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Andrew Williamson

4 Fantastic Network Visualization Tools | Edelman Digital - 0 views

  • As internet usage has grown, so too have the various online networks which connect family, friends, colleagues and people with shared interests. Whilst it is often easy to gain a numerical overview of connections, friends or followers, this tends to add context, rather than insight – the fact remains, it can be difficult to dig that bit deeper and see how people within networks are linked. This poses a challenge for digital communicators as we want to tap into big, social data and visualise networks; so we can see how ideas may spread, understand who knows whom and identity people that are influential within a particular context. After all, if you can understand a network, you gain insight into who people may trust, find influential and credible.
    In short; being able to accurately visualise networks has big implications for influencer mapping, identification and outreach. If you can discover who the idea starters, amplifiers or adapters are, you are at a distinct advantage (check out 'The Fire Hose, Ideas, and 'Topology of Influence' by my Edelman colleague, Jonathan Hargreaves for more information on influence).
John Pearce

Day4 - How we screwed (almost) the whole Apple community - 1 views

    "Have you heard the phrase "That's true because I saw it on TV" at some point? It was often the truth in the old days when people only had the TV or newspaper to relate to. What you saw or read was the truth, although it obviously wasn't always so. Today, thanks to the Internet, we consider ourselves much more enlightened. We can discuss and examine the source in a way that was not possible in the past. But are we really aware of all information flowing up over the net? What is really true and what's not? When someone presents a bit of loose facts on Twitter, I usually respond with something like "64% of the facts on the Internet is 48% incorrect according to 52% of respondents", completely made up numbers out of my head, but it makes people think a little extra. It is somewhat disturbing at times when the bandwagon takes of and speeds up, without people being critical. People stand up for situations that may never have happened, and spin on it which ultimately results in that it will be trated as facts, or a faktoid."
John Pearce

BornYet - 0 views

    "BornYet is a delightfully easy birth announcement service" Yes BUT!!!!!!
John Pearce

The Awkward 'Privacy Talk' Parents Should Have With Their Kids | Wired Opinion | - 1 views

    "Parents across the globe today - from Lagos to Los Angeles and from Myanmar to Moscow - need to have a new conversation with their kids. No, it's not about how their kids are behaving in class, why they should never talk to strangers, or when they need to be home at night. It's not even the talk that parents usually brace themselves for, about sex. It's something new, something parents never considered as a critical issue 20 or 10 or even 5 years ago - but something that is just as pervasive as any of the other issues in their children's lives and, in so many ways, just as important. It's data permanence. How we can preserve our reputations in the digital era?"
John Pearce

How To Download All Your Personal Data From Facebook | Business Insider - 1 views

    "Storing information in the cloud is great, but sometimes it's nice to have your personal data right on your hard drive. There's a way to export your personal information from your various Google accounts, and now you can on Facebook, too. If you'd like to download a copy of your Facebook data, there's an easy way to do it. That way you can keep all your personal information - videos and pictures from your wall, for example - on your computer, without worrying about ever losing your stuff, should your account get hacked. Here's how:"
John Pearce

19 Sure Ways To Sabotage Your Job Search - 1 views

    "Tricks to skip the fatal fails in your job search process. " Not all tech related but wow, love the images :)
Ian Guest

3 Step plan for a digital makeover - 0 views

    Some sage advice from Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator. Useful links to her other posts on digital footprints and digital citizenship are also great advice

Teach your kids how to use social media - 0 views

    Most networks are prohibited to children under 13 years old. Many young people still fill their profile with fake birth dates ... Do not accept it and watch your child. In case of problems, if you request social networks (for example for the deletion of data), you will be asked for an identity card to prove that you own the account. If the information does not match, such as age, the site may refuse to cooperate.

Buy Venmo Account - 100% Full Verified Phone Number - 0 views

    Buy Venmo Account Are you looking for the best Buy Venmo Account in the market? Venmo has become a popular payment app in recent years, used by individuals and businesses alike. That's where buying a Venmo Account comes in. By purchasing an account from a reputable seller, users can unlock features such as higher transaction limits and the ability to withdraw funds to a bank account. However, with the convenience of online payments comes the increased risk of fraud and identity theft. By purchasing a verified account, users can ensure that their financial information is kept secure and prevent unauthorized access to their funds. Order now and enjoy your package.

Buy trust wallet - Aged & Verified Accounts 2023 - 0 views

    Are you looking for the best Buy trust wallet in the market? trust wallet has become a popular payment app in recent years, used by individuals and businesses alike. That's where buying a trust wallet comes in . By purchasing an account from a reputable seller, users can unlock features such as higher transaction limits and the ability to withdraw funds to a bank account. However, with the convenience of online payments comes the increased risk of fraud and identity theft. By purchasing a verified account, users can ensure that their financial information is kept secure and prevent unauthorized access to their funds. Order now and enjoy your package.

Buy Payza Account - 100% Safe USA UK CA ... - 0 views

    Buy Payza Account Are you looking for the best Buy Payza Account in the market? Payza has become a popular payment app in recent years, used by individuals and businesses alike. That's where buying a Payza Account comes in. By purchasing an account from a reputable seller, users can unlock features such as higher transaction limits and the ability to withdraw funds to a bank account. However, with the convenience of online payments comes the increased risk of fraud and identity theft. By purchasing a verified account, users can ensure that their financial information is kept secure and prevent unauthorized access to their funds. Order now and enjoy your package.
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