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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ilene Reed


Does Twitter Deserve a Place in the Classroom? (Op-Ed) - 1 views

    Jin Kim Montclare uses technology and social media to enhance his classes. He tells us about using twitter and blogging to successfully engage students.

The Malaysian Insider - 1 views

    In Japan students are using Facebook as a discussion forum. Students post from a list of questions provided by the teacher and have a dialogue on the topic to enhance both oral and written responses.

IAMAI joins hands with Facebook - 1 views

    Internet and Mobile Association of India and Facebook have a program to educate students age 13-17 about safety. It will be live streamed via Facebook. It is part of another classroom program called Safe Surfing.

The Case For Social Media in Schools - 1 views

    E.Delmatoff of Portland Oregon uses social media to help meet the schools "adequate yearly progress goal" for the first time ever.

High Schools Need to Use Social Media to Spur STEM Engagement - 1 views

    William Broman sees firsthand the success of using Twitter in a physics class. It makes the only slightly interest students excited.

High School Students Meet the Rock Stars of Particle Physics - 1 views

    Students in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania asked questions over Skype to scientists from CERN the European Organization of Nuclear Research and Fermilab. All felt is was a" high-quality conversation and demonstration medium".

Skype on Pinterest - 1 views

    An entire page of success stories of using Skype in the classroom.

Skype Blogs - 1 views

    Skype Blog that has several success stories of using Skype in the classroom. Have a U.S. Senator speak in class over Skype, talk with mt climbers on Everest, special guest on Skype Classroom.

Skype in the classroom - 0 views

    Here is a Facebook page for Skype! It offers great ideas of guest speakers and tours through Skype for successful projects in the classroom.

Skype in the Classroom - 1 views

    A site full of success stories using Skype in the classroom. If you wonder if it is successful just look at the faces of the kids in video "Skype in the classroom-Tony Bates" the fourth one over.

Personal Learning Networks Are Virtual Lockers for Schoolkids | Edutopia - 14 views

  • Constructing a PLN is the essential skill that moves my students into the driver's seat of their own learning. It helps them sort through and manage the proliferation of online materials that jam the information superhighway. It is also indispensable to our project-learning curriculum, which includes challenging projects such as the Flat Cl
    Written by the Cool Cat Teacher, this article states that using PLNs allow her student to connect to informational sources and become self-directed lifelong learners. It moves students into the driver's seat and helps them sort through the plethora of information.

Communities of Practice - 0 views

    KM stands for knowledge management. This article talks about CoPs in terms of the need to do away with canonical practice because the rules and procedures inhibit problem solving abilities. There is something I cannot identify that annoys me with this article. I do like the " Empowerment is key to learning" statement.

Website #6- Communities of Practice - 6 views

    This article makes the reader think. Janet Clarey poses the question "are social learning and communities of practice the same thing?" Her idea is that they are not. She makes the distinction between them as social learning is taking in all information from social settings. It cannot be tracked as far as acquisition of knowledge. Communities of practice focus on sharing and collaboration of information and can be tracked.

Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger) CoPs - 17 views

    This is a "webliography" (my new word of the day) that describes the idea of communities of practice by theorists Lave and Wenger. It is a good at describing what the terms are. Wenger says that" learning is central to human identity" and people continuously create their identity by engaging in and contributing to communities.

Communities of Practice - 4 views

  • he term community of practice was coined to refer to the community that acts as a living curriculum for the apprentice
    Wenger 2006, I chose this article because I recognized his name from my 503 reading. He does explain CoPs well. Wenger states there are three charateriestics crucial to being a CoP. They are: domain or the common interest; community or the interaction, and practice or the fact that the members are practitioners. He coined the phrase community of practice in reference to the living curriculum of apprentices.

learning_paradigms:connectivism [Learning Theories] - 0 views

  • onnections are formed between nodes, but also between networks of nodes
    This is a brief summary of connectivism. It defiens the need for learners to connect and form nodes. Connections between nodes and networks of nodes can help learners grow their knowledge. Individuals have an influence on the nodes but the network has limited influence on the nodes. I like it.

Half an Hour - 0 views

  • Hence, in connectivism, there is no real concept of transferring knowledge, making knowledge, or building knowledge. Rather, the activities we undertake when we conduct practices in order to learn are more like growing or developing ourselves and our society in certain (connected) ways.
  • This implies a pedagogy that (a) seeks to describe 'successful' networks (as identified by their properties, which I have characterized as diversity, autonomy, openness, and connectivity) and (b) seeks to describe the practices that lead to such networks, both in the individual and in society (which I have characterized as modeling and demonstration (on the part of a teacher) and practice and reflection (on the part of a learner)).
  • "Knowledge is not learning or education, and I am not sure that Constructivism applies only to propositional learning nor that all the symbol systems that we think with have linguistic or propositional characteristics. "
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Connectivism is not a representational theory.
  • it denies that there are bits of knowledge or understanding, much less that they can be created, represented or transferred.
  • Well, it's kind of like making friends.George talks about deciding what people make useful friends, how to make connections with those friends, building a network of those friends.
    Stephen Downes must be an interesting fellow. I admit this article had me lost more than once, but, it was useful and kept my interest. I am starting to recognize the Downes from this assignment. I like his take on knowledge is grown rather than acquired. This is more a conversation than an article but offers good argument.

Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? - 13 views

  • Connectivism is a theoretical framework for understanding learning.
  • ccording to connectivism, knowledge is distributed across an information network and can be stored in a variety of digital formats.
  • objectivism, pragmatism, and interpretivism
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Where connectivism differs from those theories, I would argue, is that connectivism denies that knowledge is propositional. That is to say, these other theories are 'cognitivist', in the sense that they depict knowledge and learning as being grounded in language and logic.  Connectivism is, by contrast, ‘connectionist’.  Knowledge is, on this theory, literally the set of connections formed by actions and experience. It may consist in part of linguistic structures, but it is not essentially based in linguistic structures, and the properties and constraints of linguistic structures are not the properties and constraints of connectivism. . . In connectivism, there is no real concept of transferring knowledge, making knowledge, or building knowledge.  Rather, the activities we undertake when we conduct practices in order to learn are more like growing or developing ourselves and our society in certain (connected) ways.”
  • Vygotsk
  • Vygotsky
  • learning is the act of recognizing patterns shaped by complex networks.’  
  • The role of the tutor will not only change, but may disappear altogether.
  • A paradigm shift, indeed, may be occurring in educational theory, and a new epistemology may be emerging, but it does not seem that connectivism’s contributions to the new paradigm warrant it being treated as a separate learning theory in and of its own right.  Connectivism, however, continues to play an important role in the development and emergence of new pedagogies, where control is shifting from the tutor to an increasingly more autonomous learner.
  • Downes and Siemens do not suggest that connectivism is limited to the online environment.
    This article argues that connectivism is not a theory because it does not introduce any new ideas. It is a great resource for reviewing other learning theories. In the article is states that Verhangen sees connectivism as a level of pedology and curriculum rather than theory. I like this quote from Downs 2007 "Knowledge is the set of connections formed by action and experience."

Connectivism - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 11 views

    This is a great introduction to constructivism. Please take the time to watch the video in the introduction. The article explains the link between today's knowledge and yesterdays information while stressing the fact that knowledge and information is ever changing. Constructivism allows the investigator to to take control of learning and bypass the slow or reluctant process of updating information as it changes. I really liked this article, it sparked some ideas for my personal finance class I am rewriting curriculum for. (my book for this class is a 1998 edition with no funds for updated material)

The Fischbowl: My Personal Learning Network in Action - 0 views

    This interesting article about PLNs talks about the teaching strategy that says we are in a write/read culture and PLNs are a way of allowing students to be published on the web. He says that by allowing students to publish to the web even when their work is lacking, exposes them to other posts that are better and clearer than theirs. This will encourage them and give them more incentive to improve their own work. It is a good theory.
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