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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Nicole Green

Nicole Green

TeachersFirst Search Results - 2 views

    • Nicole Green
     spelling resources
Nicole Green

Kidlink :: Kidspace - 0 views

  • Welcome!  This is an ongoing project since the year 2000.  Students are welcome to join us at any time of the school year. Welcome to our multi-lingual, KIDPROJ, long term project about grandmothers around the world! Join us as we celebrate across cultures, languages and generations. Students of all ages through secondary school are invited to participate. Students from around the world are encouraged to tell everyone the word for grandmother in their language, the name they call their grandmother, ways they spend time (or did spend time) with their grandmother and why she is very special. Each month there are specific topics for discussion. You can see the topics here:
    • Nicole Green
      Kidlink Grandmother and me project. Good resource for social studies and technology
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