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Energy Net

ENERGY: Areva announces new Washington energy plants - | Tri-City Herald - 0 views

    ADAGE and Energy Northwest announced a partnership today that could bring several new power plants to the Pacific Northwest by the end of 2012. The plants would be built by ADAGE, a joint venture by AREVA and Duke Energy, and would bring an estimated 2,000 construction jobs to the state. ADAGE President Reed Wills said at a press conference announcing the partnership that the plants also would create 500 permanent "green" jobs for plant operations and wood waste collection. The plants likely would be located in forested areas of western Washington. AREVA President Jacques Besnainou said the plants would burn wood waste, such as bark or tree branches stripped from lumber, to generate power. Wood waste is a renewable, carbon-neutral source that fits the state's clean energy goals, he said.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Ausra La Vista, Baby - 0 views

    Expatriate Australian solar power company Ausra was one of the companies that featured heavily in my post on concentrating solar thermal power earlier in the year. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has opened Ausra's first plant, a 5 MW plant at Kimberlina in central California (the first to open in 20 years) which will generate enough electricity during peak hours to power 3,500 homes. Ausra's next plant will be a 177 MW plant nearby in San Luis Obispo County. The SMH quoted Schwarzenegger as saying "This next generation solar power plant is further evidence that reliable, renewable and pollution-free technology is here to stay, and it will lead to more California homes and businesses powered by sunshine. Not only will this large-scale solar facility generate power to help us meet our renewable energy goals, it will also generate new jobs as California continues to pioneer clean-tech industry".
Energy Net

Solar Thermal Really Heats Up in Nevada: BrightSource Plans 1200 MW Facilty Outside Las... - 0 views

    At the risk of sounding like a cheerleader, the scale of some of the new solar power plants being announced over the past few weeks are just astounding. PG&E has contracted with a 250 MW and a 500 MW solar plant in California, a 250 MW integrated solar plant/manufacturing facility is being built in India, and the Clinton Foundation is discussing building a similar 5,000 MW facility in a different part of India. At the beginning of the summer a new 10 MW thin-film facility was claiming the record for that category and a 400 MW solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert was big news. Furthering the great solar scale-up:
Energy Net

Solar Energy Plant Coming to Philadelphia - 0 views

    A company called Green Energy Capital Partners based in Philadelphia is planning to build what they term as the second largest solar energy plant in the nation, in the Carbon County. The $60 million, 100-megawatt solar energy plant will be built on 100 acres of land near the Green Acres Industrial Park in Nesquehoning. The solar energy plant is predicted to contain 40,000 solar panels on rotating mounts.
Energy Net

Billion rouble plans for Russian tidal power plant - BarentsObserver - 0 views

    Russia's biggest hydro-power generator Rushydro is considering a four billion RUB investment in a tidal power plant in Murmansk Oblast, on the coast of the Barents Sea. The project plans could make the Kola Peninsula a leading Russian region on alternative energy. Rushydro now confirms that it is about to complete a feasibility study of the project and that the construction of the plant could eventually start next year, reports. The plant project is named the Northern Tidal Power Plant, and is to be built in the the Dolgaya-Vostochnaya Bay west of the Murmansk city.

Horticulture/Horticulturalist - 0 views

    Horticulture refers to the industry and science of plant cultivation. Horticulturist work and study the disciplines of plant propagation and cultivation, crop production, plant breeding and engineering, biochemistry of plants and plant physiology.

How to Increase Plant Growth? - 0 views

    If you love your plants and are worried about their growth then just relax and read this topic to find out 10 simple ways to improve the plant growth significantly.
Energy Net

Salt-Free Solar: CSP Tower Using Air - Renewable Energy World - 0 views

    Concentrating solar power (CSP) is an emerging technology that offers the potential to supply utility-scale peaking power competitively. In December 2008, a 1.5 MWe solar thermal central receiver system was declared operational by plant construction company Kraftanlagen Munchen. Although solar tower technology had been built as early as the 1970s and a second commercial tower is now close to completion (see REW magazine July/August 2008) the so-called Test and Demonstration Power Plant Julich, in Germany, is the world's first solar thermal power plant erected which uses air as the medium for heat transport. In all previous plants liquid media such as molten salt or oil have been used for the obvious reason of their high specific heat capacity, which in turn results in low volume flow rates and low pumping losses.

Hydrogen Plant Operator & Operations Manager - 0 views

    A hydrogen plant is a type of gas plant. Gas plants take gasses and turn them into a useable form.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Largest Solar Plant in the World Coming to Arizona ? - 0 views

    TreeHugger has a post on a solar thermal power plant planned for Arizona (Which isn't the largest announced, but how many of these get built in the short term remains to be seen) - Largest Solar Plant in the World Coming to Arizona ?. Could be--details are still emerging and sketchy, but it looks like one of the world's biggest solar projects will find its home in Arizona. The proposed 340 megawatt system would use advanced parabolic trough technology, and would cost over $2 billion--and yes, it would take advantage of stimulus funding. Looks like Arizona's becoming a hotbed for solar power indeed--this would be the fourth solar plant in Mohave County, AZ alone. Here are the whispered details: Mohave Sun Power and Albiasa Solar are the companies behind the ambitious installation, and they'll be using the same technology as another recently proposed massive solar project:
Energy Net

Peak Energy: World's Largest Solar Power Tower Commissioned - 0 views

    REW reports the world's biggest solar thermal tower has opened in Spain - World's Largest Solar Power Tower Commissioned. Abengoa Solar has begun commercial operations of the world's largest solar power tower plant, a 20 MW installation. The company claims that the performance of the power plant, the so-called PS20, has exceeded its design output in the wake of its three-day production and operational testing period. Located at the Solúcar Platform, near Seville, Spain, PS20 is the world's second power tower plant in commercial use and features a number of significant technological improvements with respect to its predecessor, PS10. These enhancements include a higher-efficiency receiver, various improvements in the control and operational systems, and a better thermal energy storage system. PS20 consists of a solar field made up of 1255 heliostats with a surface area of 1291 square feet each. This reflects the solar radiation it receives onto the receiver, located on the top of a 531 foot-high tower, producing steam which is converted into electricity generation by a turbine. Plant construction was carried out by Abener.
Energy Net

Swarm power for Germany - - 1 views

    How about a power station in your basement? In a bid to create a decentralized electricity grid, German carmaker Volkswagen is launching thousands of mini power plants that could be installed in the basements of any residential home. Together with clean energy provider Lichtblick, Volkswagen plans to install up to 100,000 small power plants -- able to generate heat and electricity -- in people's homes to generate enough energy to offset two nuclear power plants. Taken together, all mini plants would have a capacity of 2 GW. The project could lure many Germans away from traditional utilities toward decentralized energy generation, which experts say will be the buzzword of tomorrow's energy mix.

plant extract - 1 views

    Plant Extraction is a process to gather the trace bioactive compounds from the tissue of a plant. In fact,mankind discovered the benefits of plants very early,such as for food or pharm application. Especially in China, people have discovered the medicinal value of plants and it was widely used in disease treatment or health care. The treatment was mainly through the method of water decoction, and later developed a lot of solvent extraction technology. Modern planting technology combines multiple separation methods in a more efficient and precise way.

Landfill Gas Plant Operator - 0 views

    The work of a landfill gas plant operator involves correctly using and handling power plants, such as those that are built around reciprocating engines that are used for converting methane gas.
Energy Net

Florida Crystals' green program a sweet deal - 0 views

    Since 1995, West Palm Beach-based Florida Crystals Corp. has been operating the largest biomass-to-electricity facility in North America, the Okeelanta Co-Generation Plant next to its sugar mill and refinery plant south of South Bay. The plant uses 850,000 tons of sugar cane residue known as bagasse and 900,000 tons of clean wood material from construction and yard wastes to produce 140 net megawatts of electricity each year. The power is sold to Florida Power & Light Co. to provide electricity to 58,000 homes, said Florida Crystals spokesman Gaston Cantens.
Energy Net

Carbon Sequestration in Central California | celsias° - 0 views

    What if it were possible to bury carbon dioxide over a mile below a power plant in the second worst air basin in the United States? In 2011 the greenhouse gas will be pumped below a power plant in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California. Located in Kern County near Bakersfield, the Clean Energy Systems power plant is powered by different kinds of natural gas and oxygen. It produces five megawatts of energy, enough for 5,000 homes, but the carbon sequestration experiment will increase that to 50 megawatts.
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Cutting Coal Use with Solar Thermal Power - 0 views

    Technology Review reports that the idea of hybrid gas-solar thermal power plants is being considered for coal fired plants now - Cutting Coal Use with Sunshine. Feeding heat from the sun into coal-fired power stations could turn out to be the cheapest way to simultaneously expand the use of solar energy and trim coal plants' oversize carbon footprints. At least that's what the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), a nonprofit organization backed by the electricity industry, is hoping. Last week, the institute launched a nine-month, $640,000 study to pin down the scale of the opportunity and the engineering challenges involved with making these seemingly disparate technologies work together. The study will examine the potential use of solar-thermal technology at a pair of coal-fired power stations, in New Mexico and North Carolina.

Hydroelectric Plant Installation Technician - 0 views

    A Hydroelectric Plant Installation Technician has a very hands-on job. A Hydroelectric Technician works in a hydroelectric plant, doing a lot of installation and maintenance work.

Hydroelectric Plant Efficiency Operator - 0 views

    Being a Hydroelectric Plant Efficiency Operator is a 'green' job because hydro electric plants are on the leading edge of pollution-free electricity production.
Stephen K Davion

EDF gets go ahead for Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant - 0 views

    EDF Energy has secured planning approval from the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to construct a £14bn nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point C in Somerset, UK.
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