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Los mercados de Wall Street, golpeados por el débil informe de empleo - 0 views

    Los futuros del índice S&P 500 bajan un 1,6% antes de la apertura. Los inversores llevan su dinero desde el mercado de acciones hacia activos más seguros, como los bonos y el oro.

La Bolsa de México repunta animada por mejores datos en los EE.UU. - 0 views

    El IPC de México recupera el buen tono impulsado por unos mejores datos macroeconómicos publicados esta mañana en los EE.UU., principalmente el informe de los subsidios al desempleo y de la actividad manufacturera.

El repunte de las materias primas estimula más compras de los fondos de cober... - 0 views

    Según el informe de CFTF, los fondos de cobertura incrementaron sus apuestas alcistas hasta el máximo en dos meses, dado que los commodities se mantuvieron fuertes en enero.

Wall Street espera los datos sobre el empleo - 0 views

    Los inversores aguardan el informe sobre las nóminas no agrícolas que, según se estima, mostrará una cifra de desempleo estable. También, esperan la publicación de los pedidos a fábrica y el ISM no manufacturero compuesto.

Las posiciones largas en dólares se reducen por las señales de la Fed - 0 views

    Según el informe de divisas CFTC, la combinación de una posición corta récord del euro muy forzada y el anuncio de la Fed para mantener las tasas bajas ha generado una ronda de liquidaciones del dólar en la última semana.

EE.UU.: Bajan ligeramente los futuros, a la espera de las peticiones de desempleo - 0 views

    En Wall Street, los inversores aguardan la publicación de los datos sobre las nuevas peticiones de subsidio por desempleo, así como los informes de productividad no agrícola y los costos laborales.

Informe mensual de divisas de Saxo Bank: noviembre de 2011 - 0 views

    El banco danés analiza la situación del mercado de monedas en sus 10 principales exponentes y presenta sus perspectivas a 1, 3, 6 y 12 meses para los principales cruces.

El empleo estadounidense, guillotina o salvavidas de las acciones mexicanas - 0 views

    El informe del mercado laboral revivirá o dará la puntilla a las Bolsas al determinar las condiciones reales de la economía estadounidense. No se descarta un rebote en el IPC por el fuerte castigo recibido por las acciones.

El reporte de empleo supera las expectativas y las acciones reaccionan al alza - 0 views

    El informe de nóminas no agrícolas en los EE.UU. resultó mejor al esperado, situándose en 154.000, superando las expectativas de 113.000. La renta variable, al alza en Wall Street y en Europa.

Los mercados de Wall Street abrirán al alza, gracias al parloteo sobre la nue... - 0 views

    Los futuros del índice S&P 500 sugieren que las acciones estadounidenses abrirán un 1% arriba. También pesa sobre el sentimiento el informe de empleo ADP, que estuvo en línea con las expectativas.

El oro recupera su centro como activo de refugio - 0 views

    El oro sacó provecho de la delicada situación de Grecia y de la crisis en la eurozona para cotizar por encima de 1.700 dólares. Afirman que lo peor ha pasado y esperan una cotización de 1.900 dólares para fin de año.

Las materias primas se estabilizan tras el sacudón financiero - 0 views

    Los mercados se calmaron hacia fines de semana. Los grandes fueron el franco suizo, el yen y sobre todo el oro, que obtuvo un nuevo record por encima de 1.800 dólares.

NY TimesThe Fed's Rescue Missed Main Street 2011.08.26 - 0 views

  • funneling hundreds of billions of dollars to large and teetering banks during the credit crisis was necessary to save the financial system
  • fresh and disturbing details about the crisis-era bailouts.
  • Freedom of Information Act
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • provided a stunning $1.2 trillion to large global financial institutions
  • The money has been repaid
  • sketchy collateral
  • surprisingly sketchy collatera
  • Royal Bank of Scotland received $84.5 billion, and Dexia, a Belgian lender, borrowed $58.5 billion from the Fed at its peak
  • provided this much assistance to the biggest institutions for so long, and then to have done in effect nothing for the homeowner, nothing for credit card relief.”
  • financial regulators are captured by the companies they oversee,
  • espouses the principle that all men and women are equal under the law,” Mr. Kane said. “During the housing bubble and the economic meltdown that the bursting bubble brought about, the interests of domestic and foreign financial institutions were much better represented than the interests of society as a whole.”
  • THIS inequity must be eliminated
  • regulators who have a duty to protect taxpayers should require these institutions to provide them with true and comprehensive reports about their financial positions and the potential risks they involve.
  • The banks really feel entitled to hide their deteriorating positions until they require life support.
  • Mr. Todd also questioned the Fed’s decision to accept stock as collateral backing a loan to a bank. “If you make a loan in an emergency secured by equities, how is that different in substance from the Fed walking into the New York Stock Exchange and buying across the board tomorrow?”
  • if we do nothing to protect taxpayers from the symbiotic relationship between the industry and their federal minders, we are in for many more episodes like the one we are still digging out of.
  • EVALUATING bailout programs like the Troubled Asset Relief Program and the facilities extended by the Fed against “the senseless standard of doing nothing at all,” Mr. Kane testified, government officials tell taxpayers that these actions were “necessary to save us from worldwide depression and made money for the taxpayer.” Both contentions are false, he said.
  • “Thanks to the vastly subsidized terms these programs offered, most institutions were eventually able to repay the formal obligations they incurred.” But taxpayers were inadequately compensated for the help they provided,
  • Government officials rewarded imprudent institutions with stupefying amounts of free money

Lex Defining G-SIBs and additional loss absorbency requts 2011.08.12 - 0 views

  • Cross-jurisdictional activity.
  • the greater the global reach of a bank, the more difficult it is to coordinate its resolution and the more widespread the effects of its failure.
  • Cross-jurisdictional claims
  • ...58 more annotations...
  • Cross-jurisdictional liabilities.
  • take into account the liabilities of all offices of the relevant bank to entities outside the home market and include all liabilities to non-residents of its home jurisdiction.
  • international banks’ activities outside their home jurisdiction
  • Size.
  • bank’s distress or failure is more likely to damage the global economy or financial markets if its activities comprise a large share of global activity.
  • ts failure is therefore more likely to damage confidence in the global financial system
  • Interconnectedness
  • contagion in respect of other institutions depending on the network of contractual obligations in which it operates.
  • Intra-financial system assets.
  • Intra-financial system liabilities
  • Wholesale funding ratio.
  • Substitutability.
  • systemic impact of a bank’s distress or failure is expected to be negatively related to the substitutability of its services.
  • lack of realistic alternatives to a major business line
  • Assets under custody
  • disrupt the operation of financial market
  • Payments cleared and settled through payment systems
  • these institutions and customers may be unable to process payments immediately, affecting their liquidity.
  • Value of underwritten transactions in debt and equity markets
  • impede new securities issuance.
  • Complexity.
  • failure is likely to be greater, the more complex its business, structure, and operations are.
  • Notional value of OTC derivatives.
  • Level 3 assets.
  • Trading book value and “available for sale” value.
  • The BCBS provides some opportunity for individual supervisors of banks to make adjustments to a bank's G-SIB criteria determined by reference to the above criteria but states that it believes the bar for any such adjustment should be high, and it only expects such adjustments in exceptional cases.
  • continuing review of banks against the relevant indicators,
  • not proposing to develop a fixed list of G-SIBs. Banks could therefore migrate in and out of SIB status over time
  • G-SIBs, each bank will grouped into a category of systemic importance based on its score under the indicator based test specified above.
  • there will be 28 G-SIBs
  • Assessment Methodology
  • “indicator based measurement approach”
  • Each of these indicators is given a 20% weighting and, as specified below, most of the indicators are made up of two or more sub-indicators
  • Each indicator’s score is then aggregated.
  • Agency problem
  • Shareholder discipline.
  • Contingent capital holder discipline.
  • Market information.
  • Cost effectiveness.
  • Trigger failure.
  • Cost effectiveness.
  • Complexity.
  • Adverse signalling.
  • Negative shareholder incentives.
  • contingent capital should not be capable of meeting the additional loss absorbency requirement for G-SIBs
  • for consideration at the next G-20 meeting in November 2011, and it is expected they will be endorsed at such meeting.
  • 28 banks will initially be specified as G-SIBs
  • The effect on such banks will, however, be significant
  • the common equity requirement for the largest global banks increasing from the current 2% of risk weighted assets to 9.5% (and potentially 10.5%)
  • G-SIBs will have some time to plan for the new loss absorbency requirement. The BCBS is proposing that the requirement will be phased in at the same time as the new capital conservation and countercyclical buffers between 1 January 2016, becoming fully effective at the start of 2019
  • the minimum “cut-off score” in relation to which banks will be regarded as G-SIBs will be set by 1 January 2014, and national jurisdictions will be expected to incorporate the new rules into legislation by 1 January 2015.
  • new Basel III framework at the end of 2010, the BCBS mandated all banks to hold significantly more capital than is currently the case as well as introducing new leverage and liquidity ratios
  • The Basel III rules apply to all banks. In addition, the FSB and the BCBS have been considering additional rules to apply to the largest global banks to deal with concerns that such banks are regarded as too big to fail
  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (“BCBS”) and the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”) published two papers relating to entities regarded as globally systemic important financial institutions (“G-SIFIs”)
  • Additional Loss Absorbency Requirement
  • Background
  • y.   Cons
  • : Pros

Las materias primas, pendientes de las decisiones de Bernanke - 0 views

    El discurso del presidente de la Fed podría fácilmente marcar la pauta de los próximos meses, al igual de lo que había ocurrido el pasado año cuando se anunció la segunda relajación cuantitativa.
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