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Jack Travis

Innovators in DC Power Systems - 0 views

    Nextek Power Systems, Inc. is a pioneer in DC power networks for buildings. The Nextek Direct Coupling power distribution platform delivers superior efficiency, flexibility, and reliability to interior electrical circuits and on-site power generation. Take a look @

Compact Fluorescent (DC): Eco20/20 - 0 views

    If you use Compact Fluorescent (DC) bulbs in your home or office, you can save a lot of money as they produce very high illumination by consuming less amount of energy. They are available in 6V, 12V and 24V and can be used in solar powered systems or in any DC set up.
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la mère encore et toujours rendue responsable de l'autisme de son enfant O. et P., dont les diagnostics de Trouble envahissant du développement sont mis en cause, ont été placés en mars dernier et ...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 05 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Jack Travis

DC Fluorescent Lamp Electronic Ballast - 0 views

    Check out the compact, durable and low power DC electronic fluorescent lamp ballast....
Jack Travis

High Effeciency DC lamp ballast - 0 views

    Need energy efficiency system for your home, office or warehouse? Contact Nextek Power Systems for the futuristic energy saving using alternative sources.
Jack Travis

Innovative DC Power Solutions - 0 views

    The micro inverters are used in the solar industry where you can easily install the components much better than the central inverters
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obbedito . Detroit Tigers Cappelli - 0 views

La frazione di San Pietroburgo, ancora in lutto . I bambini persi non erano stati trovati . Preghiere pubbliche erano stati offerti per loro , e molti e molti una preghiera privata che ha avuto tut...

Detroit Tigers Cappelli

started by opinions1 opinions1 on 11 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
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Hu. Le vaisseau spatial Shenzhou7 a été lancé jeudi à 21H10 (heure de Beijing) par une fusée porteuse LongueMarche IIF depuis le Centre de lancement de satellites de Jiuquan dans la province du Gan...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Jack Travis

Energy Efficient Power Systems Using DC Microgrids - 1 views

    Know about the energy efficient power system methods from Nextek Power Systems Inc.,
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sac longchamp pliage pas cher Le Parti - 0 views

Un chiffre impressionnant qui perturbe complètement la vie sur l'île. Lors de la deuxième semaine de février, sur 4 670 arrêts de travail, 60% étaient liés à l'épidémie. Le nombre de malades passé ...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 05 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

Department of Energy - Administration Announces Nearly $8 Billion in Weatherization Fun... - 0 views

    Will support energy efficiency efforts nationwide that will create 87,000 jobs and cut energy bills for families Washington DC -- Vice President Joe Biden and Energy Secretary Chu today detailed an investment of nearly $8 billion in state and local weatherization and energy efficiency efforts as part of the President's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. With an investment of about $5 billion through the Weatherization Assistance Program and about $3 billion for the State Energy Program, the Department of Energy will partner with state and local governments to put 87,000 Americans to work and save families hundreds of dollars per year on their energy bills. To jump-start job creation and weatherization work, the Department of Energy is releasing the first installment of the funding - about $780 million -- in the next few days. The Department will release additional funding over time as states demonstrate that they are using the funding effectively and responsibly to create jobs and cut energy use.
Energy Net

Alliance to Save Energy: News: September 2008: State Policy Bulletin - 0 views

    State Updates Legislative updates from Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington, DC, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina New Hampshire New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia
Energy Net

Driven: Shai Agassi's Audacious Plan to Put Electric Cars on the Road - 0 views

    Shai Agassi looks up and down the massive rectangular table in the Ritz-Carlton ballroom and begins to worry. He knows he's out of his league here. For the last day and a half, he's been listening to an elite corps of Israeli and US politicians, businesspeople, and intellectuals debate the state of the world. Agassi is just one of 60 sequestered in a Washington, DC, hotel for a conference run by the Saban Center for Middle East Policy. Among the participants: Bill Clinton, former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres, Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer, and two past directors of the CIA.
Energy Net

Department of Energy - DOE Selects Projects for up to $50 Million of Federal Funding to... - 0 views

    Demonstration Projects Aim at 15 Percent Reduction of U.S. Peak Load Electricity Demand Washington, DC- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Kevin Kolevar today announced the Department's plans to invest up to $50 million over five years (Fiscal Years 2008 - 2012), subject to appropriations from Congress, in nine demonstration projects competitively selected to increase efficiency in the nation's electricity grid.
Energy Net

Reid Unveils Consumer-First Energy Act of 2008 - 0 views

    Washington, DC-Nevada Senator Harry Reid joined other Democratic senators at a press conference today to unveil the Consumer-First Energy Act of 2008, a bill that addresses the root causes of high gas prices. Seven years of the Bush Administration's disastrous energy policies have enriched Big Oil and market speculators at the expense of American consumers. Democrats are committed to providing relief to consumers and strengthening our economic, energy and national security.
Energy Net

Department of Energy - Vice President Biden Outlines Funding for Smart Grid Initiatives - 0 views

    Announces plans for nearly $4 billion in technology deployment, monitoring and viability Washington, DC - Vice President Joe Biden, on a visit to Jefferson City, Missouri, today with Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, detailed plans by the Department of Energy to develop a smart, strong and secure electrical grid, which will create new jobs and help deliver reliable power more effectively with less impact on the environment to customers across the nation. As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Vice President outlined plans to distribute more than $3.3 billion in smart grid technology development grants and an additional $615 million for smart grid storage, monitoring and technology viability.
Energy Net

Department of Energy - Secretary Chu Announces $256 Million Investment to Improve the E... - 0 views

    Energy Intensive Sectors, IT Industry to Receive Recovery Act Funds WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced plans to provide $256 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to support energy efficiency improvements in major industrial sectors across the American economy. The funding is targeted at reducing the energy consumption of America's manufacturing and information technology (IT) industries, while creating jobs and stimulating economic growth. These programs will help create manufacturing jobs quickly, along with jobs for technicians and experts who will be needed in the long-term to maintain and operate the new equipment. "Supporting the development of the latest industrial technologies plays an important role in helping U.S. industry to lead the world in energy efficiency and productivity," said Secretary Chu. "Working together with American manufacturing and IT industries, we will be able to create new jobs, reduce industrial energy use and limit damaging greenhouse gas emissions."

SMA Sunny Boy 3000 US with DC Disconnect Grid Tie Inverter: Grid Tie Inverters: Eco20/20 - 0 views

    The PV inverter performance is benchmarked by the 500,000 fielded units of Sunny Boy. The reliability of the product is also fantastic.

Outback Flexware Power Panels: Grid Tie Inverters: Eco20/20 - 0 views

    The system has been designed in such a way that it can support up to two OutBack FX series inverter or chargers or up to two MX60 charge controllers and all necessary AC and DC components.
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