What a great site to use for reading novels, prewriting a narrative writing piece or outlining history. I think students would enjoy this and it would really help to organize their ideas.
This is a really easy, but very fun site to use. Students and adults can create picassoheads to use as icons and images for stories or in place of a virtual photo of themselves. In my district students' photos cannot be online.
Virtual photo album that you can add captions, titles, notes, etc. Not as dynamic as the videos, but allows kids to draw/scan or pull from images from online.
Combine photos, videos, audio and text to create scrapbooks. This is really cool if you are into sharing pictures in a fun way. I don't enjoy scrapbooking because of the tedious cutting/pasting, but I think I would enjoy this because it is virtual. This would be great for students to use when doing biographies.
This looks like a wonderful site to use. What a great way for students who may not be artistic to feel connected to art or those students who excel in art to eat this up! They have so many styles and techniques to try.