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Cybil Hill

Fifty of the best ed-tech products for colleges and schools | eCampus News - 0 views

    This article discusses top picks for educational technology products. It discusses 50, chosen by readers of eCampus News.
Molli Brown

=Kognito Interactive | Products | Higher Ed | Suicide Prevention and Gatekeeper Trainin... - 0 views

shared by Molli Brown on 23 Jul 12 - No Cached
    This avatar based learning program is geared towards college students to help educate them on how to approach at-risk students to refer them to recieve counseling. 
Cybil Hill

Rubrics for Teachers - Assessment - 0 views

    Assessment rubrics for teachers
Cybil Hill

4Teachers : Main Page - 0 views

    This website has a variety of resources for teachers to use, including a rubric maker, quiz maker, and note taker for students.
Cybil Hill

Record & Share your Ideas | - 0 views

    This is a website that allows you to present yourself. It allows you to add photos, videos, etc. and is a unique way to present yourself.
Cybil Hill

Course Hero | Study Guides, Lecture Notes, Flashcards, Practice Exams, Lecture Videos |... - 0 views

    This is a study guide website that includes flashcards, study guides, tutors, and videos. It seems to have a lot of options to help students study.
Chris Pontillo

Technology Integration for the New 21st Century Learning | NAESP - 0 views

    This is an article that discusses the 21st century learner. It is an interesting article and was written recently.
    This is a really good article on Tech Integration that I came across on the National Association of Elementary School Principals webpage. It explains technology integration and its benefits. It also lays out a plan for how administrators can begin to "develop a progressive technology-infused program." Though the article was written in 2012, I think it's just as relevant today as when it was first published.
Cybil Hill

How Tech Will Transform the Traditional Classroom - 0 views

    This article discusses technology in the classroom and has a lot of ideas for incorporating technology on a budget.
Cybil Hill

Language Journeys - 0 views

    This is a blog that incorporates technology into language and gifted programs. It has a lot of great ideas for tools for gifted students who want to work ahead.
Cybil Hill

StoryPlace: The Children's Digital Library - 0 views

    This is a digital library that has English and Spanish stories. These stories can be read to the students, which is convenient for students who struggle with reading or for students who need more input in Spanish.
Cybil Hill

Welcome to Google Lit Trips! - 0 views

    I truly enjoyed venturing through this site. It is a great resource for virtual fieldtrips for students.
Deborah Lyman

Pete's Power Point Station - A Collection of FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format fo... - 0 views

    This is my favorite resource for great PowerPoints
Kelsey Ramirez

Illuminations - 1 views

    Check out hundreds of exemplary online resources, as identified by an editorial panel.
    Excellent source for teaching math with lessons and simulations
Jon Freer

Social Media News and Web Tips - Mashable - The Social Media Guide - 0 views

    Social Media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. The latest web technology news, via RSS daily.
Darla Grant

English Journal - 0 views

    This page has great articles for teaching literature.
    I didn't realize that they had a section for grants. Thanks for sharing!
Gretel Patch

John Dewey's "Democracy and Education" - 0 views

  • Education is thus a fostering, a nurturing, a cultivating, process
  • Etymologically, the word education means just a process of leading or bringing up. When we have the outcome of the process in mind, we speak of education as shaping, forming, molding activity -- that is, a shaping into the standard form of social activity
  • A being connected with other beings cannot perform his own activities without taking the activities of others into account
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  • We might as well try to imagine a business man doing business, buying and selling, all by himself, as to conceive it possible to define the activities of an individual in terms of his isolated actions
  • he social medium neither implants certain desires and ideas directly, nor yet merely establishes certain purely muscular habits of action, like "instinctively" winking or dodging a blow
  • Making the individual a sharer or partner in the associated activity so that he feels its success as his success, its failure as his failure, is the completing step
    This 1916 Dewey classic is packed with theory. He covers the fundamental meaning of education as a collective process that involves one's own experiences and the experiences of others. No one is an island when it comes to learning and sharing experiences.

Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy - 1 views

  • cognitive-behaviourist, social constructivist, and connectivist pedagogy
  • explore distance education systems as they have evolved through three eras of educational, social, and psychological development
  • requirement for distance education to be technologically mediated in order to span the geographic and often temporal distance between learners, teachers, and institutions, it is common to think of development or generations of distance education in terms of the technology used to span these distances
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  • first generation of distance education technology was by postal correspondence
  • second generation, defined by the mass media of television, radio, and film production
  • interactive technologies: first audio, then text, video, and then web and immersive conferencing
  • less clear what defines the so-called fourth- and even fifth-generation distance technologies except for a use of intelligent data bases (Taylor, 2002) that create “intelligent flexible learning” or that incorporate Web 2.0 or semantic web technologies
  • repertoire of options available to DE designers and learners has increase
  • Many educators pride themselves on being pedagogically (as opposed to technologically) driven in their teaching and learning designs
  • two being intertwined in a dance: the technology sets the beat and creates the music, while the pedagogy defines the moves
  • To some extent, our pedagogical processes may themselves be viewed as technologies
  • none of these three pedagogical generations has disappeared, and we will argue that all three can and should be effectively used to address the full spectrum of learning needs and aspirations of 21st century learners.
  • Behavioural learning theory begins with notions of learning which are generally defined as new behaviours or changes in behaviours that are acquired as the result of an individual’s response to stimuli
  • Although learning was still conceived of as an individual process, its study expanded from an exclusive focus on behaviour to changes in knowledge or capacity that are stored and recalled in individual memory.
  • The locus of control in a CB model is very much the teacher or instructional designer
  • It is notable that such models gained a foothold in distance education at a time when there were limited technologies available that allowed many-to-many communication. Teleconferencing was perhaps the most successful means available but came with associated costs and complexity that limited its usefulness. The postal service and publication or redistribution of messages was very slow, expensive, and limited in scope for interactivity. Methods that relied on one-to-many and one-to-one communication were really the only sensible options because of the constraints of the surrounding technologies.
  • Cognitive presence is the means and context through which learners construct and confirm new knowledge
  • Later developments in cognitive theory have attempted to design learning materials in ways that maximized brain efficiency and effectiveness by attending to the types, ordering, timing, and nature of learning stimulations
  • Learning was thought of as an individual process, and thus it made little difference if one was reading a book, watching a movie, or interacting with a computer-assisted learning program by oneself or in the company of other learners
  • reduction of the role and importance of the teacher further fueled resentment by traditional educators against the CB model of distance education
  • While appropriate when learning objectives are very clear, CB models avoid dealing with the full richness and complexity of humans learning to be, as opposed to learning to do
  • People are not blank slates but begin with models and knowledge of the world and learn and exist in a social context of great intricacy and depth.
  • technology became widely used to create opportunities for both synchronous and asynchronous interactions between and among students and teachers
  • Social-constructivist pedagogy acknowledges the social nature of knowledge and of its creation in the minds of individual learners.
  • Teachers do not merely transmit knowledge to be passively consumed by learners; rather, each learner constructs means by which new knowledge is both created and integrated with existing knowledge
  • The locus of control in a social-constructivist system shifts somewhat away from the teacher, who becomes more of a guide than an instructor, but who assumes the critical role of shaping the learning activities and designing the structure in which those activities occur
  • social-constructivist models only began to gain a foothold in distance education when the technologies of many-to-many communication became widely available, enabled first by email and bulletin boards, and later through the World Wide Web and mobile technologies
  • Cognitive presence also assumes that learners are actively engaged, and interaction with peers is perhaps the most cost-effective way to support cognitive presence
  • It remains challenging to apply learning where it can blossom into application and thus demonstrate true understanding
  • Social interaction is a defining feature of constructivist pedagogies. At a distance, this interaction is always mediated, but nonetheless, it is considered to be a critical component of quality distance education
  • the educator is a guide, helper, and partner where the content is secondary to the learning process; the source of knowledge lies primarily in experiences
  • teaching presence in constructivist pedagogical models focuses on guiding and evaluating authentic tasks performed in realistic contexts.
  • Constructivist distance education pedagogies moved distance learning beyond the narrow type of knowledge transmission that could be encapsulated easily in media through to the use of synchronous and asynchronous, human communications-based learning
  • learning is the process of building networks of information, contacts, and resources that are applied to real problems. Connectivism was developed in the information age of a networked era (Castells, 1996) and assumes ubiquitous access to networked technologies
  • Connectivism also assumes that information is plentiful and that the learner’s role is not to memorize or even understand everything, but to have the capacity to find and apply knowledge when and where it is needed.
  • It is noteworthy that connectivist models explicitly rely on the ubiquity of networked connections between people, digital artifacts, and content, which would have been inconceivable as forms of distance learning were the World Wide Web not available to mediate the process. Thus, as we have seen in the case of the earlier generations of distance learning, technology has played a major role in determining the potential pedagogies that may be employed.
  • learners have access to powerful networks and, as importantly, are literate and confident enough to exploit these networks in completing learning tasks
  • exposing students to networks and providing opportunities for them to gain a sense of self-efficacy in networked-based cognitive skills and the process of developing their own net presence
  • Connectivist learning is based as much upon production as consumption of educational content
  • The activities of learners are reflected in their contributions to wikis, Twitter, threaded conferences, Voicethreads, and other network tools. Further, social presence is retained and promoted through the comments, contributions, and insights of students who have previously engaged in the course and that persist as augmentable archives to enrich network interactions for current students
  • learners and teacher collaborate to create the content of study, and in the process re-create that content for future use by others
  • stress to teaching presence is the challenge presented by rapidly changing technologies
    How three theories have shaped distance learning over the years. Connectivist theory shows how learning is about forming connections with others through human and digital interaction. Developed in the digital age and assumes access to social networking technologies.
    This is a March 2011 journal article that highlights the shifts in technology and theory for distance learning. First, there was the cognitive-behaviorist with it's focus on read, watch, and recall. As the web developed, we saw constructivism shift the teachers duties from content creator to a guide through the content as students synthesized. Connectivism promotes the teacher as a "co-traveler" helping students to explore, connect, and create.
Gretel Patch

the social/situational orientation to learning - 0 views

  • Learning involves participation in a community of practice
  • people learn from observing other people
  • Learning is, thus, not seen as the acquisition of knowledge by individuals so much as a process of social participation. The nature of the situation impacts significantly on the process
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  • Attending to a behaviour; remembering it as a possible model or paradigm; and playing out how it may work for them in different situations (rehearsal) are key aspects of observational learning
  • It makes no sense to talk of knowledge that is decontextualized, abstract or general. New knowledge and learning are properly conceived as being located in communities
  • Learning does not belong to individual persons, but to the various conversations of which they are a part.
  • there is a need to explore the extent to which learning (or intelligence) lies in the resources to which people have access
  • while the individual is significant, psychological analysis should focus on the joint, socially mediated activity in a cultural context
    People learn from watching others and then applying that knowledge in their own experiences; learning is seen as a social process rather than an acquisition of knowledge; in order to be useful, knowledge needs to have a context within a community
Gretel Patch

Learning Theories and Instructional Strategies - The Foundations of Instructional Techn... - 0 views

  • Learning is how we acquire knowledge
  • goal of education, and the product of experience
  • ways in which technology can expand the limitations of a learners mind, while articulation and reflection are processes that can be performed by the learner to help incorporate new knowledge into existing knowledge resulting in support of learning
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Cognition is about how our brain works or how our mind works
  • What to teach and how to teach
  • instruction as anything done for or with a learner or the learner’s environment to help them acquire new knowledge or learn. Some of those things will be very direct and some will be indirect
  • something one person does to help another person learn
  • theory is a hypothesis that describes, speculates, or defines a relationship between a set of facts or phenomena through a body of principles, policies, beliefs, or assumptions
  • more prescriptive. It clearly suggests steps you should follow in trying to support someone while learning. This does not appear to be a theory, but rather a strategy
  • dividing concepts into categories and hierarchies of ideas
  • A model is an example, description, or analogy that helps a person understand what is not directly observable
  • Instructional strategies structure instructional theories for direct application in the learning environment
  • They provide the instructor with a plan for implementation and are considered more prescriptive, yet flexible enough to accommodate the dynamics of any learning environment.
  • Creating learning communities is an intentional process of redesigning curriculum and bringing faculty and students together to create more coherent and collaborative learning environments.
  • -so that students have opportunities for deeper understanding and integration of the material they are learning, and more interaction with one another and their teachers as fellow participants in the learning enterprise”
  • students more control over their environment with the potential of leading to improved results and more efficient decision making practices.
    Learning communities need to be intentional; students must form with each other deeper understandings; gives students more control over their learning environment
Gretel Patch

Philosophy of Education (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - 0 views

  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
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  • While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons
  • within a few years they can read, write, calculate, and act (at least often) in culturally-appropriate ways
  • education also serves as a social-sorting mechanism and undoubtedly has enormous impact on the economic fate of the individual.
  • education equips individuals with the skills and substantive knowledge that allows them to define and to pursue their own goals, and also allows them to participate in the life of their community as full-fledged, autonomous citizens
  • societal perspective, where the picture changes somewhat
  • groups depend for their continuing survival on educational processes, as do the larger societies and nation-states of which they are part
  • The great social importance of education is underscored, too, by the fact that when a society is shaken by a crisis, this often is taken as a sign of educational breakdown; education, and educators, become scapegoats.
  • education as transmission of knowledge versus education as the fostering of inquiry and reasoning skills that are conducive to the development of autonomy
  • the question of what this knowledge, and what these skills, ought to be
  • how learning is possible, and what is it to have learned something—two sets of issues that relate to the question of the capacities and potentialities that are present at birth, and also to the process (and stages) of human development and to what degree this process is flexible and hence can be influenced or manipulated
  • liberal education and vocational education
  • personal development or education for citizenship
  • distinction between educating versus teaching versus training versus indoctrination
  • education and maintenance of the class structure of society, and the issue of whether different classes or cultural groups can—justly—be given educational programs that differ in content or in aims
  • whether or not all children have a right to state-provided education
  • relation between education and social reform, centering upon whether education is essentially conservative, or whether it can be an (or, the) agent of social change
  • These features make the phenomena and problems of education of great interest to a wide range of socially-concerned intellectuals, who bring with them their own favored conceptual frameworks—concepts, theories and ideologies, methods of analysis and argumentation, metaphysical and other assumptions, criteria for selecting evidence that has relevance for the problems that they consider central, and the like.
  • for although education can occur in schools, so can mis-education (as Dewey pointed out), and many other things can take place there that are educationally orthogonal (such as the provision of free or subsidized lunches, or the development of social networks); and it also must be recognized that education can occur in the home, in libraries and museums, in churches and clubs, in solitary interaction with the public media, and the like
    Education affects society as a whole; when society fails, education is often to blame; education is a social-sorting tool that affects societies and culture; social networks allow education to take place anywhere
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