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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jason Marconi

Jason Marconi

How to Create a Robust & Meaningful PLN - 1 views

    I recently posted a power point presentation by Pam Murray that has a broken link so this article discussion will take its place. In the article creating a robust and meaningful-pesronal-learning-network author Gabrielle Even does a great job detailing what a PLN is through her own leraning of personal networks and how she has used blogging, twitter, goodreads and other platforms to develop PLNs. I like that she details what a PLN has in common with PLE's as well as how they differ. Finally I enjoyed her "how to" use a PLN by providing the example of a MOOC and how to best utilize that to transform your understanding of a personal learning network.
Jason Marconi

Connectivism: Its Place in Theory-Informed Research and Innovation in Technology-Enable... - 5 views

    Bell, F. (2010). Connectivism: Its place in theory-informed research and innovation in technology-enabled learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3), 98-118. Unlike the other articles I've discussed regarding Connectivism Frances starts by detailing the world Internet market. Which is an interesting starting point because in order for Connectivism to be a qualifying learning theory for everyone, the actual "connection" part must be prevalent. This is the first article that draws attention to the potential digital divide that could keep some countries and regions from the potential benefits of Connectivism. From his subtle inclusion of what can be read as the digital divide, he details the history of sharing on the Internet, and the general practice of sharing the Internet in itself has created. I also like that Frances describes Connectivism as a learning theory not looking to take over past practices but collaborate with them. This was an important note compared to the other articles I read that were determined to sell Connectivism as the all or nothing approach towards the future of web 2.0 in learning either for or against. Finally Frances discusses Connectivism role in research and those looking for a more fundamental understanding of research done on Connectivism and regarding Connectivism. The author tackles both topics with great research backing up all scenarios and discussions.
Jason Marconi

Personal Learning Networks: Creating Life Long Learning By: Pam Murray - 2 views

    This is one of the few resources I decided to use that was not found at but rather a simple Google search. I choose this power point because it breaks down Personal Learning networks in digestible pieces easy to understand. Within the presentation Pam does a great job establishing the importance for teachers themselves to establish their own PLN's to not only benefit themselves but also their students that will be learning from them as well. She goes on to describe what a PLN is and the benefits they offer. What I like most about Pam's presentation is that she includes ways to set up popular PLN's from scratch such as RSS readers, blogs, twitter, and professional networks as well. The quick points and step by step processes made this a standout resource for me when learning about personal learning networks.
Jason Marconi

Personal Learning Environments - the future of eLearning? - 8 views

    Attwell, G. (2007). Personal Learning Environments-the future of eLearning?. eLearning Papers, 2(1), 1-8. In Graham Attwell's article he offers some insight and ideas towards why personal learning Environments may be essential to learning in the future. . He details the technology behind the buzz surrounding personal learning environments and examples of how we can use them going forward. What I enjoyed about the article was the notion that everyone's learning environment, style, context, and situation are different and PLE's enable the learner to pace themselves and grow on their own terms. While detailing lifelong learning the author grabs the theory of self-driven education being helped by personal learning environments. Graham does a good job of not following into a common misconception that technology directly correlates to better learning, but rather approaches the aspect of what technology could do for learning as well as what personal learning environments could do for learning as well. From his own personal PLE list of software to explaining the next steps in adopting personal learning environments on a wider scale Graham makes sense of a complicated theory.
Jason Marconi

Trial by Twitter: The rise and slide of the Year's Most Viral Microblogging Platform By... - 6 views

    Stevens, V. (2008). Trial by Twitter: The rise and slide of the year's most viral microblogging platform. TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 12(1). This article did not focus just on Connectivism or just on communities of practice but provided a clear example of both after my previous readings. If you think about the basic fundamental of twitter it would be easy to discount at first whether or not it would be successful. I'm sure along the way some may have even felt that it was a fad destined to fail or fade. Who would want to be limited to only one hundred and fifty characters to get out a complete thought and why would anyone be interested. Well right now according to this article twitter is the most popular microblogging tool that has existed. I found it interesting if you have read my previous articles especially about linguistics in communities of practice that twitter type has made its way into our everyday vernacular, such as saying hash tag in actual dictation. Interesting that a change in our speech and actions are indicators of belonging to a certain community of practice, much like how some groups say 'lol' instead of actually laughing out loud. This article draws these dots that are easily linked together to show Connectivism. The author spends time explaining when he "got" twitter, or when it dawned on him this is an excellent tool. From there he uses some great analogies to describe the connected world twitter produces for millions of users a day. My favorite quote from his article "To 'get' twitter, you have to have your finger on the pulse of what is pumping lifeblood through the Internet, and that is the people on it and how they come together (Connectivism), connect, and relate to one another (communities of practice) in virtual learning networks". (Stevens,2008)
Jason Marconi

Connectivism: Concepts and Principles for emerging Learning Networks By: Ana-Maria Marhan - 4 views

    Marhan, A. M. (2006). Connectivism: Concepts and Principles for emerging Learning Networks. In The 1 st Conference on Virtual Learning. In this article author, Ana-Maria Marhan does a good job exploring the principals pushing forward Connectivism as a pedagogical helper. This becomes apparent right from her abstract "Connectivism views learning as a network creation process, and looks at how we might provide 'learning ecologies' to meet the learners' needs.". In her first section, she defines learning as "a persisting change in human performance or performance potential which must come about as a result of the learner's experience and interaction with the world." As soon as I read the last few words "interaction with the world", I began to connect the dots (no pun intended) to what I've read thus far about communities of practice. She spreads out on a handful of relevant and interesting subtopics to the overall theme of Connectivism. After she describes more about the new connected and growing world we live in she tackles the basics of Connectivism as a theory of learning and the principals behind it. Again like other articles she echoes many of the same sentiments George Siemens made when he originally proposed the learning theory. After the background on Siemens theory, she begins to draw everything together. One statement that I enjoyed was "Individual is the starting point of Connectivism: personal knowledge is comprised of a network, which feeds into communities, organizations or institutions, which in turn feed back into the network and then continue to provide learning to individual". She does a great job of supporting the use of technology not as the new power of learning but as a tool to unlock that power. "When knowledge, however, is needed but not known, the ability to plug into sources to meet the requirements becomes a vital skill".
Jason Marconi

Connectivism: new paradigm or fascinating pot-pourri? By: Antonio Calvani - 2 views

    Calvani, A. (2009). Connectivism: new paradigm or fascinating pot-pourri?. Journal of E-learning and Knowledge Society, 4(1). This article is a little hard to swallow at times. In what seems to be a love affair for his own writing he denounces, disagrees, and argues against the text Knowing Knowledge, By Siemens. I am all for disagreeing and arguing but not at the expense of the writer's own opinion where he cannot incorporate any research that supports his position. The author argues that many are too quick to adopt "isms" as a new learning theory and web 2.0 buzzword. He seems to jump from Connectivism as an unfinished theory and being incomplete, again though with no research backing up his own opinion and claim. Just when I thought he was done speaking about anything that I could connect with, Mr. Calvani did illicit a head nod. "A wild transfer of Connectivism to school would lead to think that putting students on the net is enough to produce knowledge, thus consolidating that widespread harmful cliché according to which the more technologies we use, anyway we do it, the better it is for learning".(Calvani,) As an alternative viewpoint to Connectivism he does draw some interesting end points, albeit at the sake of providing actual research for his own defense.
Jason Marconi

Communities of Practice By: Miriam Meyerhoff - 1 views

    Meyerhoff, M. (2002). 21 Communities of Practice. This is another article that researches the marriage between social and linguistic definitions used in communities of practice. What I enjoyed about this excerpt was when the author went beyond the foundation communities of practice has, and explored distinguishing frameworks on which linguistic and social understandings were built. I also enjoyed that a good portion of this writing included the research that went on in the developmental stages of defining community of practice. This allowed me to draw strong correlations within my own educational arena and within the development of adolescents. All the research made sense to me as I read it; I just wish I knew the conclusion to the research, such as how it can affect those who want to belong to a less than morally ideal community of practice. How do I combat the need for certain students to want to feel part of a community of practice I know will not lead them to professional success.
Jason Marconi

Communities of Practice - 4 views

    Eckert, P. (2006). Communities of practice. ELL, 2, 683-685. In this article, Mrs. Eckert does a great job in simplifying what a community of practice entails and means. She allows you to visualize the communities you belong to as well as other communities of practice you interact with or observe on a daily basis. One important distinction is that the author of this work is written from the sense of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology and not from an educator's mind set. Irrespective of this standpoint, you can see direct correlations to where students understand themselves and what communities of practice your own student population may fall under. In order to understand the social development of communities of practice Mrs. Eckert does a good job in breaking down common cores that can emerge from memberships. The linguistic side she writes, "A white working class Italian-American woman does not develop her ways of speaking directly from the larger categorical working class, Italian American, and female, but from her day to day experience as a person who combines those three memberships. Her experience will be articulated by her participation in activities and communities of practice that are particular to her place in the social order."(Eckert, 2006) Building upon that theory, she discusses the importance of social space "Emma Moore's study of teenage girls in Northern England (Moore 2003) traced the gradual split of a group of somewhat rebellious "populars" as some of them emerged as the tougher "townies" in their ninth year. In the process, the vernacular speech patterns of the "townies" intensified in opposition to those of their more Conservative friends". (Eckert, 2006) While the article sheds more light on the development of speech patterns and dialects through the medium of communities, we can also see the definition in practice in which a collection of people gather together over a common interest and then orients to their new surrounding
Jason Marconi

Communities of Practice the Organizational Frontier - 4 views

    By: Eitenne C. Wenger and William M. Snyder Wenger, E. C., & Snyder, W. M. (2000). Communities of practice: The organizational frontier. Harvard business review, 78(1), 139-146. The first article I started with was a Harvard Business review entry regarding communities of practice within organizations. While my other articles focused on the education world and describe actions within the social environment, this article took a different approach in explaining the inner workings CofP's play in the office. The fundamental meaning communities of practice represent go unchanged, but it is interesting that this article puts a table and explanation for the differences other office groups represent, such as an informal network, project team, and formal work group. This distinction allows for other varied communities of practice to be represented. Such as the education field and social psychology. Wenger and Snyder then take the article one step further by explaining the uses of CoPs for management and how to facilitate their growth for strong company cultures.
Jason Marconi

Communities of Practice - 1 views

    Smith, M. K. (2003) 'Communities of practice', the encyclopedia of informal education, . In this article, author, mike smith explains the beginning concepts that Jean Lave and Entienne Wenger developed for communities of practice. What I liked most about this article is it was the first reading I had that took communities of practice and put a learning centered spin on the theory. "Suppose learning is social and comes largely from our experience of participating in daily life. Their model of situated learning proposed that learning involves a process of engagement in a community of practice" (Smith, 2003). Mr. Smith defines and reiterates what Lave and Wenger argued, structure communities of practice. I also appreciated the time Mr. Smith took note the weaknesses that could be potential downfalls within their own research, such as "romanticizing communities of practice" as Mr. Smith puts it. "In their eagerness to debunk testing, formal education and formal accreditation, they do not analyze how their omission [of a range of questions and issues] affects power relations, access, public knowledge and public accountability" (Tennant 1997:79). He goes on to discuss organizational development and follows up with a conclusion that included the below phrase I really enjoyed. "Learning is in the relationships between people."(Smith, 2003) If you think about the history textbook version of what the authors and historians assumed thanksgiving was like and the weeks and days leading up to the day of thanks, you can see a great example of learning as a relationship between people.
Jason Marconi

Evernote | Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. - 1 views

    I recently just started integrating Evernote with writing my lesson plans and lecture notes. In my classes I have a mixed bag of students. Some of my students have varying degrees of IEPs. For along time students who needed audiobook publisher support, to have the chapter notes read to them were bound by 1. The book we were using in class and if it had that type of support and 2. What the publisher thought was important to include in the audio, which often does not provide alternate examples for the concepts the student are trying to learn. With the record Evernote feature I have a simple and easy way to integrate audio and send my recorded lecture notes, examples and recorded exam questions to the students that need this type of alternative learning experience . I'm aware there are other resources where this was possible. Evernote just happens to be in my opinion the best one stop app to write a lecture ,integrate pictures,graphics and audio to effectively reach my entire class. So if you were on the fence about Evernote or have never heard about it before be sure to check it out from the link I provided
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