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Erica Ellsworth

APA Style - 0 views

    This is the tutorial for APA 6th edition. The user can choose the basic or the "I know some" option. This would allow me to have participants to do the basic (I am new to APA) tutorial and get a basic understanding prior to the workshop. There are interactive quizzes to assist with this as well. This would also be a good site to use with student participants to gauge their understanding of APA. This would allow for retraining or accelerated training based on student knowledge.
Erica Ellsworth

Online Writing Lab at Purdue (APA Style) - 0 views

    This is an overview of APA. The use of this site is a basic overview. It will give the participants a chance to look at the basics prior to the presentation. It will also show the participants the basic of research style. This can help them with the basic concepts of what are needed for a research paper. This site also has links to even more basic tutorials and help sheets on APA style. There are no interactive quizzes. This is a good site for pre-training as well as retraining.
Erica Ellsworth

OWL - 0 views

    This site is focused on help sheets and worksheets concerning APA, grammar, and writing.
Erica Ellsworth

Tools for Teachers - 0 views

    This site will allow me to create quizzes for assessment. Because there are a variety of tools on the site, I can choose from multiple choice, true false, etc. This will allows me to use a variety of assessment tools. Theses quizzes can also be shared with participants to use in their classrooms. I would create quizzes both in regards to APA and in regards to the topic if each workshop.
Sabrina McDow - 2 views contains a collection of graphic organizers that are free and printable. The graphic organizer page has ...

8847_pre-training 8847_graphic_organizers 8847_presentations 8847_activities

started by Sabrina McDow on 10 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
Erica Ellsworth

APA Style - 0 views

    The site offers tutorials in various formats - videos, handouts, podcasts, self-grading quizzes, interactive chapters.
Alexandra Salas

BibMe - 0 views

    a bibliography maker
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