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Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Hydro-Electric Corporation - - 0 views

    Hydro-Electric Corporation (Hydro-Electric) is a government business entity owned by the State of Tasmania. It generates power using renewable energy. The company owns and operates dams, hydro power stations, and wind farms.
Bharatbookbureau MarketReport

Wind Power Holding - 0 views

    LM Wind Power Holding A/S (LM Wind Power), formerly LM Glasfiber Holding A/S, is a supplier of components and services to the wind turbine industry. The company designs and develops wind power blades and brakes through its group companies.
Energy Net

Ocean currents can power the world, say scientists - Telegraph - 0 views

    The technology can generate electricity in water flowing at a rate of less than one knot - about one mile an hour - meaning it could operate on most waterways and sea beds around the globe. Existing technologies which use water power, relying on the action of waves, tides or faster currents created by dams, are far more limited in where they can be used, and also cause greater obstructions when they are built in rivers or the sea. Turbines and water mills need an average current of five or six knots to operate efficiently, while most of the earth's currents are slower than three knots.
Energy Net

Revealed: UK's blueprint for a green revolution | Environment | The Guardian - 0 views

    One in four British homes could be fitted with solar heating equipment and 3,500 wind turbines could be erected across Britain within 12 years as part of a green energy revolution to be proposed by the government next week.
Energy Net

Microgeneration could rival nuclear power, report shows | Environment | - 0 views

    British buildings equipped with solar, wind and other micro power equipment could generate as much electricity in a year as five nuclear power stations, a government-backed industry report showed today. Commissioned by the Department for Business, Energy and Regulatory Reform (DBERR), the report says that if government chose to be as ambitious as some other countries, a combination of loans, grants and incentives could lead to nearly 10m microgeneration systems being installed by 2020.
Energy Net

SeaGen tidal power marine turbine plugs into electricity grid | Environment | guardian.... - 0 views

    An underwater turbine that generates electricity from tidal streams was plugged into the UK's national grid today. It marks the first time a commercial-scale underwater turbine has fed power into the network and the start of a new source of renewable energy for the UK.
Energy Net

Britain tries to block green energy laws | Environment | The Guardian - 0 views

    Britain is trying to water down tough new European legislation to boost the uptake of renewable energy, despite a pledge by Gordon Brown last month to launch a "green revolution" based on clean technology. Documents obtained by the Guardian show the UK wants to block attempts to give renewable electricity sources such as wind farms priority access to the national grid. The European official who drafted the legislation accused Britain of "obstructing" EU efforts on renewables and said UK officials wanted to protect traditional energy suppliers and their coal, gas and nuclear power stations.
Energy Net

We cannot afford not to invest in renewables | Comment is free | - 0 views

    The UK government's renewables consultation called for a green revolution in energy. In doing so, it created a perfect tabloid rod for its own back. The proposed cost-to-consumer calculated by the Department of Business were based on the vanishingly unlikely prospect of an oil price as low as $70 a barrel in 2020. Expected additions to UK energy bills, at that oil price, would be 10-13% for electricity and 18-37% for gas, the government said.
Energy Net

Berkeley, California approves city-backed solar loans | Environment | - 0 views

    The California city of Berkeley has approved a new financing scheme for loans to homeowners who install rooftop solar panels, a landmark programme that could inspire other US cities to follow suit. The Berkeley scheme would finance city-backed solar loans through a small addition to the property taxes of each participating home, eliminating the need to find up-front cash to install panels that can cost the average American upwards of $30,000.
Energy Net

Abu Dhabi buys 20% of London offshore wind farm | Environment | The Guardian - 0 views

    Abu Dhabi has taken a 20% stake in the London Array - the £3bn project to build the world's largest offshore wind farm in the Thames estuary. Masdar, part of Abu Dhabi's multibillion-pound drive to develop green energy technologies, is buying part of the 50% stake in the project held by the German-based utility E.ON.
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