The Reflective School by Peter Pappas by Peter Pappas on Prezi - 0 views
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shared by Margaret Hale on 11 Mar 12
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Margaret Hale on 11 Mar 12In this Prezi, Pappas (2011) has designed a presentation that prompts the viewer to think about the reflective culture of a school. Coupled with the content in Pappas' (2010, January) blog series, "A Taxonomy of Reflection: Critical Thinking for Students, Teachers and Principals," a learner-centered orientation to the process and importance of reflection in schools and learning is achieved. Embedded in the presentation itself are prompts to gain viewers' attention and provide opportunities to consider questions relevant to the content. As noted by Mayer (Laureate Education, 2010), the effectiveness of a technology is based on its application, guided by instructional method. While Prezi is receiving a lot of enthusiasm as an alternative to Power Point, effective use of this tool still relies on the designers' ability to create content that will effectively promote learning. References: Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010). Technology-centered vs. learner-centered instruction. [DVD]. Pappas, P. (2010, January 04). A taxonomy of reflection: Critical thinking for students, teachers and principals [Web log post]. Retrieved from Pappas, P. (2011). The reflective school: A taxonomy of reflection. (Prezi Presentation). Retrieved from