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Lucas G

Eastday-China's fiscal revenue soars 25% to record in 2011 - 0 views

    This article concerns the fact that "China's fiscal revenue soared 25% to record in 2011". This is related to our study of revenue. This means that its is an abnormal profit.
Adam C

Abnormal Equilibrium in the Market. - 0 views

    "I think we've got something of an abnormal equilibrium in the market at the moment in that we've got high inflation and a weak economic recovery on one side but we've got very low interest rates on the other," explains Cook. This article, as said by Mr.Cook above, explores the current market, and how the equilibrium is "off" because of the high inflation, weak economic recovery, and low interest rates. It is almost as if although measures were taken to find that equilibrium, the market has not responded as it should.
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