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touch screen power meter - 0 views

    Power Meter Touch Screen Acrel's touch screen power meter boasts a sleek and intuitive interface that allows users to conveniently access real-time energy data with just a touch. The vibrant display exhibits essential information such as voltage, current, power factor, and energy consumption, enabling users to monitor their energy usage and make informed decisions. Gone are the days of tedious calculations and complex readings; Acrel's touch screen power meter simplifies the process, ensuring accurate and effortless energy monitoring.
    Acrel's touch screen power meter boasts a sleek and intuitive interface that allows users to conveniently access real-time energy data with just a touch. The vibrant display exhibits essential information such as voltage, current, power factor, and energy consumption, enabling users to monitor their energy usage and make informed decisions. Gone are the days of tedious calculations and complex readings; Acrel's touch screen power meter simplifies the process, ensuring accurate and effortless energy monitoring.
Eloise Pasteur

TidalBlog: SL is for "People with some spare time"... - 0 views

  • ... according to an otherwise nice article (pdf) on media for science communication in the latest Society for General Microbiology's Microbiology Today. The author makes use of SL for professional purposes so is very much entitled to her opinion.
  • Of course, the mission of the CDC isn't to produce microbiology sims for use by UK teachers (though the mission of the sim isn't actually explained anywhere so I could be wrong). However, in addition to a conference centre there are some virtual labs where you can get a hazmat suit (no hazard warning signs anywhere though so presumably no need to wear?), sit at a microscope and look at some slides. The slides and adjacent equipment are not explained or apparently part of any theme or quest. There are a few computers, including one linked to the NHS website for no obvious reason (some reuse, perhaps?).Indeed, much of the open air part of the site seems to act as an interface, via signs, to the CDC website (so why not just go there?). A slightly better touch is a circular path that documents the various awareness themes for the calendar year and this appears to link into a bracelet. There are some bots with no obvious function. Compared to the adjacent Healthinfo Island, it is (i) much more polished, (ii) much less engaging.
  • However, it would still seem that neither the SGM nor CDC "get" virtual worlds in any meaningful way yet.
    Rant about, and comment on SGM article about Second Life, podcasting and web 2.0

data center power monitoring - 0 views

    It is necessary to real-time monitor and centralize power consumption in data center and data can be displayed on HMI,and uploaded to the power and environment monitoring system by RS485 on touch screen and realize real-time monitoring of whole power distribution system. At the same time, it can realize energy efficiency analysis to reduce energy consumption.
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