great state of New York. I have created a website that allows teachers to create interactive games for their students. Please check out http://www.bubbabrain.com.
member since 2010-01-10
Group Members
1000 members total, 14 receiving alerts immediately, 657 receiving alerts daily, and 152 receiving alerts weekly.