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Lex Defining G-SIBs and additional loss absorbency requts 2011.08.12 - 0 views

  • Cross-jurisdictional activity.
  • the greater the global reach of a bank, the more difficult it is to coordinate its resolution and the more widespread the effects of its failure.
  • Cross-jurisdictional claims
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  • Cross-jurisdictional liabilities.
  • take into account the liabilities of all offices of the relevant bank to entities outside the home market and include all liabilities to non-residents of its home jurisdiction.
  • international banks’ activities outside their home jurisdiction
  • Size.
  • bank’s distress or failure is more likely to damage the global economy or financial markets if its activities comprise a large share of global activity.
  • ts failure is therefore more likely to damage confidence in the global financial system
  • Interconnectedness
  • contagion in respect of other institutions depending on the network of contractual obligations in which it operates.
  • Intra-financial system assets.
  • Intra-financial system liabilities
  • Wholesale funding ratio.
  • Substitutability.
  • systemic impact of a bank’s distress or failure is expected to be negatively related to the substitutability of its services.
  • lack of realistic alternatives to a major business line
  • Assets under custody
  • disrupt the operation of financial market
  • Payments cleared and settled through payment systems
  • these institutions and customers may be unable to process payments immediately, affecting their liquidity.
  • Value of underwritten transactions in debt and equity markets
  • impede new securities issuance.
  • Complexity.
  • failure is likely to be greater, the more complex its business, structure, and operations are.
  • Notional value of OTC derivatives.
  • Level 3 assets.
  • Trading book value and “available for sale” value.
  • The BCBS provides some opportunity for individual supervisors of banks to make adjustments to a bank's G-SIB criteria determined by reference to the above criteria but states that it believes the bar for any such adjustment should be high, and it only expects such adjustments in exceptional cases.
  • continuing review of banks against the relevant indicators,
  • not proposing to develop a fixed list of G-SIBs. Banks could therefore migrate in and out of SIB status over time
  • G-SIBs, each bank will grouped into a category of systemic importance based on its score under the indicator based test specified above.
  • there will be 28 G-SIBs
  • Assessment Methodology
  • “indicator based measurement approach”
  • Each of these indicators is given a 20% weighting and, as specified below, most of the indicators are made up of two or more sub-indicators
  • Each indicator’s score is then aggregated.
  • Agency problem
  • Shareholder discipline.
  • Contingent capital holder discipline.
  • Market information.
  • Cost effectiveness.
  • Trigger failure.
  • Cost effectiveness.
  • Complexity.
  • Adverse signalling.
  • Negative shareholder incentives.
  • contingent capital should not be capable of meeting the additional loss absorbency requirement for G-SIBs
  • for consideration at the next G-20 meeting in November 2011, and it is expected they will be endorsed at such meeting.
  • 28 banks will initially be specified as G-SIBs
  • The effect on such banks will, however, be significant
  • the common equity requirement for the largest global banks increasing from the current 2% of risk weighted assets to 9.5% (and potentially 10.5%)
  • G-SIBs will have some time to plan for the new loss absorbency requirement. The BCBS is proposing that the requirement will be phased in at the same time as the new capital conservation and countercyclical buffers between 1 January 2016, becoming fully effective at the start of 2019
  • the minimum “cut-off score” in relation to which banks will be regarded as G-SIBs will be set by 1 January 2014, and national jurisdictions will be expected to incorporate the new rules into legislation by 1 January 2015.
  • new Basel III framework at the end of 2010, the BCBS mandated all banks to hold significantly more capital than is currently the case as well as introducing new leverage and liquidity ratios
  • The Basel III rules apply to all banks. In addition, the FSB and the BCBS have been considering additional rules to apply to the largest global banks to deal with concerns that such banks are regarded as too big to fail
  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (“BCBS”) and the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”) published two papers relating to entities regarded as globally systemic important financial institutions (“G-SIFIs”)
  • Additional Loss Absorbency Requirement
  • Background
  • y.   Cons
  • : Pros

Idea de trading con los futuros del índice Bovespa (Brasil) - 0 views

    Según el analista de Ruarte Report's, solo con subidas por encima de las 59.200 unidades, el selectivo quedaría habilitado para continuar la tendencia alcista hacia las 59.800 unidades. El viernes cerró en 57.885.

Idea de trading con el CFD del índice S&P 500 - 0 views

    Según el analista de Ruarte's Report, pese a que ayer el indicador estadounidense marcó nuevos máximos en los 1.351 puntos, el mercado debería superar los 1.370 para creer en un bull market de varios años.

Idea de trading con los CFDs del índice Dow Jones - 0 views

    Según los analistas de Research for Traders, a pesar de los impulsos de los últimos días, el indicador estadounidense de acciones transita una notoria tendencia bajista de corto plazo.

El Nasdaq se consolida por encima de su resistencia por los buenos resultado... - 0 views

    Según el analista de Sala de Inversión América, el ETF que sigue el movimiento del índice Nasdaq 100 tiene tendencia de mediano plazo positiva siempre que su precio se mantenga por encima de los 59,5-60 dólares por acción.

La incertidumbre continúa afectando al índice argentino Merval - 0 views

    Según los analistas de Research for Traders, el indicador seguirá manteniéndose dentro del canal bajista de fondo que viene manifestando desde que comenzó el año. Ayer, cerró con una pérdida del 2,8%.

Idea de trading con los CFDs de los índices S&P500, Dow Jones y Nasdaq de med... - 0 views

    Según los analistas de Research for Traders, los principales índices de Wall Street continuarán con su tendencia alcista en el mediano plazo.

El índice Merval, sin tendencia definida en el mediano plazo - 0 views

    Según el análisis de Research for Traders, el Merval no logra mostrar una firme recuperación, posicionándose por debajo de los promedios móviles de corto plazo de 14 y 21 días y alejándose de la media de 100 jornadas.

Idea de trading con el CFD del S&P 500 - 0 views

    Aunque la semana pasada el S&P cerró en los 1.250 puntos, por encima de los promedios móviles que se muestran neutrales, a corto plazo el panorama es tan errático que el índice podría tanto subir a 1.300 puntos como bajar a 1.200.

Los mercados mantienen el optimismo tras la reunión de París - 0 views

    Pese a los miedos a una recesión global aún latentes, los mercados operan con ganancias y apuestan a que los acuerdos entre Alemania y Francia hoy servirán de precedente para la reunión de líderes europeos el viernes.

El índice Merval lleva ganado el 17% en lo que va de 2012 - 0 views

    Los inversores siguen de cerca lo que ocurre con los mercados globales para ver si el indicador de la Bolsa de Buenos Aires continúa con su tendencia alcista.

Idea de trading con los CFDs del índice Dow Jones - 0 views

    Según el analista de Ruarte's Report, el índice de referencia de la Bolsa de Nueva York podría seguir subiendo hasta alcanzar los 12.750 puntos en enero.

Idea de trading con los futuros del índice Bovespa (Brasil) - 0 views

    El analista de Ruarte Reports anticipa descensos para el índice Bovespa según se acerque a la zona de 62.300 puntos, que podrían llevarlo de regreso a 59.500 unidades en el peor de los casos.

El índice Nasdaq busca definir si continúa con su tendencia alcista - 0 views

    Según el analista de Sala de Inversión América, los CFDs del índice de las acciones tecnológicas en los EEUU podrían seguir subiendo hasta niveles de 2.345/2.450 dólares en el corto plazo.

FRB: Speech--Raskin, Community Banking Supervision 2012.01.06 - 2 views

  • Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin
  • Community Bank Examination and Supervision amid Economic Recovery
  • community banks continue to face numerous challenges
  • ...41 more annotations...
  • challenges from an enhanced regulatory regime that has evolved in the wake of the crisis.
  • The ultimate focus of examination and supervision is the safety and soundness of the bank, as well as compliance with laws and an assessment of the bank's ability to withstand risks and shocks.
  • how the Federal Reserve's monetary policy aims to increase the availability of credit to foster economic growth, and how we are tailoring our examination and supervision of community banks to ensure that we are not inadvertently constraining lending. 
  • examination and supervision of community banks is a timely and important topic. Why do I say that? Because, as I will discuss shortly, lending by community banks plays an important role in the ongoing economic recovery, especially by providing credit to small businesses. And it is absolutely critical that examination and supervision do not produce outcomes that are barriers to small business expansion.
  • potential effects of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act).
  • Supervision and Examination of Large and Community Banks
  • good examiners will help them to be proactive and identify problems early, and because a strong and durable banking system is in everyone's best interest.
  • They are relatively diversified, but also tend to be more highly leveraged than smaller institutions, and often rely on more volatile wholesale funding. These organizations often are tightly interconnected, raising the prospect that the failure of one institution could rapidly destabilize the wider financial system, giving rise to the "too-big-to-fail" problem.7  
  • the examination and supervision of the lender should not hinder the ability of creditworthy businesses to access credit.
  • I am encouraged that community banks are faring better in the current environment.
  • While profitability remains below long-run historical norms, returns on equity and assets have reached their highest post-crisis levels.3
  • we must continue to think about how we can improve the examination and supervision of community banks. One issue that we constantly must evaluate is the appropriate balance in the allocation of responsibilities between banks and examiners.4
  • community bankers typically welcome effective and appropriate examination and supervision.
  • there are key differences between these two sets of institutions, and these differences have implications for our supervisory framework.
  • over at least the past decade indicates a trend toward greater concentration. Ninety-nine percent of banks in the United States are community banks, with most of these holding less than $1 billion in total assets. The remaining 1 percent of banks together hold more than 80 percent of the assets in the banking system, with much of this concentrated at a handful of the very largest banks. The four largest commercial banks, each of which has more than $1 trillion in consolidated assets, collectively hold just under half of all U.S. banking assets.6   
  • The largest commercial banks are characterized not only by their size, but also by their scope of operations and complexity.
  • we must always think about whether the allocation of responsibilities should be different depending on whether the supervision is of a community bank rather than a large bank,
  • The characteristics of the largest commercial banks stand in contrast with those of community banks.
  • community banks are not immune from taking on excessive risk. But there are reasons why risks at community banks are likely to be less dangerous to the financial system. First, community banks generally are less complex and more easily understood. Second, community banks tend to be more traditional in approach.
  • our supervision of these firms has become arguably much more intensive, which I believe is perfectly appropriate given the effect that problems at the largest firms had on the financial system and the broader economy. 
  • All of these characteristics have implications for how large and complex banks should be supervised, as compared with community banks. Notably, our supervision of large banks reflects the scope and complexity of their activities as well as their interactions with other firms and possible effects on financial markets, and incorporates systemic risk considerations that could arise from the failure of these banks.
  • In recognition of their systemic importance, the largest firms also are required to plan for their own orderly resolution in the event that they should fail. 
  • Because of their complexity and risk characteristics, these firms require intensive and continuous on-site supervision;
  • examiners also understand local market conditions to be able to put the bank's management and credit decisions in the proper context.
  • What does this have to do with community banks?
  • The community banking model is very different from that of the largest banks. Community banks are local by their very nature. They have deep roots in their communities.
  • This trait is particularly important when it comes to small business lending, where a local community bank may understand things about a prospective customer that cannot be captured in a more quantitative credit-scoring model that might be used by a larger institution.
  • these characteristics call for a very different model of examination and supervision than what is required for the largest banks.
  • Third, community banks are less interconnected, so when a community bank fails, the effects are less widespread. 
  • Strong lines of communication between examiners and community banks are vitally important.
  • Examiners need to listen carefully to management to understand their perspective where views may differ
  • We encourage our examiners to be responsive to questions from bankers and help banks understand new regulatory requirements, and they take this responsibility seriously.
  • the risk-management system of a healthy bank can be pictured as a series of concentric circles. The inner circles consist of the systems and functions that keep the bank healthy and allow it to meet the credit needs of its community while remaining financially sound and compliant with its legal and regulatory obligations. Moving outward, additional circles include processes and checks such as internal audit, executive management committees, risk-management and internal controls, and appropriate governance by the board of directors. The outermost circle is effective supervision. The critical element of this model is that problem identification is first and foremost the responsibility of the bank, while banking supervisors kick the tires of the bank's risk-management and internal control systems. The examiners are, in this sense, a last line of defense and do not substitute for a bank's own processes for risk identification and mitigation. They are not a guarantee of the bank's ultimate success or failure. 
  • this model of concentric circles generally holds true for banks of all sizes, the complexity of the largest institutions requires far more complex inner circles.
  • the outer circle that is necessary at a systemically important bank should be far more layered than what is needed at a small community bank. 
  • think about the effects these policies are likely to have on community banks and the areas they serve.
  • Federal Reserve are working to ensure that our supervisory program is properly tailored to the wide array of institutions
  • considering the effect that these policies might have on smaller institutions
  • we consider not only whether specific policies are appropriate for community banks, but also whether these policies could have the effect of reducing the availability of credit to sound borrowers.
  • Community Bank Supervision at the Federal Reserve
  • I hope my remarks will at least continue our conversation about how best to structure a regulatory and supervisory framework for the banking system that effectively supports the real economy and encourages sound and sustained lending to creditworthy borrowers. In order to sustain the economic recovery, we need strong, well-run community banks that operate in a framework of smart and effective supervision

La Bolsa de México, en la cola de los principales índices mundiales - 0 views

    La apatía de los inversores sobre la Bolsa de México es evidente aunque el entorno es más optimista que en otras regiones del mundo; posiblemente están descontando las pérdidas cambiarias del cuarto trimestre y su impacto negativo sobre los resultados.

El índice Merval se dispara por compras de fondos como Templeton y otros inst... - 0 views

    El indicador argentino cerró ayer con una ganancia del 5,7%. Se ubicó en los 2.715,46 puntos, valor que no se registraba desde octubre de 2011. La subida fue impulsada por las acciones de los bancos y las siderúrgicas.

Europa genera un terremoto en Wall Street - 1 views

    Los problemas de deuda que enfrenta Europa merman con fuerza la confianza de los inversores en la renta variable, sobre todo en el sector financiero, pese a que la exposición de los EE.UU. a la banca italiana es pequeña comparada con países como Francia.

El índice argentino Merval podría seguir corrigiendo - 0 views

    Según los analistas de Research for Traders, el indicador de la Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires podría dirigirse hacia la zona de los 2.750 puntos. Ayer, se ubicó en los 2.908,70, tras testear valores cercanos a los 3.000 puntos.

El índice argentino Merval sumó una nueva rueda de ganancias - 0 views

    El indicador se plegó al resto de las Bolsas del mundo, que reaccionaron en positivo al anuncio de tasas bajas hasta 2014 realizado por la Fed. Subidas para el sector de bancos y utilities.
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