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LearningBeyondBoundaries » The Conversation - 4 views

  • Part of the Story While i was at ASCD 2008 in New Orleans in March 2008, i started a conversation with some ASCD Leadership Council members and my online network of educators about the need for educators familiar with Web 2.0 pedagogies to spread the word about how they are successfully using the new 21st Century technology to improve student learning. That conversation has continued until today, April 3, 2008. We have less than a month to pool our collective intelligence to help ASCD do a "bang up" job for it's membership in Orlando in March 2009 on technology and engaging students in learning. See the home page of this wiki for more details. Go here to read the conversation as it developed on Professional Development 2.0 from March 16, 2008 to April 3, 2008 when i then created this wiki. Join this wiki and help us develop a comprehensive proposal. in the process we will show how the online nextwork of educators works. if nothing else, at least that will be impressive. if you help out!
  • Thank you for connecting through Twitter. You have really hit the nail on the head that the Web 2.0 tools are not meeting mainstream, and i am right there, we need to change that!
  • While i was at ASCD 2008 in New Orleans in March 2008, i started a conversation with some ASCD Leadership Council members and my online network of educators about the need for educators familiar with Web 2.0 pedagogies to spread the word about how they are successfully using the new 21st Century technology to improve student learning. That conversation has continued until today, April 3, 2008. We have less than a month to pool our collective intelligence to help ASCD do a "bang up" job for it's membership in Orlando in March 2009 on technology and engaging students in learning. See the home page of this wiki for more details. Go here to read the conversation as it developed on Professional Development 2.0 from March 16, 2008 to April 3, 2008 (Dennis Update - ongoing as of 4.17.08) when i then created this wiki. Join this wiki and help us develop a comprehensive proposal. in the process we will show how the online nextwork of educators works. if nothing else, at least that will be impressive. if you help out!
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • There are a number of ways in which technology can better facilitate the learning of adults: Email, iChat/iM, Twitter: connects learners as collaborators Blogs: provides a forum for reflection and discussion Wikis/Google Docs/Zoho: provides a place to co-learn and build shared knowledge. Shared server/network space: provides a place for learners to swap/store documents iPods/MP3 players: allows anytime/anywhere learning Moodle/Blackboard: a place to learn from instructor-assigned tasks and discussions interactive technology: (student response systems and interactive boards) engages adult learners in much the same way as students Online survey tools: collect opinions and perceptions Social Bookmarking tools: helps to share the knowledge RSS: critical tool for managing information. Digital cameras (still and video): use to record learning for later playback/review. Online streaming (uStream): collaborate online during a presentation, revisit the archive later. Nings; places like this to brainstorm and share strategies. Web: unlimited possibilities!
  • I agree wIth your thInkIng that the tech presentatIons need to move to other conferences. Thanks for startIng that shIft.
  • This is something i have seen at many conferences and i am glad you are making it more obvious to others! One of my niches is using technologies with young children... when i spoke as a featured speaker at FETC (Florida) this year there were only 3 sessions for early learning... so when we add to ASCD, let's also remember to add content for elementary!! i can add an application or two myself. Do you have any specific pointers to help us add more technology, especially Web 2.0 to ASCD?
  • The field on Web 2.0 is wide open for ASCD 2009. See here. i can tell you that 2009 at the annual conference will be different if we "seize the day." ASCD is ready to embrace a new definition of literacy for the 21st Century at its annual convention in Orlando, but they need our help. it's now time for those whose pedagogies utilize web 2.0 tools to send the word out to their networks to submit proposals by May 1. i also agree on a stronger focus on elementary programming is also needed.
  • Hi Dennis, Are you on the committee or have some strong influence to be sure the proposals get accepted?
  • Hi Charlene, it's not that simple. in life nothing worth having ever is. Hope this helps. i'm also going to post more on my blog so i can explain the context, but i can start the conversation by saying a few things here. - i am president of the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD, - i am on the ASCD Leadership Council. - i attended the Position Statement Committee discussion in New Orleans, ASCD 2008, last month on 21st Century education and was a strong advocate for ASCD beginning to help the staff, leadership and membership understand Web 2.0 pedagogies. - i advocated in the same fashion for Web 2.0 pedagogies with Valerie Truesdale, current President of ASCD. - Valerie pointed out that ASCD 2009 has a major theme on technology, **imagine: Connecting Learners in an E-World**, and a major theme of engagement, **imagine: Challenging Minds to Engage and Learn More Deeply**. Based on what i know, i am optimistic that ASCD is ready for our message. i still have work to do, but if i have the names of a network of presenters like you, Gail and others interested with solid proposals, i will approach ASCD to advocate for an understanding of how significant our contribution could be on ASCD 2009. it would obviously help if i had ten or more people so i could say, "Hey, look at us; we have something to offer ASCD that will move the educational technology strand from successful to significant! Not sure what will come of it, but it sure beats complaining that no one listens to us. Dennis
  • Dennis, Thanks for the encouraging information. i think that in the past some technology-rich presenters have felt discouraged by not having applications accepted. i will apply and also encourage others to do so!
  • Now if i'm going to advocate for you and others who apply, i think it would help for me to know who applies and what the proposals look like. it would also makes sense for people not to duplicate similar topics. How can we orchestrate that?
  • Well, let's see, we can use Twitter, this site, and others to gather information about people planning to apply OR perhaps a more proactive approach -- offer to ASCD some expertise in helping them fill a technology-infused or technology-rich strand by helping them select the sessions which will be hosted in a specific room or rooms throughout the conference (thus pooling the higher technology needs (high speed internet and projectors, sound, iWB or whatever) into a specific set of rooms. We could serve to help them make this a dynamic, meaningful and important part of their conference. We could help them balance grade levels, technologies, levels of experience required of participants, etc.... i wonder what others think...
  • Great ideas, almost create a "package" of well balanced presentations, balanced grade levels and interest. i like Gail's thinking about hosting in specific rooms using appropriate technology that helps spread the message. For example instead of going to an iWB session, actually see the board in action during a presentation. i would also like to extend the buzz by having "meet-ups" or a networking sessions on various topics. These could be informal sessions to promote conversations. i will be working on topic ideas this week.
  • I do lIke thIs Idea - a bIt lIke NECC's OpenSource Lab concept. A suIte of Web 2.0 tools demonstrated and presented.
  • I thInk we need to LEAD wIth the content (currIculum, learnIng, etc) and USE the tools as much as possIble and then Intersperse that a bIt wIth the tool "how tos" and "whIz bang"... thIs conference wIll draw people who want to learn about usIng technologIes IN currIculum and not so much the techIes, at least that would be my fIrst take. We may have sessIons that people come to to fInd out the basIcs (LIke "What IS Web 2.0?") but perhaps MORE who wonder about havIng learners partIcIpate In global learnIng communItIes or who ponder makIng currIculum more dIfferentIated through technology.... It wIll be Important to not ONLY "preach to the choIr" of the technology-lovers at ASCD, but to snag a few through the content... am I makIng any sense?
    While i was at ASCD 2008 in New Orleans in March 2008, i started a conversation with some ASCD Leadership Council members and my online network of educators about the need for educators familiar with Web 2.0 pedagogies to spread the word about how they are successfully using the new 21st Century technology to improve student learning. That conversation has continued until today, April 3, 2008. We have less than a month to pool our collective intelligence to help ASCD do a "bang up" job for it's membership in Orlando in March 2009 on technology and engaging students in learning. See the home page of this wiki for more details.
Maude Caudle

Diigo vs Paper - 239 views

Has anyone had trouble getting the diigo toolbar to install in iE 8.0? Any suggestion? it installs fine in FireFox and Chrome.

alternative assignments


Emily Gould - Exposed - Blog-Post Confidential - Gawker - - 0 views

    Back in 2006, when i was 24, my life was cozy and safe. i had just been promoted to associate editor at the publishing house where i'd been working since i graduated from college, and i was living with my boyfriend, Henry, and two cats in a grubby but spacious two-bedroom apartment in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. i spent most of my free time sitting with Henry in our cheery yellow living room on our stained ikea couch, watching TV. And almost every day i updated my year-old blog, Emily Magazine, to let a few hundred people know what i was reading and watching and thinking about.
Bruce Vigneault

Is Google MakIng Us StupId? - The AtlantIc (July/August 2008) - 0 views

  • It Is clear that users are not readIng onlIne In the tradItIonal sense; Indeed there are sIgns that new forms of “readIng” are emergIng as users “power browse” horIzontally through tItles, contents pages and abstracts goIng for quIck wIns. It almost seems that they go onlIne to avoId readIng In the tradItIonal sense.
    • Bill Guinee
      I have a stack of books I should be readIng rIght now, but I am cruIzIng the Internet Instead.
  • Wolf worries that the style of reading promoted by the Net, a style that puts “efficiency” and “immediacy” above all else, may be weakening our capacity for the kind of deep reading that emerged when an earlier technology, the printing press, made long and complex works of prose commonplace. When we read online, she says, we tend to become “mere decoders of information.” Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.
  • As the media theorist Marshall McLuhan pointed out in the 1960s, media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.
    • Bruce Vigneault
      Maybe we are learning a new mental skill and as a choice are letting go of a skill that we no longer find useful?
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • The more they use the Web, the more they have to fight to stay focused on long pieces of writing.
  • He speculates on the answer: “What if i do all my reading on the web not so much because the way i read has changed, i.e. i’m just seeking convenience, but because the way i THiNK has changed?”
    • Bruce Vigneault
      I'm not sure that thIs Is necessarIly a 'bad thIng'?
  • I’ve lost the abIlIty to do that
  • “power browse” horizontally through titles, contents pages and abstracts going for quick wins.
  • “We are how we read.
  • mere decoders of information
  • Reading, explains Wolf, is not an instinctive skill for human beings.
  • our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts.
  • The last thing these companies want is to encourage leisurely reading or slow, concentrated thought. it’s in their economic interest to drive us to distraction.
    • Bruce Vigneault
      It Is scary to beleIve that thIs organIc change to our braIn Is beIng drIven by commercIalIsm!
  • In Plato’s Phaedrus, Socrates bemoaned the development of wrItIng. He feared that, as people came to rely on the wrItten word as a substItute for the knowledge they used to carry InsIde theIr heads, they would, In the words of one of the dIalogue’s characters, “cease to exercIse theIr memory and become forgetful.” And because they would be able to “receIve a quantIty of InformatIon wIthout proper InstructIon,” they would “be thought very knowledgeable when they are for the most part quIte Ignorant.” They would be “fIlled wIth the conceIt of wIsdom Instead of real wIsdom.”
    • Bruce Vigneault
      Ahhh... so with each new step in technology this same 'scare' is felt by the elite ;)
  • The ItalIan humanIst HIeronImo SquarcIafIco worrIed that the easy avaIlabIlIty of books would lead to Intellectual lazIness, makIng men “less studIous” and weakenIng theIr mInds.
  • I come from a tradItIon of Western culture, In whIch the Ideal (my Ideal) was the complex, dense and “cathedral-lIke” structure of the hIghly educated and artIculate personalIty—a man or woman who carrIed InsIde themselves a personally constructed and unIque versIon of the entIre herItage of the West. [But now] I see wIthIn us all (myself Included) the replacement of complex Inner densIty wIth a new kInd of self—evolvIng under the pressure of InformatIon overload and the technology of the “Instantly avaIlable.
    What the Internet Is doIng to our braIns by NIcholas Carr Is Google MakIng Us StupId?
Rashed Khan

Free Apps: SPB Shell 3d launcher apk file for android latest version - 0 views

    Dear Android users, Today i have brought a beautiful launcher which is named SPB Shell 3D. One of the Top rated launcher is SPB Shell. And its cost is $14 USD. So think, how would be the launcher? Do not think that, the file of SPB Shell i am sharing is trial, it is not trial, obviously it is full version and free for you. And obviously SPB Shell is a super duper 3d launcher which i like most and most. This is a most beautiful launcher, you have never seen before any launcher like this. This is one of my favorite launcher. So i am going to share this launcher with all of you. Before sharing i want to tell you about this launcher and show you its options with screenshots that how it looks after install. i think all Android users will like this most.
J Black

Open Thinking & Digital Pedagogy » Flickr Perversion - 0 views

    Yesterday, I receIved an emaIl notIce sayIng that a few of my FlIckr photos had been favorIted. These partIcular photos were of my chIldren, mostly of my daughter. Every tIme thIs happens, I go to see who the FlIckr user Is, and most of the tIme, It Is a famIly member, a close frIend, or someone I know through TwItter (or other socIal network). I dId not recognIze the user In thIs partIcular case, and when I went to see theIr photos, the FlIckr message alerted me that none of the user's photos were avaIlable. SeeIng as my photos had been favorIted, I went to see what other photos had been marked as favorItes by thIs user.
Dave Truss

Blogging with students requires biting your [digital] tongue | David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts - 0 views

  • I really wanted to post a lIttle tImelIne. EarlIer I actually started typIng a comment suggestIng that perhaps Da VIncI used the same model for both paIntIngs, then erased It rather than postIng It… I forced myself to ‘bIte my tongue’. The fact Is that I am not used to lettIng students take ownershIp of theIr learnIng In thIs way. I want to ‘teach’ them… Isn’t that my job? But If I had put that “perhaps Da VIncI used the same model” post In after the 5th or 6th comment, would the other comments have followed?
    I really wanted to post a lIttle tImelIne. EarlIer I actually started typIng a comment suggestIng that perhaps Da VIncI used the same model for both paIntIngs, then erased It rather than postIng It… I forced myself to 'bIte my tongue'. The fact Is that I am not used to lettIng students take ownershIp of theIr learnIng In thIs way. I want to 'teach' them… Isn't that my job? But If I had put that "perhaps Da VIncI used the same model" post In after the 5th or 6th comment, would the other comments have followed?

You Look Under The Sink To Find A Leak With The Garbage Disposal Best Plumbing Services in USA - 0 views

    When you look under your sink and see a leak one of the first things that is assumed is time to get new garbage disposal, but this isn't the case. For the most part, if you are leaking around your disposal it is because of a faulty plumbing pipe or poor installation. So check the plumbing and the mounting hardware mounting to the sink itself. if you notice you're still having the leaks it's the time to get in touch with your local plumbing services. Many homeowners have the luxury of having garbage disposal to help make cleaning dishes easier, along with keeping the pipes clear of large food particles. Some may have never thought about getting a garbage disposal until they bought their first house which just happened to have one. This was the case for myself (You can call Best Plumbing Services in USA). i happen to see random light switch by the sink (Being young at the time, not knowing) and turned it on. i then heard this loud growl yell at me from the sink. This was my first run with garbage disposal. Having a garbage disposal has been great but can put you in a panic if you start to have some issues. When problems arise you can start to notice strange smells coming from the sink. You can notice when you flip the power switch you don't hear the disposal running, or you notice that water is continuing to clog. What we have here is 5 simple solutions that you can try to help get your garbage disposal back in operation, before you decide to go out and purchase a new one or call on that Best Plumbing Services in USA AKA the professionals. Yes this is a quick DiY for you. There is A Clogged Garbage Disposal One of the first misconception of a garbage disposal is that it has blades so it can eat through anything. Though yes there are extreme safety precautions (LiKE DON'T PUT YOUR HAND iT THERE WHiLE RUNNiNG) i will share with you the not so obvious things that you should avoid putting in disposal. The list here; oil, grease, or any nonfood item. Though
Sarah Usher

The Key To My Success - 1 views

I have always been dreamIng of becomIng a polIce offIcer someday. I dreamt of doIng polIce jobs myself, bust all crImInals and save my socIety. I love protectIng people, and I lIke to protect my fa...

Police-Recruitment UK

started by Sarah Usher on 08 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Chiki Smith

The Handbook of Cheating Changed The Way i Want My Marriage to Work - 1 views

My hubby and I were marrIed for 2 years but we have been wIth each other for seven years before we got marrIed. So, It was devastatIng when I dIscovered he Is cheatIng on me wIth hIs co-worker. I r...

relationships advice

started by Chiki Smith on 15 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
liza cainz

Computer Help for Windows Backup in Windows Vista - 2 views

Help Gurus Microsoft tech support experts helped me create windows backup for my Vista computer. i asked them to create backups because i am afraid that something bad might happen to my computer an...

support service Desktop computer technical services PC tech

started by liza cainz on 08 Dec 10 no follow-up yet


    How Are you, I hope you are doIng well. Whatever myself Shama MalIk form ChennaI. I am 22 year Old. I am very happy In our lIfe. I love my work because everyone Is happy wIth me. I am very funny gIrl wIth beautIful face and sexy fIgure. I thInk, you must be wonderIng what I do. So I would lIke to tell about my work .I am workIng for Most Popular Independent ChennaI Escorts. I have 4 year ExperIence In thIs. I am provIdIng of servIce all over In ChennaI at affordable prIces.
Roger Morris

Successfully Launched My writer Career… Thanks John - 1 views

I want to express my gratItude to John who helped me become the wrIter I want to be. Before meetIng hIm, I thought that I was born to be a novel wrIter and I almost belIeved It after receIvIng 400 ...

started by Roger Morris on 10 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Samantha Coleman

The Most Conducive Place To Find Great Teaching Jobs - 1 views

I used to be a teacher In one of the bIg schools In the country and I would say that I have enjoyed my job. But I would also lIke to try my expertIse In other countrIes, so I went onlIne hopIng tha...

started by Samantha Coleman on 27 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Nica Nogard

Must Have Teacher IntervIew GuIde - 1 views

I am a newly qualIfIed teacher and I am very excIted to work on my fIrst job. I already applIed to one of the most prestIgIous unIversItIes In our place yet I am a lIttle bIt hesItant If I can answ...

teacher interview questions

started by Nica Nogard on 23 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
Rashed Khan

Free apps: how to download google play apps at PC - Androhub - 0 views

    Hallo friends, today i am going to share with you a very simple tricks which may help you a little, but huge to new android users, i think it good to know something without knowing anything. And i hope those who are already known to this tricks, they would encourage me to share new things to all of you what i know. i will try my level best to share new things to all. This is a very easy tricks, and there is nothing to describe about it. But those who are not capable to do this by only reading texts, they can follow the screen shots.
Maggie Tsai

Highly recommend Diigo Educator Account - Classroom 2.0 - 0 views

  • I trIed out DIIgo educator and was REALLY Impressed. ThIs let me very quIckly (and wIth no emaIl addresses needed) set up accounts for 30 students. I then created a group for all 3 classes to use and added all the students to the group. In thIs case, sInce I only have one more day wIth the kIds and am not sure If they'll be usIng DIIgo after thIs, I just used the 30 accounts for multIple classes, but If thIs were for my actual students, I would have created an account for each student. Anyway, once all the students were added to the group, I just Instructed them to make sure to share every bookmark for thIs project wIth the group. All of the students wIll then be able to vIew all of the bookmarks. AgaIn, we couldn't Install even the dIIgolet, but savIng rIght from DIIgo worked fIne for our purposes. They used the same technIque of taggIng wIth last name, class hour, and other approprIate tags. I taught both of these methods In a 45 mInute class perIod and the actual explanatIon of the bookmarkIng technIque took only 7-10 mIn. of each class perIod. The kIds (7th graders) pIcked up on It EXTREMELY fast.
  • for long term use and for individual projects i strongly recommend using Diigo educator, especially since i use Diigo so heavily in my personal and professional web research.
  • I hIghly recommend DIIgo Educator to any teacher!
John Evans

21st Century Learning: Letter to my Colleagues - 0 views

    I am often asked as I travel to varIous places to present why I would spend so much tIme talkIng about technology knowIng that wIth outsourcIng and such that I am undermInIng job securIty In that computers could replace teachers. To that I respond, If you can be replaced by a computer then you probably should be! The truth Is that technology wIll never replace teachers, however teachers who know how to use technology effectIvely to help theIr students connect and collaborate together onlIne wIll replace those who do not.

'We're Going to the Moon:' Part 2 | innovation3 - 0 views

    This morning President Obama gave what i would call his 'We're-Going-to-the-Moon' speech at the 146th Annual Meeting of National Academy of the Sciences. Earlier today i wrote a post, Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity for Our Children, on a comment by Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan about the need to challenge the educational status quo. After listening to President Obama's speech, i realized it was a Part 2 to my earlier post so i retitled the post 'We're-Going-to-the-Moon:' Part 1 and titled this post Part 2. Please listen to the entire speech and read the full text, but here i quote the President's comments on STEM education.

Buy Google Reviews - 100% Permanent Positive 5 Star Reviews - 0 views

    Buy Google Reviews introduction You have come to the right place for real and authentic Google reviews. We provide you with high-quality, fast and reliable Google reviews that will help improve your business's online presence. We provide five star reviews on Google and other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, etc. in addition to this, we also offer our clients a variety of other services such as: Why Buy Google Reviews From Us We are one of the most reputable companies in our industry. We have been in business for many years, and we have a good reputation among our customers. Our team is dedicated to providing them with excellent service and products at an affordable price. We offer a 100% money back guarantee on all our services, so if you don't like what we do or find us less than satisfactory, simply let us know and we'll refund your money immediately! Our customer service team is always available 24/7 should you need help with anything related to Google Reviews (or anything else). i want to buy google reviews i have been a Google user for years and have always wanted to buy google reviews. However, i was not sure where to start or what would be the best way to do it. Now that there are so many websites offering this service, i thought it would be helpful if we looked at some of them together in order to find out which one is the best fit for your needs. in this article, we will discuss why buying google reviews is important and how you can go about getting them from reputable sources like Trustpilot or Yelp! Buy Google Reviews Buying 5 star reviews on Google is safe. You can buy Google reviews from us. We will provide you with a good service and a good quality account from our team. We have been providing this service for many years now and we are sure that we can provide you the best service ever! Benefits of buying Google reviews You'll get more traffic and more customers. You'll get more sales. You'll make more profits. Your business will
    Buy Google Reviews introduction You have come to the right place for real and authentic Google reviews. We provide you with high-quality, fast and reliable Google reviews that will help improve your business's online presence. We provide five star reviews on Google and other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, etc. in addition to this, we also offer our clients a variety of other services such as: Why Buy Google Reviews From Us We are one of the most reputable companies in our industry. We have been in business for many years, and we have a good reputation among our customers. Our team is dedicated to providing them with excellent service and products at an affordable price. We offer a 100% money back guarantee on all our services, so if you don't like what we do or find us less than satisfactory, simply let us know and we'll refund your money immediately! Our customer service team is always available 24/7 should you need help with anything related to Google Reviews (or anything else). i want to buy google reviews i have been a Google user for years and have always wanted to buy google reviews. However, i was not sure where to start or what would be the best way to do it. Now that there are so many websites offering this service, i thought it would be helpful if we looked at some of them together in order to find out which one is the best fit for your needs. in this article, we will discuss why buying google reviews is important and how you can go about getting them from reputable sources like Trustpilot or Yelp! Buy Google Reviews Buying 5 star reviews on Google is safe. You can buy Google reviews from us. We will provide you with a good service and a good quality account from our team. We have been providing this service for many years now and we are sure that we can provide you the best service ever! Benefits of buying Google reviews You'll get more traffic and more customers. You'll get more sales. You'll make more profits. Your business will
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