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What is "Adaptive Learning"? Our own Knewton Knerds explain... - 0 views

    In today's age of big data, words and phrases like "adaptive learning," "personalization" and "differentiation" are getting tossed around with increasing frequency. What exactly do these terms mean and to what extent do they overlap?
    In today's age of big data, words and phrases like "adaptive learning," "personalization" and "differentiation" are getting tossed around with increasing frequency. What exactly do these terms mean and to what extent do they overlap?
Teresa Ilgunas

Bill'z Treasure Chest - 1 views

    In the movies you find yourself suddenly about to enter the screen to play a part in the film being shown.  You can influence the outcome of events and interact with all the characters.  What movie would you like to step into?  What would happen in the movie you "enter"? What would your character be like?
Wendy Finn

Lesson Plans on Italy for Preschool - 0 views

    Using preschool Italy lessons opens up a whole new world to younger children. This lesson will help them to understand where Italy is on a map and what it looks like, as well as what colors are in the Italian flag. We take a look at learning basic Italian words, that you can use in the classroom, or that the children can use to impress their parents at home - ciao mamma! A preschool lesson plan on Italy, would be incomplete without covering the culture of food in Italy. Italian food is popular among young children, and they are likely to be familiar with many of the food already. An interactive activity on making fresh pasta, or a pizza decorated as the Italian flag, is a good way to ensure the children know what goes into making authentic Italian food. How to assess the children's progress and abilities using this lesson plan is also covered, as well as extension activities on Italian art and architecture - try making a model of the leaning tower or Pisa, or create their own Mona Lisa painting.
Teresa Ilgunas

Reviving Reading: The Death of Reading Is Not Inevitable - LeaderTalk - Education Week - 0 views

  • Finally, a summary from a fifth grade group (their quotes, unedited by any adult): To Readers Read, Want to Read, and Help Others Read...  Get rid of levels- can't we just read books that we care about and matter?  Let us talk about the books we read in groups, with other readers. Not just in the groups that are at our level. Let us talk openly about why we do and do not like reading. When we can share what makes it hard, we have more of a chance to help one another. Stop making reading a competition. No more points. Readers at Barnes and Nobles don't go there on Saturday because they get 50 points. They go there to meet other readers. Don't judge people by what they can't read or do not like to read. Let us help others read. If we had time, we could learn about what we need, and then we could help one another be better. Let us do more reading and not more worksheets or tests on reading. We could then concentrate on the book, we might even try new books because we just want to read them. We do not want to try to read more books because we are going to have to take more tests then. Reading helps with our future jobs. It would be great to know what kind of reading doctors or scientist do, so if we wanted to do that job we could start practicing that early. If you want us to love reading, our teachers have to love it too. When they are exited about what they are reading and learning, we get excited to even if it is not a book we would have chosen. Give us comfortable chairs. We know that they more we read, the better we will get. That is really hard to do at a hard desk. Have you ever seen desks like that at Barnes and Noble? There is a reason for that!
  • To help students love reading, keep loving reading, and help others in the process they need:  Choice,  Authenticity,  Time, Access,   Be surrounded by other readers (maybe the most important of this list)
Teresa Ilgunas

Free Technology for Teachers: What's Your Goal? Thinking About Tech Choices - 1 views

    Through these simple exchanges I've discovered that there are three basic goals that most of us have for using technology in our schools. The first is discovering new information, the second is discussion, and the third is demonstrating what we know. It is with these three goals in mind that I evaluate any new website or mobile app. 
Ian Gabrielson

No Impact Man - 1 views

    a blog about what each of us can do to end our enviornmenal cris
Ace Web Academy

Best ways to make this Summer productive for your career - 0 views

    Do you want to Relax & learn this summer besides just enjoying?Then what are your plans?At AWA we started Summer special courses training lets join with us.

Make A Career In Logistics - 1 views

    Before going into what logistics training is, one must have a clear idea of what logistics is all about.
Natalie Stewart

PhD Early Childhood Education | Perspectives in Education | - 0 views

    This page provides information on PhD early childhood education programs, what is studied in them, where you can study them, the prospects, and more ...
Natalie Stewart

Educational Administration and Leadership Degrees | Perspectives in Education | - 0 views

    This page provides information on what is studied in educational administration and leadership degrees, where to find them, the career prospects, and more ...
Natalie Stewart

Masters Teaching Programs - 0 views

     This page provides details of online masters teaching programs, where they can be found, what the career and salary prospects are, and more ...
Tim Cooper

Sign in to Diigo | Diigo - 0 views

    An old but good collection of ideas and tips on what makes an effective powerpoint presentation from the author of Presentation Zen
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