"Below you will find links to iPad applications that target the various levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
I only included free apps that were "content-neutral" to make them usable across the curriculum. I also tried to include apps for the iPad only, but a few iPhone apps may have snuck in!
Each app image is clickable, and you will be taken to the iTunes Store to learn more about each one.
If you have other iPad apps you would like to recommend that meet the same criteria, please fill out the Google Survey at the bottom of this page. The results will be public so we can all benefit from each other's expertise."
A post that offers variety of apps that correlate with the different levels of Bloom's thinking levels. This is a very useful resource from the Educational Technology and Mobile Learning site
Learn how to transform your class through the use of student produced video to increase motivation and learning. By producing videos students practice writing, speaking, and creativity skills at the upper end of Bloom's Taxonomy.