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Eloise Pasteur

Net Gen Nonsense: More Mythbusting Evidence - 0 views

  • Two British researchers have just completed a study of undergraduate students that found "many young students are far from being the epitomic global, connected, socially-networked technologically-fluent digital native who has little patience for passive and linear forms of learning."
  • Instead, the study found that students use a limited range of technologies for both formal and informal learning and that there is a "very low level of use and familiarity with collaborative knowledge creation tools such as wikis, virtual worlds, personal web publishing, and other emergent social technologies."
  • The study included a questionnaire survey of 160 students, followed up by in-depth interviews with 8 students and 8 staff members at both institutions. The findings show that many young students are far from being the epitomic global, connected, socially-networked technologically-fluent digital native who has little patience for passive and linear forms of learning. Students use a limited range of technologies for formal and informal learning. These are mainly established ICTs - institutional VLE, Google and Wikipedia and mobile phones. Students make limited, recreational use of social technologies such as media sharing tools and social networking. Findings point to a very low level of use and familiarity with collaborative knowledge creation tools such as wikis, virtual worlds, personal web publishing, and other emergent social technologies.
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  • The study did not find evidence to support the claims regarding students adopting radically different patterns of knowledge creation and sharing suggested by some previous studies. This study reveals that students’ attitudes to learning appear to be influenced by the approaches adopted by their lecturers. Far from demanding lecturers change their practice, students appear to conform to fairly traditional pedagogies, albeit with minor uses of technology tools that deliver content. In fact their expectations were that they would be “taught” in traditional ways – even though many of these students were engaged in courses that are viewed by these Universities as adopting innovative approaches to technology-enhanced learning.
    The myth of the google generation and how they learn
Vicki Davis

Skills and Strategies | Doodling, Sketching and 'Mind Mapping' as Learning Tools - The ... - 24 views

Eloise Pasteur

Gamasutra - Analysis: Games Create 'Passion Communities' For Learning - 0 views

  • Gee sees the current U.S. educational system as inadequate to the task of addressing the problems of an increasingly complex world. He stated that “21st century learning must be about understanding complex systems,” and he believes many video games do a better job at this than the antiquated sender-receiver teaching model that dominates American classrooms.
  • Gee sees two separate educational systems operating today: one a traditional approach to learning; the other what Gee calls “passion communities.” In Gee's view, the latter produce real knowledge. Video games, virtual worlds and online social networks provide environments in which these passion communities can form and thrive
  • Passion communities encourage and enable people of all ages to do extraordinary things. Gee believes the 'amateur knowledge' that arises from this immersive involvement often surpasses 'expert knowledge,' and cited fantasy baseball as an example. The boundaries between the 'fantasy' game and the 'real' game have been blurred because fantasy players' expertise in statistical analysis has had a measurable impact on how MLB teams evaluate players.
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  • Passion communities exist, according to Gee, to “give people status and control, not always money.” He recounted the story of a young girl who began making clothes for her Sims characters. When she wanted more textures than the game provided, she taught herself to use Photoshop to create her own. Eventually, she moved to Second Life and began selling her own original designs. When asked if she planned to pursue her interest in fashion, she said no. “I want to work with computers because they give you power.”
  • “This is an alternative learning system that teaches more effectively than most schools,” Gee observed. “We need to learn how to organize a learning, passion system community. Game designers know how to do this.”
  • “Education isn't about telling people stuff, it's about giving them tools that enable them to see the world in a new and useful way.”
  • Gee sees broad implications for students in this regard. “Give students smart tools and let them use them and modify them to suit their purposes.” Such self-motivated learning moves students away from merely consuming knowledge and encourages them to produce knowledge and apply it in meaningful ways.
  • Gee clearly situates video games within an overall theory of learning and literacy with genuine power to transform students and equip them to address complex problems.
    Video games are better learning environments than traditional classrooms (to those on the "education in SL list, "Well, D'uh!") but still worth reading and thinking about. Derived from a lecture by Prof. Gee
Eloise Pasteur

Dusan Writer's Metaverse » Findings Published about Virtual Learning in Seco... - 0 views

  • Second Life and other virtual worlds can never fully replace in-class learning, but that virtual learning is reshaping what happens in the classroom and will be a valuable add-on learning tool in the future.
  • There are benefits in face–to–face education and in real physical presence that are difficult to achieve in other learning environments.
  • Education in Second Life is closer to face–to–face education than traditional methods in distance education that are based on asynchronous communication and two–dimensional media. Second Life provides options for multi-modality in communication (voice, chat, gestures, space) that make learning fun — always a desired outcome.
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  • the concept of interreality - the integration of physical and virtual worlds - is ‘an advantage in distance education, if it can bring distance education closer to face-to-face education.’
  • It is also worth noting that of the 30 students that participated, only a few had difficulty navigating through Second Life and most felt that it was superior to other Web-based learning environments.
    Quick summary of a paper about teaching IRL.

Elevate Your Networking Education with Cutting-Edge Packet Tracer Assignment Writing Help - 7 views

Thanks for sharing insights on Packet Tracer! Your Packet Tracer Assignment Writing Help is a reliable resource for students navigating the complexities of networking assignments.

#packettracerassignmenthelper #packettracer #education #latesttrends #education2023 #trendingnow #students

Eloise Pasteur

Drawing a Roadmap: Barriers and Challenges to Designing the Ideal Virtual World for Hig... - 0 views

  • So why should higher education be concerned about virtual worlds for those under eighteen? There are several reasons.
  • First, an increasing number of colleges and universities are enrolling students who are younger than eighteen.
  • Second, allowing interaction between high school and postsecondary students increases the potential for mentoring and outreach. As institutions become more competitive, many are trying to attract high school students earlier, sometimes starting when they are freshmen.
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  • Third, a secure multi-age virtual world would provide educators with a rich environment in which to study instructional practices.
  • Individuals using computer resources belonging to The University of Arizona must act in a responsible manner, in compliance with law and University policies, and with respect for the rights of others using a shared resource. The right of free expression and academic inquiry is tempered by the rights of others to privacy, freedom from intimidation or harassment, protection of intellectual property, ownership of data, and security of information.” Although this policy seems fairly straightforward, the ten “Acceptable Use Guidelines” meant to clarify this policy instead introduce confusion. For example, Guideline 3, which instructs the computer user to “clearly and accurately identify one's self in electronic communications,” adds: “Do not forge or misrepresent one's identity. Concealing or masking the identity of electronic communications such as altering the source of an email message by making it appear as if the message was sent by someone else is a violation of this policy.”14 So a student knows that altering the sender of an e-mail is against policy, but what about creating an avatar? And what about the faculty member who asks students to create an avatar with a totally fictitious name? Are the faculty member and the students in violation of this policy?
  • an instructional technologist at the University of Arizona,was supporting the implementation of Second Life in a General Education class. She was concerned about the interesting style of dress, or lack thereof, that is often seen in Second Life and felt she needed to develop a dress code for the virtual class.15 But when the vice-provost for instruction and I were discussing the process for modifying the current dress code of the university, we discovered that the university does not even have a dress code for everyday life.16
  • For example, at the University of Arizona, faculty have expressed frustration because they cannot learn how to sit down in virtual worlds or because they cannot figure out how to correctly set the hair on their avatar. Because of these frustrations, they tend not to invest the time needed to explore the world as an instructional resource. However, as the NMC’s Levine has pointed out: “In our first life, it generally takes us maybe eighteen years . . . to get to be fully functional adults. It’s an evolutionary process. A virtual world that had a short learning curve would be something not very interesting. So I think an ideal virtual world needs some of that complexity.”17 The challenge thus becomes how to select a virtual world that has the necessary complexity to keep users engaged while developing strategies and structures to support them as they learn.
  • Even more important is that if an institution wants to implement a virtual world of any type, it needs to convince faculty that the early adopters are, in fact, not all mad and that the tool does have value. Instruction may just be in a form with which the faculty is unfamiliar. Therefore the institution must begin by offering faculty, staff, and students the time and support to perform simple tasks like learning how to navigate the environment. Faculty must then be assisted in visualizing something outside of their understanding of what it means to be a teacher.
  • Perhaps as important as setting goals and providing resources is developing realistic assessments of the project’s success. For example, in a virtual world such as Second Life, what are the metrics that will be used to determine the institution’s return on investment?
    A thoughtful analysis of the education institution's barriers to engaging in Second Life or other virtual worlds.

What You Have To Know About Homeschooling - 1 views

Homeschooling can be a good way for your children to learn, but if they don't have a good teacher, then your homeschooling efforts will be worthless. A good teacher is one of the most important asp...

started by milesmorales on 14 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Eloise Pasteur

The Jigsaw Classroom: Overview of the Technique - 0 views

  • Here is how it works: The students in a history class, for example, are divided into small groups of five or six students each. Suppose their task is to learn about World War II. In one jigsaw group, Sara is responsible for researching Hitler's rise to power in pre-war Germany. Another member of the group, Steven, is assigned to cover concentration camps; Pedro is assigned Britain's role in the war; Melody is to research the contribution of the Soviet Union; Tyrone will handle Japan's entry into the war; Clara will read about the development of the atom bomb. Eventually each student will come back to her or his jigsaw group and will try to present a well-organized report to the group. The situation is specifically structured so that the only access any member has to the other five assignments is by listening closely to the report of the person reciting.
  • To increase the chances that each report will be accurate, the students doing the research do not immediately take it back to their jigsaw group. Instead, they meet first with students who have the identical assignment (one from each jigsaw group). For example, students assigned to the atom bomb topic meet as a team of specialists, gathering information, becoming experts on their topic, and rehearsing their presentations. We call this the "expert" group. It is particularly useful for students who might have initial difficulty learning or organizing their part of the assignment, for it allows them to hear and rehearse with other "experts."
  • What is the benefit of the jigsaw classroom? First and foremost, it is a remarkably efficient way to learn the material. But even more important, the jigsaw process encourages listening, engagement, and empathy by giving each member of the group an essential part to play in the academic activity. Group members must work together as a team to accomplish a common goal; each person depends on all the others. No student can succeed completely unless everyone works well together as a team. This "cooperation by design" facilitates interaction among all students in the class, leading them to value each other as contributors to their common task.
    The Jigsaw classroom can be applied to give structure to group work at any level with a bit of imagination and just might be a good tool to use in Second Life - it certainly rings many of the bells for good class practise that I can think of.

The Dry Erase Board: A Cool Tool For Learning - 0 views

The dry erase board or whiteboards as some know it has been a great help in providing knowledge to the youth today. It has many sizes to choose from and has always been the best tool for many mento...

started by milesmorales on 04 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Scott Kahler

Google Wave Preview - 0 views

    Check out the developer preview at Google I/O Google Wave is a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web, coming later this year. Watch the demo video below, sign up for updates and learn more about how to develop with Google Wave.
Eloise Pasteur

EDUCAUSE Review - Why IT Matters to Higher Education | EDUCAUSE CONNECT - 0 views

  • Virtual Worlds? “Outlook Good”
  • Virtual Worlds? “Outlook Good” AJ Kelton (“AJ Brooks”) Whether it is Second Life or another virtual world, this foundational movement is not going away. The question to be addressed in the coming months and years is how higher education and, subsequently, individual institutions will determine the best way to continue to move forward with virtual worlds.
  • Higher Education as Virtual Conversation Sarah Robbins-Bell (“Intellagirl Tully”) Virtual worlds can become an important tool in an educator’s arsenal. But using this tool requires a shift in thinking and an adjustment in pedagogical methods that will embrace the community, the fluid identity, and the participation—indeed, the increased conversation—that virtual spaces can provide.
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  • Educational Frontiers: Learning in a Virtual World Cynthia M. Calongne (“Lyr Lobo”) The use of virtual worlds expands on the campus-based and online classrooms, enhancing learning experiences. Classes in virtual worlds offer opportunities for visualization, simulation, enhanced social networks, and shared learning experiences.
  • Looking to the Future: Higher Education in the Metaverse Chris Collins (“Fleep Tuque”) Beyond the capabilities that virtual worlds offer us at the moment, it is the possibilities that we can imagine for the future that may be the most compelling. Virtual worlds technology, like the Internet in general, is changing the way we access and experience information and the way we can access and connect with each other.
  • Drawing a Roadmap: Barriers and Challenges to Designing the Ideal Virtual World for Higher Education Chris Johnson (“ScubaChris Wollongong”) When using a roadmap, one can take many different paths to reach a desired destination. Similarly, institutions can take many different turns along the road to implementing an ideal virtual world for higher education.
  • Alan Levine, New Media Consortium: The NMC Campus P. F. Anderson and Marc R. Stephens, University of Michigan: Wolverine Island Mary Anne Clark, Texas Wesleyan University: Genome Island Chris Collins and Ronald W. Millard, University of Cincinnati: Galapagos Islands in Second Life Ben Digman, University of Kansas Medical Center: KUMC Isle Larry Dugan, Finger Lakes Community College, and Terry Keys, Monroe Community College, SUNY LIVE Michael Gardner and John Scott, University of Essex, and Bernard Horan, Sun Microsystems: MiRTLE Adrienne Gauthier and Christopher Impey, University of Arizona: ASTR202, Exploring Life in the Universe Anne P. Massey, Indiana University, and Mitzi Montoya, North Carolina State University: Managing the Services Lifecycle Janet Nepkie, James Greenberg, and Harry E. Pence, State University of New York at Oneonta: SUNY Oneonta Music Project Ulrich Rauch, University of Trinidad and Tobago, and Tim Wang, Marvin Cohodas, and Negin Mirriahi, University of British Columbia: Arts Metaverse Beth Ritter-Guth, The Hotchkiss School, Laura Nicosia, Montclair State University, and Eloise Pasteur, Eloise Pasteur Educational Designs: Literature Alive!
    Articles in the EDUCAUSE Review on virtual worlds
James OReilly

Second Life - The Long Goodbye « That'SLife - 18 views

shared by James OReilly on 05 Sep 10 - Cached
amazonecho liked it
  • There comes a time when you have to admit you were wrong, or perhaps misguided, or simply that you were a little bit ‘out of time’, or perhaps – better said – that somebody let you down and maybe it wasn’t your fault. And this is one of those times, because it’s goodbye to Second Life for me, at least in its current incarnation – in terms of teaching and training – and I’d like to try and explain why…
  • the reason I did all this is not because I was convinced that SL was the future of education, but rather that I thought it was the future of the web (not SL, you’ll understand, more the notion of 3D)
  • here was still one thing that didn’t change – it was cripplingly difficult to get started with SL for the casual visitor (unlike, say, Skype or Adobe Connect) and the ‘first hour experience’ was terrible.
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  • you get a system which doesn’t lend itself to much use over and above the committed
  • On a scale of 1-100 I’d put SL at the 100 end of the scale in terms of people being willing to invest the time and effort…
  • The period in which I found myself having less time to invest in SL also coincided with the new viewer which brought HTML on a prim to SL and made a lot of tools (mine included) largely redundant. And I’m very happy about that – media is now much easier to use in SL, as is any web content, and this has changed the lives of many educators who now don’t have to fudge solutions in-world.
  • Of all the improvements (the changes to the forums, the blogs, the bloody shopping site and all the rest) why is it that the overall experience isn´t really that much better than it was two years ago?
  • I can’t help thinking I get more out of blogs and Twitter (in terms of professional development), and more out of other social platforms (and I’d include Elluminate and Adobe Connect in there too) than I can see myself getting out of SL these days.
  • “Second Life: Overcoming the Entry Barriers in Hogher and Further Education”
  • Looking back at that chapter now I can’t see a great deal of change, and those entry barriers are, at best, a real detractor in terms of getting educators in, but – at worst – they are very good reasons not to even start.
  • SL is too  demanding and too unreliable for most educators. It pains me to say this, but I just don’t think it’s improved enough, or become easy enough for most people to bother. There are better ways of doing most things you can do in SL in terms of education, and – almost five years down the line – as far as I’m concerend SL hasn’t delivered enough to make it worthwhile.
  • I still think the future of web interactions is 3D, and I still think avatars are a grand idea, and I still love the concept of a vast space to be wandered and enjoyed… but I have to conclude that in pure terms of investment (time and money) SL doesn’t make much sense, at least for most educators.
  • I think mobile has come on in leaps and bounds in the past couple of years, and the possibilities are very exciting. Plus, you don’t need high-end equipment and shedloads of patience with mobile, most of the time.

Buy Google Reviews-⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5 Star Review... - 0 views

    Buy Google Reviews Are you a business proprietor looking to boost your online presence and character? Look no further than the power of Google reviews. In today's digital age, online reviews play a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions and influencing their purchasing decisions. That's where "Buy Google Reviews" comes into play-a highly effective strategy that allows businesses to purchase positive reviews for their Google My Business listing. In this article, we will explore why buying Google reviews can be a game-changer for your business, providing insights into the benefits, potential risks, and tips on effectively utilizing this strategy. So, whether you're a small local business or an established corporation, let's delve into the world of buying Google reviews to help you make informed decisions and propel your brand to new heights. What Is Google Reviews? In today's digital world, customer reviews have become an integral part of our decision-making process. When we're searching for a product, service, or even a place to eat, we often turn to online reviews to gather insights from others who have had firsthand experiences. One of the most prominent platforms for reviewing businesses is Google Reviews. Google Reviews is a feature offered by the tech giant, Google, that allows users to share their opinions and experiences about local businesses, products, and services. It is an essential component of Google My Business, a tool that enables organizations to manage their online presence, including their business information, reviews, and Google Maps listing. Whenever a user searches for a specific business on Google, they can see a range of information, including the address, phone number, website, and, most notably, the overall rating based on Google Reviews. These ratings often appear in the form of a five-star scale, reflecting the average score from user-generated reviews. Google Reviews offer an open platform for customers to exp
Surabhi Das

Educational E-Governance Applicatons - MGRM Pinnacle - 0 views

    "MGRM Pinnacle, Inc. products have the unique advantage of the research-based offerings from its technology parent. The research, with its special focus on India, helps MGRM assimilate diverse practices and acquire a cutting edge in implementation of these systems.   M-Star LMS M-Star LMS is a highly-intuitive tool for delivering online courses and distance education. It is a platform that fulfills all the needs of an online learning community and benefits the educators, as well as students, by utilizing a common, cohesive platform."
James OReilly

e-Learning & Consumer Protection - Immersive Worlds Tool Ranking - 12 views

    Very informative post! There is a lot of information here that can help any business get started with a successful social networking campaign. ClickFunnels alternative Why semrush is best seo software Domain Valuation symbols-on-the-twitterapp Hostinger WordPress Hosting R Kartra Review SamCart Review
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    Brainalyst offers many practical activities, projects, and case studies that are great for learning Basic Data Visualization Course. Brainalyst is a great institution to help you understand the basics of data science. My recommendation is to enrol in Brainalyst's Data Science Course with Placement Guarantee if you want to advance your career in data science and get employment quickly. In the area of data science, they offer 7 courses.

The Best Educational Tool: The Idea Board - 1 views

Many parents want to spend more time with their kids, but don't always know what to do. Parents needs something that can help educate their kids, that is where The Idea Board comes in. The Idea Boa...

started by milesmorales on 08 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

Homeschooling Tips That Will Really Help You Out - 0 views

Kids in public schools face many hurdles today, the bulk of which we never had to deal with when we were young. The best way to help your kids avoid these pitfalls is to homeschool them, and the he...

started by milesmorales on 19 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Beth Ritter-Guth

literaturealive - home - 20 views


USA Gmail Account - 100% real and usa verified accounts - 0 views

    USA Gmail Account Are you looking for the best USA Gmail Account in the market? In today's digital age, email communication has become an essential part of our daily lives. The benefits of Gmail are not only limited to personal use but are also invaluable for businesses. From sending job applications to communicating with friends and family, email is an indispensable tool for staying connected.
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