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Janice Wilson Butler

Tablets Haven't Killed the PC Yet -- Campus Technology - 5 views

    What do you think?  Will PC sales begin to grow?  Do you think the iPad will replace the need for laptops?
    I dont' know if PC sales will go up! At the current moment the demand is for ipads and tablets! I don't think that the ipad will replace the need for laptops. Believe me I love the ipad but its just like a larger version of the iphone!! I have a macbook which I love!! I think that Mac is better but that is just my opinion, it just seems easier to us. But maybe this is because I have been using Mac for about three years now and a PC is difficult for me to use. Only certain functions like excel! Its just that mac and PC are different but both are still great!!!
Yadira Flores

Free printable English worksheets, wordsearches, crosswords, board games, grammar works... - 2 views

    • Yadira Flores
      I find it a very useful website and it is free!
    I know that it's not my turn to host this week but after seeing Tania's great website that she shared, I just had to share this! Check it out!
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    I really liked this website!! Our bilingual students will definitely enjoy working on spelling lists that have pictures to help them understand the meaning as well. Once students master the vocabulary/spelling list, they may test online through a website I found earlier this year. I was looking for website to create online spelling tests and I fell in love with "Benchmarks for Success: Free on-line benchmark testing". Check out their website: Not only can you create a test, but also print out a generated list of passcodes for students to go to this site and test online. My students love it because they don't have to wait to know their grade since they get it once they submit their responses. Oh, you may also use tests created by others since all the created material is "shared"!
    This is a great source for us elementary teachers. I just have one question, do you have to download the software?
    No software download needed! It's all within the website.
    Thank you Romel!
    Whenever it's free.....of course us teachers love it. Check this website out there are also free printables.
    I looked over this site, and I really liked the crossword puzzle creator. Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for sharing. It's great to use considering we're limited with our resources. The kids always love solving the puzzles. Great for spelling and vocabulary.
    Great website! We fixing to incorporate a "more practice" section for those students who can't seem to grasp the unit/lesson. It will also serve for students who need/ask for extra credit. Thanks!!
    It's a great website especially the videos as professional development, make things less threatening and more comfortable. Thanks for sharing..
    It is a great website, not only because it has many practices to print, but also because it provides good practices on several themes that we have to cover. I was going over the "what time does the clock show?" practice. It works great on the Interactive Whiteboard. It allows the students to learn and participate in class.
Janice Wilson Butler

A Commitment to High Tech Education | Edutopia - 4 views

    • Janice Wilson Butler
      Take a look at this movie about integrating technology across the curriculum.
    • Janice Wilson Butler
      This is a powerful movie!
    • Janice Wilson Butler
      I am going to comment here.
  • Sophisticated electronic gadgets such as probes and global-positioning-system devices catch students' interest at Harrison Central High School.
    • Janice Wilson Butler
      I think this is great!
  • Only when we get students out of the paper and pencil learning and get them immersed in real world application, will we be able to educate students so that they can not only collect data, but analyze and interpret those resuts as well; therefore creating students who are critical thinkers!
    This is where you share additional comments. I want to add more
Juanita R. Martinez

New Study Finds iPads in the Classroom Boost Test Scores | Techland | - 4 views

    A new study shows that students who use iPads in the classroom score better in literacy tests than those who don't. Educators in Auburn, Maine began instructing 266 kindergarteners using the iPad 2 this fall, and those who used the tablet scored higher on literacy tests and were more enthused about learning.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I love my iPad! I do think there's a lot more going on than just using the iPads that is causing the high achievement rates. I could give a classroom full of middle-schoolers iPads and they would be able to download apps and play lots of games. I truly believe that the teacher makes all the difference. If the teacher isn't on top of things, the iPad would be just another toy. The authors of the article gave the iPad all the credit and it's not so. Don't get me wrong, I would love it if we had iPads for our students, but teachers that know how to integrate them into the curriculum make the learning happen!
    Juanita, In the classroom, the level of expertise of the teacher knowing how to integrate the iPad into lessons will determine whether iPads are different instructional tools to engage the students in the learning process or are they just a toy for entertainment or social networking. Classroom content can be enriched by using the iPad and constant teacher monitoring when being used by the students.
    I would love to incorporate iPad's into the classroom because of the number of possibilities it has. I also, however, agree, with Adriana when it comes to the main source of the classroom. The teacher needs to know the tool, know how to incorporate to make successful lessons in order for it to be successful. If you think about it, the number of teachers in the district... then the number of teachers who are willing to incorporate it. It is a big difference! It would be great if all teachers would incorporate it, even begin training to incorporate it.
    It would be extremely interesting to see how the Ipad can boost test grades. It's also important to note that the teacher would have to familiarize herself with this technology. I think they would be an amazing tool for the classroom because they will keep students engaged and interested in doing their work. Also, it's interesting because new apps are always coming on the market and they can also be used in the classroom.
Yadira Flores

Classroom Tech Learning, Education, PC, Mac, iPad, Bloom's Taxonomy - - 4 views

    • Jaime Villarreal
      Take a look at this video as you consider some of the challenges teachers will be confronted as more technology becomes available to be used in the classroom.
    • Yadira Flores
      Really liked the website because it offers many resources for educators. It offers live webinars and archived webinars that could be used by anyone to learn about integrating technology in the classroom.
    Website that provides valuable information and resources of educational technology.
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    This website offers up-to-date information of not only the latest educational tools but most importantly their impact in changing the learning environment. Please take a look at some of the best practices I have highlighted and share your views on what are some challenges you feel educators will experience as more technology is implemented in your curriculum.
    Jaime, thanks for the video. I really enjoyed how they viewed the 3-D lessons. Viewing the internal organs of the frog were neat. Our science students would be so much more engaged and have a better understanding identifying the organs by using a program like this. Again, great info to share.
    I-Pads are the newest popular gadgets in demand. I agree that their use in our schools has proven to be an efficient avenue for improving academic skills for students especially our most challenging students (e.g., special populations). The I-pads have also empowered our teachers to adapt technology to assist them and help support of the advancing students' learning. I am in agreement with Vincent that the price hinders the availabilty to all students. Perhaps we need to do more research on Vincent's comment about the use other tablets.
    I was excited to learn how 3D is being incorporated into the classroom. This 3D enhances students' learnign especially for the ADHD and dyslexic child. They are engaged in the learning and the students find it fun. The teacher was please with the ease of using the application in the classroom. Technology is truly fascinating.
Diana Cedillo

Technology Impact on Learning - 8 views

  • Children did not become social isolates. ACOT classes showed more evidence of spontaneous cooperative learning than did traditional classes.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How did technology encourage cooperative learning in this Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow project?
    • Leonila Pena
      I believe that having access to technology whenever they needed it gave the students the ability to go beyond the walls of the classroom. They didn't have to rely solely on the teacher as their learning resource. They had the tool to explore the world from their own home and the opportunity to become creators of their own learning. Through their research they most likely found other individuals that had the same interests as they did, people with whom they could share what they knew and also learn from. Many students become more confident when they see that others have interest in their work, it makes them want to show others what they know and help others enabling them to work more cooperatively with their peers.
  • The studies showed that ACOT students wrote better and were able to complete unites of study more rapidly than their peers in non-ACOT classrooms. In one case, students finished the year’s study of mathematics by the beginning of April. In short, academic productivity did not suffer and in some cases even improved.
    • Diana Cedillo
      According to this study, do you think that our students in our classrooms would have the same results if we presented them with computers as they did in their program? If so, what would we do or how would we follow this program with limited funding on technology?
  • Nineteen of the ACOT students (90%) went on to college, while only 15% of non-ACOT student sought higher education.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How has technology encouraged students to pursue higher education?
    • R. Palomares
      Technology encourages students to take more responsibility for their own learning. In addition, it creates a different attitude toward learning because they now act as active participants in their own learning. This is good information to share with other teachers. Thank you for sharing.
    • Diana Cedillo
      Yes Palomares, I agree it does encourge a student-centered learning environment. A direction we all seem to be moving towards.
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    • Diana Cedillo
      Is technology making a positive impact on education? If so, how?
    • Joshua McDonald
      I believe technology is doing what is has always done, making things happen faster, which for the most part I would say is a great thing. Specifically in education you can find a wealth of information for research in a very short amount of time, papers are easier to type then write, learning can be more individualistic, and I will stop there. So I can see lots of positive impacts in the education setting, but I can also see concerns. For instance I have noticed that for the most part my students lack the necessary skills to stop and think through a situation or a problem. If it takes to much time to solve, most of them will give up. They are used to getting things quickly. I do think the the positives outweigh the negatives in this instance.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with Joshua, technology is indeed making a positive impact on education. There are more students using a wide variety of programs that motivate them to do better in school. Programs such as Stixty have given the students the opportunity to do book reports in a fun and interactive way. There are numerous of other examples that demonstrate how technology is making a positive impact on education. It's making positive impacts on how we (educators) collaborate and share relevant information through programs such as this social bookmarking website(Diigo).
    • Santos Alvarado
      I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
    I think if the students get this opportunity to have a computers, they would have more access to get more resources for their studies. On the other hand, students need to be monitor when using computers to make they are using them effectively and not getting into websites that would get them in trouble.
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    This is a great study on the positive effects of technology. I can see how it could have been so successful, like any other type of program or project, consistency is the key aspect. Any type of technology that is going to be introduced into the learning setting will be effective if the accountability and full cooperation is clearly stated prior to making the commitment. This is something I have seen as an educator that becomes an issue because as Title 1 districts I am sure funds are available for Ipads or any other tablet that might be more affordable but the way things are implemented is a big aspect of how productive you will be. Many times we begin something and not follow through, I think that implementing any time of tablet into the learning process in our school is a great way to enhance learning as long as we set goals to meet and accomplish. Great information thank you for sharing.
    Marivel, I agree that districts and campuses have to be committed when introducing and executing the use of technology in the classroom. I believe errors in success occur when there's no consistency in using a technology in the classroom. Students are always more engaged. For example, this week, I did the story plot with my students in class and we retold the story of Prometheus using Toontastic ( I believe that's the name of the app) and my students were glued to the screen. It's a FREE app I encourage teachers to use. It provides the visual in the story students need so they can recall events in the story.
    Learned alot from this study!! It's amazing how much influence technology has on students. When I read that 90% of the students who were using technology went to college compared to only 15% of the non-tech students, I was shocked. It puzzles me how many school districts are not willing to make the necessary expenses to attain this same achievement. The school drop-out rate is sky rocketing here in the valley. I posted a link to a Texas drop out report. Check it out!
    Thank you for sharing the FREE app on recalling events in a story. I will try it tomorrow and hope to have great results just like you. Thank you.
    Technology is a great way of getting our students more engaged in our lessons. It was surprising to read in this article how the students in the ACOT program were college-bound unlike the other students in the same high school. Students are able to use technology to collaborate. I feel students might feel more comfortable sharing their ideas with one another through the use of technology.
    I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
Janice Wilson Butler

GetEdFunding - Free grant finding resources for educators and educational institutions ... - 3 views

    Lot's of information for grants
R. Palomares

A Day in the Life of a Connected Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

  • We have a room equipped with a smart board, mounted overhead projector, and a desktop PC running Windows 7. The campus has secure wi-fi throughout. About 8 of my 20 students have a laptop.
  • I started this class by handing out a paper syllabus. I noted that this was the only paper they would receive throughout the semester
  • Wikispace
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Wikispace.
  • Wikispace houses everything: syllabus, calendar, student pages, archived discussions, and various informative links.
  • several students in the class were taking notes on a Google Doc
  • Students can write their responses on their laptops, mobile device, or note pad.
  • Each group again opened a Google Doc and shared it with everyone in the group and me
    • Melizza Garcia
      This article was a fantasic way of using technolgy in the classroom. The student were constently collaborating on different topics and everything was being document for future use and reference.
    • Rene Rodriguez Jr
      I felt this article was important because it can help teachers who are new to using technology in the classroom with some ideas on the how to use technology to help our students learn and succeed.
    • Rene Rodriguez Jr
      We as teachers use so much paper. This instructor used paper only for his syllabus.
    • R. Palomares
      I liked his idea of using it for the syllabus and then explaining about using the wiki.
    • Rene Rodriguez Jr
      Students are able to use the technology to post their responses or comments.
  • Web Quests tend to be highly structured and tend to provide enough scaffolding information for students to work independently or collaboratively on self directed tasks.
  • Teaching the writing process, grammar, and mechanics can be boring for anyone, however when you allow students to use Facebook to discover these essential skills, the engagement factor increases.
    • R. Palomares
      Wow, he found an awesome way to teach the writing process through the using Facebook.
  • As I reflect on this class dynamic I am constantly trying to find new ways to connect my students.
    • R. Palomares
      I liked how he mentioned that he constantly tries to find new ways to incorporate technology.
  • manage to mess up the copied syllabus by some how not printing the first page of the reading schedule. Paper: Fail. Once the syllabu
  • l at once. I was surprised that none of the students in the class had ever used a Wikispace
    An article on a typical day in a technology connected classroom.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I found this article very interesting and it can be giving to first new teachers who have never used technology in the classroom. I liked how he printed the basic first page of the syllabus and then how he explained on useing the wiki for the complete syllabus, calendar, and other information relating to the class. This is a very good article to show how one teacher is incorporating technology in his classroom. Thank you for sharing Rene!
    Rene, the article provides interesting information about an effective way to infuse technology into content in a classroom. By exposing students to tweeting, wikispaces and blogs it provides enough scaffolding information for students to work independently or collaboratively on self-directed tasks.
    Rene, the article is very informative about how an effective classroom should look like while integrating technology. I like how many of these students were in awe when the professor showcased the class wikispace. I like how the professor was exposing his students to different types of Web 2.0 tools to have students collaborate and discuss concepts and information. Article: Technology Integration for Elementary Schools-
    This is a great and interesting article. I think with all these tools available now we can have many classrooms like these and imagine what will come in the near future. Integration of technology should be done in every single classroom to promote student involment.
Elva Mendoza

21st-Century Skills Are Not a New Education Trend but Could Be a Fad - US News and Worl... - 2 views

    • Elva Mendoza
     I came upon this great article about teaching 21st century skills in our schools. I highlighted some interesting points about the implementation of 21st century schools and I added several sticky notes that you can comment on. How do you incorporate 21st century skills in your classroom?
  • giving all students a common framework of knowledge is a key strategy for increasing civic equality.
  • Unfortunately some 21st-century skills proponents believe these skills should replace the teaching of content. They believe that because so much new knowledge is being created, students should focus on how to know instead of knowing.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • most states are ill-equipped to implement such assessments today and too many teachers are not prepared to use them or teach this way today.
    Very interesting! I agree with the writer of the article. There needs to be a balance between teaching the 21st century skills and the content. There also needs to be a balance with how much time is spent on learning content and how much time should be spent on learning how to find the information. Back in the day, there was less history to learn, less scientific facts, etc. Since the Internet era began, we have way more facts than we can possibly remember. I think that teachers can do this, so that it's not a fad. As a librarian, I'm trying to focus on communication. I have a wiki and a library web page that helps me communicate with students the different resources that are available to them. I am always sharing with them what is available so that they can use their creativity.
    Thank you for sharing this article Elva. It really resonated for me. The author's final statement , "If they want to genuinely transform teaching and learning, proponents of 21st-century skills must be as deliberate about how their idea is approached and implemented as they want schools to be about teaching these skills", especially resonated with my feelings regarding our rush to implement 21st Century skills. I firmly believe in backwards planning, but often what I observe is a rush to buy new "toys" and then there's no plan for their use. School districts must take the time to make the end goal and then create the steps needed to arrive at that goal. This will require time, effort, and yes some money. However, if you take the time to plan ahead for implementation you will save money in the long run by avoiding costly missteps. Additionally, these 21st Century Skills are simply skills to apply to knowledge. We must take the time to teach them but it cannot be in determent to the content areas. If students learn a concept better using scissors and paper over a Prezi, then it should be the method of instruction in my opinion. Ultimately, teachers and school districts need to embrace the new technology but view it as a tool for instruction and not the solution to all of our educational struggles.
    I try to incorporate 21st century skills by having my kids use more technology with their projects. many of them are so use to having the pen and paper assignment that they are surprised when they get to use technology to create a project. While there may be some issues that make it hard to use technology most of the time because of lack of computers of items, having some group work for using these technology can help. I know I can be doing more so when I plan I need to make sure to keep in mind that it is our jobs as teachers to teach these students into becoming 21st century learners.
Janice Wilson Butler

Dell_Grants_Calendar_2012-13.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 2 views

    Thank you this has been very useful.
Janice Wilson Butler

Dig-it Games - 2 views

    Not free but this is really cool looking!!!!
Janice Wilson Butler

Ancient tree-ring records from southwest U.S. suggest today's megafires are truly unusual - 1 views

    Really interesting site for current information on scientific discoveries. Good resource for students - source for latest research news
vilma orduna

An Outsider Calls for a Teaching Revolution - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 1 views

    In just a few short years, Salman Khan has built a free online educational institution from scratch that has nudged major universities to offer free self-guided courses and inspired many professors to change their teaching methods. His creation is called Khan Academy, and its core is a library of thousands of 10-minute educational videos, most of them created by Mr. Khan himself.
Yadira Flores

What you can actually DO with an iPad - From Beth on Edudemic | Leading Change in Chang... - 1 views

  • What you can actually DO with an iPad – From Beth on Edudemic Oct 2nd, 2012 Leave a comment Posted in: Beth Holland, What Does Change Look Like?, Why Change? Online, in workshops, and even with friends, I frequently get asked What can the iPad actually do? as a sort of challenge to the worth of the device. I would rather that they ask, What can y
    • Yadira Flores
      This is an awesome article. It would be a lot of fun to be a reading student in school if my teacher would of implemented using an ipad or just technology in lessons. I think technology can really change how many of us not just students view reading.
    I love the way the question is asked by What can I actually do with the Ipad verses What can the Ipad do. Like any other type of technology tool, it is not useful if we don't understand how to utilize it. This article is great and has many inspiring ideas on how to utilize the Ipad especially if you are Reading Teacher. Awesome Website...
    I like the answers that are provided by Beth Holland regarding "Why iPads and Why Technology? So students can communicate in complex and modern ways. So students can make their thinking visible.
    Yadira, IPADs are awesome and their uses in the classroom can be uncountable. I like the format of this article/website because it provides the Learning Objectives, Projects, and a Video. I liked the one titled, "I want my students to master the concept of the story arc." Don't forget to check out the video! This is a great resource to share with others! Thanks for sharing!
vincent briseno

Epson Ultra-Short-Throw Interactive Projector - YouTube - 2 views

    • vincent briseno
      Obviously, comparisons will be made between the short throw projector and an interactive whiteboard. If you had a choice, which would you prefer in your classroom/office?
    Too often, technology in the classroom centers around teacher use. This is technology teachers and students will want to use.
    If I had a choice I would definitely prefer the EPSON ultra soft interactive projector because it seems like it has more features than the interactive whiteboard. It seems easy to use, demonstrate, and adapt to everyday lessons.
    I would definitely prefer the EPSON interactive projector. I currently use a Smartboard with a regular DELL projector, it takes a lot of classroom space to use the equipment. This new interactive projector takes minimal space and seems to work great!
Sara Aldape

Inventors and Inventions: A - - 0 views

    • Sara Aldape
      Brainsville comes to mind.....since it's just around the corner here in can demonstrate students the different inventors and inventions. This will activate students mind to start thinking of a topic for them to research and invent.
Ruth Garza

Benchmarks for Success: Free on-line benchmark testing - 1 views

  • ‹‹ Sign up now for FREE! Your Name: Your School: Your State: - Select -AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict Of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingOther/Non-U.S. School Type: - Select -Public-K12Private-K12HomeschoolCollege E-mail Address: New Password:
    • Ruth Garza
      Just register and start creating tests. Students will love having the immediate feedback once they submit a test.
    A website you can use to create online tests.
    My principal mentioned this website to me and I finally got a chance to see it, really nice most especially the immediate response to anaylze any misconceptions. Thanks for sharing..
kate Binns

Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn - 0 views

shared by kate Binns on 22 Apr 12 - No Cached
    This may be a little bit controversial, but I see a clear link to how we run our educational systems and the ideas presented on this website. I recently went to a training about connecting the content areas to have students create an end of marking period product that required they use skills and knowledge attained in all content areas. There have been several schools going in this direction and so far they've had great success, especially with ESL students. I'm very interested in pursuing something similar on my own campus.
Janice Wilson Butler

The NEA Foundation // Closing the Achievement Gaps Initiative - 0 views

    Strong possibility for a grant
Cora Mendez

Deeper Learning: Defining Twenty-First Century Literacy | Edutopia | Diigo Groups - 1 views

    • Cora Mendez
      You are right Juan. I think schools in the valley are beginning to see the that PBLs are an excellent way to get students to collaborate on a topic and take ownership of their learning.
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