Contents contributed and discussions participated by Cheryl Carroll
Pre-training - 0 views
Word Clouds
Reviewing words to develop a framework can be accomplished during pre-training. Word Clouds develop an instructional presentation, to help students learn or review key concepts. The more times a term appears, the larger the font size becomes for that word. Word Clouds place emphasis on words to assist in building concepts and meaning from complex passages.
Words Clouds for the elementary teacher can be created by using at ABCYA for kids. This site provides many graphics, although the educator must keep in mind to omit extraneous data in order to prevent overload.
Graphic Organizers - 1 views
Graphic organizers are frequently used in a classroom setting. They are a tool for the student to organize their thought. One form of a graphic organizer is known as a mind map. Mind maps provide the ability to include links, images, documents, as well as other notes. Graphic organizers are used across the curriculum and can be applied in various ways. Teachers with English Language Learners (ELL), as well as other struggling readers can create a visual thesaurus.
Graphic organizers can be located at:
Graphic Organizers - 0 views
Spinscape enable the teachers to link pictures and synonyms to the organizer using a visual thesaurus. Linking pictures, synonyms, and word clusters provide differentiated instruction to build vocabulary with in-depth meaning.
Presentation - 0 views
Illuminations by Blackboard
. Illuminations by Blackboard became the comprehensive learning platform creating a virtual class that provides instant communication, collaboration, and visuals using power point. Illumination was offered during RSCH 8200. Illuminations assisted to remove the distance among the classmates through the visual and instant clarification.
Authentic Assessment - 1 views
Voice Tread
During activities, there are a diverse range of collaborative tools. Creating a learning community among individuals who are not demographically located in a common area can be established using Voice Thread, blogs, wikis, and illuminations by blackboard.
Authentic Assessment Activity - 0 views
Creativity becomes necessary to engaging a group. Xtranormal provides the ability to achieve Prensky's cognitive demand of graphics first vs. text first by creating digital stories through animation. The avatar adds a touch of fantasy vs. reality. Educators are able to integrate Xtranormal as a way to present the instruction to an assessment based on performance. I integrated digital stories as an alternate analysis measuring the information given to determine the key concepts of a science unit. Recently, two avatars use story to create a math assessment. The avatar's storytelling, expressions, and motions serve to engage the students to meet the objective.
My story
Xtranormal's free website:
Presentation - 0 views
With the majority of students owning a cell phone, pictures can be downloaded. On Yodio, an audio file can accompany the picture. Yodio can be retrieved:
Presentation - 0 views
Videos using photos and other graphic presentations create virtual tour for the many students who do not adventure outside of their neighborhood. Videos are an excellent tool that provides a real-life experience for students. Videos bring the experience right to the classroom. Presentations (e.g. digital stories) provide an alternative and created method to assess students at the end of a unit. Pictures, graphics, and voice provide anecdotal evidence of gained knowledge.
Digital stories can be created through Photo Story
Photo Story free software can be downloaded from:
Wordle - 0 views
Creating words clouds for intermediate and older school age children can be created in Wordle.
Word Clouds - 0 views
Words Clouds for the elementary teacher can be created by using at ABCYA for kids. This site provides many graphics, although the educator must keep in mind to omit extraneous data in order to prevent overload.
BrainPop - 5 views
Math 6 Spy Guys - 0 views
Math Blast with Promethean...and Beyond! - YouTube - 0 views
This video shows how a teacher integrates the interactive Promethean Board to engage her Geometry students through differentiating instruction. The YouTube video offers multiple suggestions in creating a learner-center classroom to actively engage general education students, in addition to students with learning disabilities.
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Creating words clouds for intermediate and older school age children can be created in Wordle.