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Neu im Mobla Blog: Grundrauschen 1 - 0 views

    Der Schrecken der Normalität ist uns nicht bewusst. Dabei liegt gerade im flüchtigen Alltag ein großer Grusel und ein noch größeres Drama. Wenn das Kleine sich zu einem Monster aufschwingt entstehen die Geschichten von denen Mobla berichtet. Hier der erste Teil:

Neu im Mobla Blog: Kraftgebet - 0 views

    Wenn die Krankheit die Seele zerreißt, dann kann das grenzenlose Vertrauen in eine unbekannte Kraft den Glauben wecken und zur Gesundheit führen. Die Hilfe liegt in uns. Dieses Gedicht versucht das Unglaubliche in Worte zu fassen.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Dämmerung - 0 views

    Im Zwielicht kann man ziemlich gut sehen, man muss nur ordentlich seine Augen zu machen. Mehr dazu liest sich aus dem neuen Gedicht im Mobla Blog.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Die gute Vernichtung - 0 views

    Um nichts zu verstehen muss das hier gelesen werden. Das hier darf nicht gelesen werden denn nur dann ist ein Verständnis möglich. Die Welt der Gegensätze wurde in dieses Gedicht eingeschlossen.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Ruhende Ordnung - 0 views

    Hier zeigen wir dir den Weg hin zu einer Rettung die dein Leben verändert, deinen Schmerz lindert und dein Wissen erweitert. Das neue Gedicht von Mobla fasst alles zusammen.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Schlapphut im Fjord 2 - 0 views

    Eine bedrückende Kurzgeschichte: Was würdest du tun wenn auf deinen Rücken ein Wesen festgebunden ist das dich mit Peitschenhieben immer weiter treibt. Überleg es dir gut, du bist schon in der Situation. Lies den zweiten Teil im Mobla Blog.
Florence Dujardin

Web Content Analysis: Expanding the Paradigm - 0 views

    Are established methods of content analysis (CA) adequate to analyze web content, or should new methods be devised to address new technological developments? This article addresses this question by contrasting narrow and broad interpretations of the concept of web content analysis. The utility of a broad interpretation that subsumes the narrow one is then illustrated with reference to research on weblogs (blogs), a popular web format in which features of HTML documents and interactive computer-mediated communication converge. The article concludes by proposing an expanded Web Content Analysis (WebCA) paradigm in which insights from paradigms such as discourse analysis and social network analysis are operationalized and implemented within a general content analytic framework.
Florence Dujardin

Unrestricted student blogging: Implications for active learning in a virtual text-based... - 0 views

    Realizing the potential for web-based communication provides a challenge for educators. The purpose here is to report students' behavioural and cognitive strategies for active learning when using an unrestricted blog in an academic context. This provides insight into how students are making sense of the incorporation of Web 2.0 technology into higher education. An analytical framework was created to investigate the willingness and competence of students to engage in the social and virtual construction of knowledge. The analysis indicated that, while the students appear to have wanted to complete the task efficiently, the process of critically constructing knowledge was not pursued with vigour. The main implication is therefore that students need to either prepare themselves or be prepared by educators to combine their informal experience of communication technology with academic requirements for actively constructing knowledge in virtual environments.
vacglobaleducat - 0 views

    VAC Global Education is the best IELTS coaching in Delhi and provide best training to the students who wants to go to the Australia, New Zealand and Canada. We provide such training which helps you to get 8+ Bands in IELTS exam and also helps during academic. There are few questions which asked in IELTS exam recently read all the blogs.

CodeAvail-Blog: How to Hire someone to do my Statistics Homework for Me? - 0 views

    Must Read this blog to know how to get statistics homework help and to get instant statistics homework help from our experts

Where can I get help with My Programming Assignment Help in Australia? :CodeAvail - 0 views

    Must Read to Know Where You can get an affordable Programming Assignment in Australia.

Where can I get help with My Programming Assignment Help in Australia? - Computer Scien... - 0 views

    Must Read to Know Where You can get an affordable Programming Assignment in Australia.

Who provides the best assignment help for C programming? :CodeAvail - 0 views

    Codeavail provides an online C programming assignment help on any topic or concept related to the C programming. Codeavail has qualified and expert tutors who provide the best programming assignment help to students from all over the world. The tutors at codeavail are available round the clock to help students with their C programming assignments in different time zones.

Score High Know How to make Java Programming Assignment :CodeAvail - 0 views

    Score High Know How to make Java Programming Assignment with the help of our experts. Our experts also provide you the best Java programming assignment help at the lowest cost.
vacglobaleducat - 0 views

    1. Read the questions first and then answer them. It is very much essential that you first read the questions and then answer them by reading the passage and it is very much important to understand the crux of the passage. 2. Infuse vocabulary in your essays smartly. It is very much important that you in cooperate appropriate vocabulary in your essays and better not to use any vague or unnecessary vocabulary words.

How to find the best C++ Programming Homework Help service - 0 views

    Must read this blog to know how to find the best C++ programming homework help service at the lowest cost within a given time. Score higher in your Homework Submit your programming homework details or queries now

4 Mistakes to Avoid in PTE Academic - 0 views

    VAC Global Education provide best PTE coaching in Noida, West Delhi, Patel Nagar etc. There is a blog which give you some tips about PTE academic by VAC Global Education. Read all blog and aware 4 mistakes to avoid in PTE academic.
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