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Darren Murphy

Ultranet Tender - 0 views

    Minister for Education, Media Release, Friday, 14 November 2008. "Five software companies are vying for the $60.5 million Ultranet project as part of a selective tender process announced today by Education Minister Bronwyn Pike. It follows an announcement earlier this year that the project would be re-tendered with revised specifications to ensure value for money and the best long-term outcomes for Victorian government schools..."
Networth and College attended

Ashley Benson: Net Worth, College Attended, Life and Career - A Comprehensive Overview ... - 0 views

    Ashley Benson, a shining star in the vast universe of television and film, stands out not just for her beauty but for her unparalleled acting prowess. From the tender age when she first graced the screen in commercials, showcasing a promise that was hard to ignore, to her transformative role as Hanna Marin in the cultural phenomenon "Pretty Little Liars," Benson's trajectory in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of meteoric. Her ability to immerse herself in diverse roles and make them her own speaks volumes of her dedication and passion for the craft.
Darrel Branson

VICTORIAN SCHOOLS A STEP CLOSER TO THE ULTRANET - Premier of Victoria, Australia - 0 views

    Wednesday, 01 July 2009 Education Minister Bronwyn Pike announced today that CSG Services Pty Ltd will join forces with the Brumby Labor Government to deliver the Ultranet project to every Victorian government school and to secure more than 55 new jobs over the next year.
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