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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dave Truss


Computers in Education Group of South Australia - Edublogs - 2 views

    While blogging has many benefits, there are some potential challenges and barriers that come with using this tool with students. It is important that teachers fully understand these before beginning to blog with their students.

Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » Toward a New Future of "Whatever" - 0 views

    They were all continually trying to figure out where we are, where we might be going, and the possible downsides and dangers of new technologies so we can use the new technologies to serve human purposes.

gr8tweets » home - 0 views

    For the month of March, a group of educators and lifelong learners will be picking a "Tweet of the day" and ReTweeting it with a tag: #gr8t Hopefully, you will join us in doing this too! See the 'about' page for more details. There are a number of reasons why you might want to participate: * To share what you value about Twitter. * To see what others value about Twitter (just look below). * To celebrate the power and wisdom of your Personal Learning Network. * To find interesting people to follow on Twitter. * To commit to giving Twitter a try.
    If you twitter, or would like to twitter, then participate along with us!

The Power of Educational Technology: Ten Tips for Growing Your Learning Network - 0 views

    Way to go Liz! Great post.
    Great advice to the newbie.

It's Not About the Technology :: I was thinking… - Learning to be me. - 0 views

    computers can support learners, open doors to a world of possibilities and learning opportunities and global thinking. They can provide a chance for every child to learn their own way and construct their own knowledge. They can facilitate conversations with other people and other children around the world. They can knock down the isolation of a classroom's four walls and invite in the voices, experience and passion of the entire planet.

Wikis in the classroom: a reflection. | David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts - 0 views

  • 1. Scaffolding
  • 2. Time Line
  • 3. Experts
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The thoughtful/reflective effort it took to write this has made this one of the most powerful things I’ve done for professional development as a teacher.
  • Grades
  • here it is
  • Before reading the feedback, my initial impression was given in my Some Assembly Required post
    The thoughtful/reflective effort it took to write this has made this one of the most powerful things I've done for professional development as a teacher.

K12 Online Conference 2008 | K12Online08 Call for Proposals: Amplifying Possibilities - 0 views

  • Strand B: Leading the Change Innovative approaches to teaching and learning using web 2.0 tools are often utilized by a limited number of “early adopter” teachers in our schools. This strand seeks to amplify ways educators in a variety of contexts are serving as constructive catalysts for broad-based pedagogic change using Web 2.0 technologies as well as student-centered, project-based approaches to learning
    CALL FOR PROPOSALS: This call encourages all educators, both experienced and novice with respect to Web 2.0 learning tools, to submit proposals to present at this conference via this link. Take this opportunity to share your successes, strategies, and tips in "amplifying the possibilities" of web 2.0 powered learning in one of the four conference strands.

November Learning - David Truss - 0 views

  • "I come from the Batman era, adding items to my utility belt while students today are the Borg from Star Trek, assimilating technology into their lives." It isn't about Nativism, it is about exposure and competence. David has been using his 'Pair-a-Dimes for Your Thoughts' blog as the hub of his personal learning environment for two years now, charting his use of Web2.0 tools with his students along the way. His blog profile describes him as, "A husband, a parent... An educator, a student... A thinker, a dreamer... An agent of change." He obviously has a few paradigms to work from!
    David has been using his 'Pair-a-Dimes for Your Thoughts' blog as the hub of his personal learning environment for two years now, charting his use of Web2.0 tools with his students along the way. His blog profile describes him as, "A husband, a parent... An educator, a student... A thinker, a dreamer... An agent of change." He obviously has a few paradigms to work from!
    My presentations in Boston for BLC08

Student Creators: How to Contribute to the Internet | Edutopia - 0 views

    When young people help to create content for the Internet -- when they experience being active participants, contributing to what there is online -- they are more likely to see the Internet as a resource that they understand and use effectively.

Brick Wall « Je Pense… - 0 views

    Not every school will be able to afford one computer per child, let alone have the luxury of using parent-purchased cell phones for classroom instruction.
1More | Kielburgers join forces with Oprah on new campaign - 0 views

    Some "O Ambassador" projects include: * Building a package of school supplies for a classroom in need * Planting a tree on school grounds * Creating "AIDS Awareness" posters * Organizing "Read-A-Thons" * Collecting old blankets and sleeping bags for local homeless shelters

Open Thinking & Digital Pedagogy » Busy Time Rants - 0 views

  • Let us forget the term “technical support” and focus on “innovation support”.
    I LOVE this quote: Let us forget the term "technical support" and focus on "innovation support".

The Pulse: Willfully Ignoring the Lessons of the Past - 0 views

    The following video clip is a 1940s-era news-reel style report on the latest thing, "progressive education." Beware the ideas are quite radical! Schoolwork is relevant, learning-by-doing is advocated

Fortnightly Mailing: What to advise a student about using the Web - 0 views

    Here are 8 things to do that will make life easier, and your studies more fulfilling.

Twemes- Great tool we can use with Twitter - 0 views

shared by Dave Truss on 18 May 08 - Cached
  • follows public tweets (messages) that have embedded tags that start with a # character. These are sometimes called hashtags but we like to use the term twemes.

Pearson Presents: Learning to Change - Practical Theory - 0 views

  • I remain very, very concerned with the notion that all we have to do is let the kids connect with the world -- just like they do on Facebook or MySpace -- and the kids will learn. There's a fallacy there, and my experience with how much really deep teaching of digital ethics we've had to do at SLA to counter all that the kids come in the door thinking about the digital world.
  • Because nowhere in that talk
  • is there much of an honest discussion of just how hard implementation of these ideas actually is.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • And the problem is that our entire structure has to change to make it easier. You can't teach 150 kids a day this way... you can't have traditional credit hours... you have to find new ways to look at your classroom. Everything from school design to teacher contracts to class size and teacher load to curriculum and assessment -- everything we do in schools -- has to be on the table for change if we are to achieve the kind of schools that video is speaking about. The only thing that shouldn't be on the table, and that the video actually hints that it should be, is the need for teachers in their day to day lives-- the adults who can make a deep profound impact in kids' lives.
  • "If we just change it all up, the kids will all suddenly just start learning like crazy" when that misses several points -- 1) we still have an insanely anti-intellectual culture that is so much more powerful than schools. 2) Deep learning is still hard, and our culture is moving away from valuing things that are hard to do. 3) We still need teachers to teach kids thoughtfulness, wisdom, care, compassion, and there's an anti-teacher rhetoric that, to me, undermines that video's message.
  • We cannot pretend these ideas "save" our schools, they create different schools -- better ones, I believe -- but very, very different ones, and that's the piece I see missing.
    I remain very, very concerned with the notion that all we have to do is let the kids connect with the world.... There's a fallacy there, and my experience with how much really deep teaching of digital ethics we've had to do at SLA to counter all that the kids come in the door thinking about the digital world.

Digital immigrants or digital natives? A discussion of digital competence… A ... - 0 views

  • Rather than a Digital Native/Digital Immigrant dichotomy, students have a wide spectrum of digital competence positively correlating to their digital exposure.
    So if I were to make the post title into a statement it would be: Rather than a Digital Native/Digital Immigrant dichotomy, students have a wide spectrum of digital competence positively correlating to their digital exposure.

Statement of Educational Philosophy | David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts - 0 views

    The goal of education is to enrich the lives of students while producing articulate, expressive thinkers and lifelong learners, that are socially responsible, resilient, and active citizens of the world.

$3,881.65 for one night's work | David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts - 0 views

    News editors and journalists don't give our wonderful students enough credit and enough accolades! We spend hours telling students how much they are valued and appreciated in schools, then they go into the 'real world' where they are portrayed so poorly by mass media.

"Who Have You Helped Today?" - Developing Empathy | David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for You... - 0 views

  • “Who did you help today?” It is simple. It inspires empathy. It shows what we truly value… and I look forward to the day when my daughters ‘favorite part of the day’ is also the answer to ‘who did you help today’.
    This post will be printed in a Grade 8 Language Arts Text by Pearson Education. "Who did you help today?" It is simple. It inspires empathy. It shows what we truly value… and I look forward to the day when my daughters 'favorite part of the day' is also the answer to 'who did you help today'.
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