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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dianne Rees

Dianne Rees

Augmented reality platforms and mlearning | Instructional Design Fusions - 1 views

    A review of augmented reality platforms and uses for education
Dianne Rees

Hidden shortcuts of Captivate 5 « The Adobe Captivate Blog - 1 views

    Hidden Captivate 5 shortcuts
Dianne Rees

Low-Cost Test and Quiz Tool Comparison : eLearning Technology - 1 views

    A nice comparison of different quiz programs
Dianne Rees

StatPlanet Map Maker - Interactive Mapping & Visualization Software - 0 views

  • browser-based interactive data visualization and mapping application.
  • It comes with up-to-date world statistics in the categories shown below.
    Visualization tool for showing statistical data/global implications
Dianne Rees

Free Technology for Teachers: Nine Survey Tools for Teachers and Students - 0 views

    A gd comparison of survey tools
Dianne Rees - Capture your stories, save them permanently. - 1 views

    Create visual timelines to teach history, for example
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