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Fall Flowers: The Best Flowering Plants for Your Autumn Garden - Plantora - 0 views

    Your garden does not have to lose its color when the summer heat fades, and the cool autumn air takes hold. When other plants begin to wilt, fall flowers bring a burst of color to your outdoor space, keeping it vibrant and lovely. Autumn is an ideal season for annuals, low-maintenance plants, and evergreen shrubs. Furthermore, many of the most popular flower's bloom during September and October, including mums, roses, dahlias, purple pansies, and even brilliant yellow sunflowers. There is no denying the breathtaking beauty of spring and summer gardens. But you'll need some colorful blossoms to get you through when the sun starts to set early, and the air grows cold. You can easily grow the autumn flowering plants that are mentioned in this article and create a lush and beautiful fall garden.
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