This blog post discusses what a PLN is and how educators can create a PLN to support meaningful and relevant learning. It describes a PLN as an aspect of a PLE (personal learning environment) and then compares and contrasts the two. The author also provides examples of PLNs and discusses how to use MOOCs (massive online open course) and cMOOCs (connectivist massive open online course) to help build a PLN.
This article by Dr. Mark Wagner discusses what a PLN is and provides tips for PLNs for educators. The 10 things he suggests are: connect, contribute, converse, request, blog, tweet, join a social network like Classroom 2.0, use Google+, be patient, and be authentic.
This article, for Innovate: Journal of Online Education, was written by Stephen Downes. It discusses connectivism as implemented in an online course Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, lead by Downes and George Siemens.
This GoogleDoc by George Siemens provides a great visual to help describe the differences between connectivism and other learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism). He created a table listing different properties and then briefly lists how each theory explains those properties. He then lists several characteristics that are distinct about connectivism.
This site discusses Connectivism and the work of Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Connectivism is described as a "learning theory for a digital age" and looks at learning as a process that occurs through connections within networks. The site also provides a couple YouTube videos and presentations from Downes and Siemens.
This site is a blog by Stephen Downes discussing Connectivism. Downes describes what learning and learning theories in the context of Connectivism. He then talks about how learning occurs in terms of looking at how connections are formed. He compares/contrasts connectivism with other learning theories such as behaviorism and constructivism.
This article, by George Siemens, describes the learning theory of Connectivism. The article begins by discussing the need for a new learning theory for the Digital Age. The author identifies some significant trends in learning and then analyzes the limitation of prior learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. The principles of Connectivism are described and it's implications are discussed.
This site describes communities of practice (CoP) as "groups of people who share a passion for something that they do, and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better." It then goes on to describe the history or CoPs, when and how to use them (providing a flowchart for cultivating communities of practice), and concludes with tips, examples, and related resources.
This article discusses Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, who proposed that "learning involved a process of engagement in a 'community of practice'." They discuss the idea of learning as being a social experience rather than an individual one, and that people are typically involved in a number of communities of practice. The characteristics of communities of practice are described, as well as situated learning.
This article was written for the Encyclopedia of Langauge and Linguistics. The article discusses how communities of practice are "collections of people who engage on an ongoing basis in some common endeavor". They are based not on shared characteristics or co-presence, but rather on shared practices. The author also points out that there are two crucial conditions, "shared experience over time, and a commitment to shared understanding". The article then discusses communities of practice in the sense of linguistics.
This site is a great resource for math teachers. It provides video tutorials of many math concepts from basic math through advanced math such as Calculus.