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Monique T

Canadian Wheat Board 2.0 to roll out in weeks | Reuters Business - 0 views

    This article describes the transition of the Canadian Wheat Board after the Canadian government ended its monopoly. This means the wheat farmers in Western Canada are now going to have to be more competitive as they don't have a monopoly over the industry, and so the industry is ideally transitioning from a concentrated market structure to a competitive market structure.
Lucas G

UK Unemployment "Set to rise over Summer" - 0 views

    This article discusses the imminent increase in unemployment as 100,000 public sector jobs are going to be cut. This seems to be "cyclical unemployment" as the job-cuts are due to a recession rather than permanent structural unemployment.
Katie Edwards

Income Disparity, Poverty in Nigeria Depict Defective Macroeconomic Structure, Articles... - 0 views

    This article depicts the failure of the macroeconmic system in Nigeria, and how the country's poverty is exemplified through GDP. The low development of the country is due to a cumulation of low income rates, and a non-industrialized economy. Macroeconomic tactics are failing, and this results in high poverty of the country.
Katie Edwards

Should Mortgage Rates Even Be Lower? - - 0 views

  • Bankers push back against any notion of oligopoly. "The mortgage business is extraordinarily competitive," said Franklin Codel, head of mortgage production at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. There are other factors at work. For one thing, fees charged to lenders by government-controlled mortgage-finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are set to rise this year. The increases paid for the payroll-tax break passed by Congress in December. Analysts stress it is difficult to disentangle how much of the spread is due to pricing power from banks with more control of the market, and how much might represent structurally higher costs of doing business in the U.S. mortgage market reshaped by the crisis.
Tim O

Hilfiger's Pricing Power Shows Apparel Profit Holds Up - 2 views

    This articles talks about the retailers are managing to increase their prices and pass on higher costs onto their customers. Its talks about how people think that increasing the price will not change the demand or quantity because consumers would accept the price increase because all retailers have the same cost structure and would start to pass the higher prices through. It also talks about that they can increase their prices because their is no substitute for their product. In general there is a economic growth within the world. Average prices in the apparel market rose more than 5 percent from January to May.
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