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IWB Resource - 0 views

    This article focuses on the misuse of technology, mainly smart boards, in the classroom. In the article the author states that some teachers may find their teaching to be gimmicky or that the students will only pay attention to the technology. In turn, those teachers will only use the smartboards for power point presentations or as a glorified chalkboard. That does not have to be the case, as those previous examples are probably the worst uses for a smartboard. The article quickly points out that these boards are interactive and should be used that way. In the classroom, the last way that I intend on using a smartboard, if I am lucky enough to have one, will be as a chalkboard. There are so many great ways to use it and the technology is ever evolving. I intend on making use of this device to the fullest extent.

IWB Resources - 0 views

    This is a website that has a ton of ridiculously cool interactive activities for teachers to use in the classroom. This company, Lakeshore, has interactive boards for Math, Language, Science and Social studies that would be a really cool way to keep kids active in the classroom while incorporating technology. I would personally use this to try and keep math interesting and interactive. Allowing students to feel like they are an active participant in their learning is a great way to empower them.

Super Maths World - 0 views

    This is an interactive math website that places math fundamentals in a galactic interplanetary battle. With a variety of mathematic concepts at in a wide range of subjects, the website prompts the user to perform mathematical operations in timed duals versus a computer opponent. The theme of the website as well as the layout of the activities make it a resource that appeals to student desires to play and compete.  While the website does not really provide students with a learning opportunity, but it is a great way to assess student understanding of concepts. While having a battle in quadratic functions, I quickly realized that I am not as strong with the equations as I was with the graphic representations of functions. This site provides quick activities that could be highly valuable in adjusting and refining teaching units. 
1More | Online Activities: Weather Watch - 0 views

    This is an interactive activity called the Weather Maker from the Scholastic online activities page. It allows you to manipulate the temperature at the equator and at the Earth's poles as well as to control the humidity. Based on the selected inputs, an animation of your home is exposed to the resulting weather conditions.  This could be a fantastic tool for the elementary science classroom as the students explore weather change. Various weather and precipitation outcomes can be inquired about and the students could control the weather maker and adjust the various elements to create the desired climate. Based on exploring the weather maker students can make observations and draw conclusions on seasonal climates, temperature change, and weather patterns. 

SMART Exchange - USA - Search lessons by keyword - 0 views

    This site has numerous whiteboard activities which one can download varying for grade level and content area. I particularly liked that before downloading, you can view previews of the content. It seemed to have a lot of games, which may be a little too juvenile for older students, but some can be incorporated. I particularly liked the Jeopardy! game template, as I feel that is applicable across grade levels and is fun for the class to participate in. The fact that you can customize these for whatever you are teaching is great, so I think this site should be really reviewed across disciplines, as you can use things listed as Language Arts in other disciplines and vice versa.

Interactive Whiteboard Resources: Literacy, Key Stage 4 - Topmarks Education - 1 views

  • Literacy - Key Stage 4 (15-16 year olds)
    • Max Applegate
      This resource is for middle school to high school classroom teachers and gives lesson plan ideas on Shakespeare. With the three choices of resources dealing with three of the Bard's most famous works, using an IWB seems like a natural fit. Even though Topmarks is British, the ideas behind literacy-technology interactivity remain fresh. This resource gives detailed ideas that incorporate IWB and literary exploration. Topmarks' section on Shakespeare allows teachers to closely study Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and The Tempest. This is useful to me because of the topics covered; Shakespeare can be boring to some students. These lesson plan ideas allow me to reinvent Shakespeare's works on an IWB so that students may interact and rethink their own ideas on classic literature.
    • Susannah Azzaro
      Nice summary. Sounds like a great resource for you!
  • A lesson which considers Shakespeare's representation of the island in 'The Tempest' through characters' visions of their environment. It provides students with artists' impressions of the island and focuses on language used in relation to the island.
    • Max Applegate
      This specific lesson on 'The Tempest' seems so interesting because of the graphical nature of the plan. Seeing things on the (IW)board as opposed to simply thinking about it may just be that final push that students need to connect.
    • Susannah Azzaro
      Awesome find, Max!
    This resource has a number of whiteboard activities for different areas of study. I focused on the English (Literacy) section. It seems somewhat limited in some respects, as it only has a few activities for certain books/plays, but the ones that were there were pretty cool. I really liked the Romeo and Juliet activities. I thought the intro scale about love at first sight would be a great way to get kids hooked, and the activities in which the kids put the things that happened in order were good as well. I liked some of the middle grades activities more. There was one in which you have to look at different newspapers coverage of the same event and make a Venn diagram of how the stories overlap. I think this really makes learning more interactive and meaningful to the students and utilizes the technology well.
1More | Destination Modern Art - 0 views

    I really love this interactive site.  It would work great with children in art the first example is the chair.  If you launch the site and then go into the museum and click on specific art work such as the chair you can then work with different activities.  This is a great way for children who need some assistance coming up with ideas but then there are parts of the activities that create further exploration such as designing a table to go with the chair you created.  Great art site!!

Educational Leadership:Multiple Measures:Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards - 0 views

  • Interactive whiteboards have great potential as a tool to enhance pedagogical practices in the classroom and ultimately improve student achievement. However, simply assuming that using this or any other technological tool can automatically enhance student achievement would be a mistake. As is the case with all powerful tools, teachers must use interactive whiteboards thoughtfully, in accordance with what we know about good classroom practice.
    • Kristen Koburger
      I like this article because it reminds us that while technology, particularly interactive white boards, is great in the classroom, it is only as good as the teacher using it. The teacher needs to think about how they will use it in the classroom to ensure the best results for their students.
    • Brittney Story
      I love this idea of using the interactive white board to help students understand the topic as it relates to things current in the world.  Using this in addition to their textbook can show them that what was significant in the past is still significant today.
  • In many classrooms, teachers simply noted how many students obtained the correct answer instead of probing into why one answer was more appropriate than another.
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Brittney Story
      There is no point in showing the results if your not going to discuss them!
  • A second feature is the use of graphics and other visuals to represent information. These include downloaded pictures and video clips from the Internet, sites such as Google Earth, and graphs and charts. Use of these aids was also associated with a 26 percentile point gain in student achievement.

Illuminations: Activities - 1 views

  • Activities
    • Kristen Koburger
      I love the idea of students working together to complete these activities on an interactive whiteboard. I hope they would think that this is so much fun and at the same time they would be learning! Students respond well to technology and this is a way to show them that technology can be fun and educational.

SMART Exchange - USA - Standards correlated lessons - 0 views

    I love the way you can search for standards and then lesson plans/activities that meet the standard. Some of the activities on this page are too low-level for high-school students, but many of them would help my students get up out of their seats and participate in class by drawing on the board together. I would certainly use this site when teaching grammar, so students can group-edit and see the result. 

Teachers Love SMART Boards: Grade: High School - 0 views

  • Some online resources help make the decision to have an interactive whiteboard in the classroom an easy one. When you use an IWB to see and interact with a resource like National Geographic's MapMaker 1-Page Maps, it's difficult to justify "not" having an Interactive Whiteboard. This interactive map resource allows you to explore in detail different areas of the world. All you do is select a region of the world and then select a country. It even includes more detailed views of the USA, Canada, and Mexico.
    • Rebecca Delivuk
      I'm totally using this :)
    So maybe this wasn't exactly on our list of sources, but I found it by clicking away from one source to another. This site has nifty suggestions for different websites that pair well with smartboards. I indeed to use National Geographic's MapMaker to track the states & countries we cover in our class, so at the end of every nine weeks, we can see what sections of the world have been explored via literature.

20 Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    Summary of available materials - resources for active whiteboard use, activity suggestions, and useful links Use in classroom: Can be utilized in the classroom by involving students in the utilization of the whiteboard to present materials to class based on a review of assigned materials related to specific topics. Student learn to utilize technology and take an active and interactive part in the teaching and learning process

Vocabulary Exercises English - 0 views

    English Language Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises
    This is a huge bunch of interactive (i.e. fill in the blank) exercises for English Language grammar and vocabulary. It's from a German website, and it seems like it might be a good resource for a student who was having trouble with a particular language or grammar area.

ULP - Critical Response - Lesson 2 - 0 views

    Found this link by poking around some of the Carnegie Museum sites. I like the idea of using the structure they point out with an IWB. You could have pictures of each thing you list on your word-association warm-up, and even give some multi-media examples in the music section, and have students list first impressions from listening/watching. An IWB could make this lesson really fun and interactive.

Creativity Resource for Teachers » Language Arts - 0 views

    This is a collection of lesson plans and ideas from the home page of the Denver Art Museum. I walked through a few lessons, and they seemed to be interesting and engaging. It's making me wonder if any local museums have programs or collections of lessons that are based on artwork or historical artifacts in their collections. Hmm...

A Clean Slate: Interactive Whiteboard Makes Lessons Snazzy | Edutopia - 0 views

    This article is a great resource for IWBs because it is inspirational and provides the reader with a variety of ways to make full use of IWBs in the classroom (even more ideas are included in the comments section!). This would be a great resource for teachers who are looking for new and interesting ways to put their IWBs to full use.

Writing with Writers | - 0 views

    I think this is a fantastic resource for English teachers because it connects students with actual authors through author-planned workshops, which serves as a motivational tool and keeps the class interesting. Also, it provides teaching plans that comply with national standards and student activities based around each type of writing. These workshops would be perfect for display on an IWB because of the IWB's interactivity.

Choosing an Interactive Whiteboard | - 1 views

  • Ease of use. Can you use the interactive whiteboard with less than five minutes of instruction? Be sure the basic functions can be used easily.
    • Max Applegate
      This resource for all grade levels lists the major points for using an IWB. Choosing the right Interactive Whiteboard is crucial to whether or not the tool will be helpful in a classroom, or just a nuisance. Scholastic has 8 points to ponder, like how easy it is to use your IWN functionally, size of screen, ability to save images, and other technological issues. For my classroom, these pros and cons of IWB use are beyond pertinent! I do not want to be stuck with a faulty or finicky whiteboard, so having these major questions in my head will help me in choosing the right one. Even if I do not get a say in the type of IWB, knowing that these factors make a difference puts me more in the know.
    • Susannah Azzaro
      Good points! Glad to know about this resource, too!
  • Capture capability. Can you save images in standard formats such as GIF, JPG, and PDF? Can you save sequences of images and play them back ? Can you record speech and include it with images? Can you transmit content in real time?
    • Max Applegate
      These points are on cue for future use. If my IWB is not capable of saving the norm of image types, then how can I expect to use it to its fullest potential? The latest and greatest technology should be automatic.

HowStuffWorks "Search" - 0 views

    I'd love to use these howstuffworks videos to explain the role and prevalence of propaganda--perhaps in a unit exploring the literature of the WW2 and the atomic bomb, or the MacCartney era and/r the Salem Witch Trials, and/or the Cold War. These videos could form a segueway into examinations of political rhetoric prior to an election so that my student in 12th grade English could make informed voting decisions.
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