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Shipra Singh

Brighten up the darkest lane of the village with the solar power at midnight - Solar St... - 0 views

    Perfect Aurarays is manufacturer of best quality solar street light and provides installation and maintenance services of solar street lights.
    Perfect Aurarays is manufacturer of best quality solar street light and provides installation and maintenance services of solar street lights.
    Perfect Aurarays is manufacturer of best quality solar street light and provides installation and maintenance services of solar street lights.

CarX Street - 0 views


CarX Street

started by wasifali on 02 Jul 23 no follow-up yet

CarX Street - 0 views


CarX Street

started by wasifali on 02 Jul 23 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

On Call Street Lights: Light By Phone Saves Energy and City Budgets : TreeHugger - 0 views

    A trend is spreading through small towns across Germany. Tight budgets have forced hard decisions, including turning the lights out at night. No one is on the streets at night anyway, so why pay for the electricity to run the street lights? But residents have revolted. They fear an uptick in crime, or simply for their safety while stumbling through the dark streets to walk the dog or return from a late night out. Proving necessity is the mother of invention, a handful of clever solutions are being implemented; some with interesting consequences. The solution seems to have started in the small town of Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz in the Erzegebirge. Over one and a half years ago, the 900 citizens of Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz were plunged into darkness each night, but given the option to turn the lights on by mobile telephone. Older citizens were concerned about their ability to master this new technology, but practice makes perfect. The first two weeks of the program, the lights remained on almost all night long as residents remained awake late for an opportunity to test the new system! But now the lights stay off except when needed. The town saves 4000 euros ($5300) per year. According to the Berliner Morgenpost daily newspaper, Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz is the inspiration for 4300 person community of Groß Pankow, the most recent community to consider on-call streetlight.
Energy Net

Pittsburgh Councilman's plan to convert all of the city's street lamps to LEDs could sa... - 0 views

    Earlier today I received an email from the office of Pittsburgh city councilman Bill Peduto announcing an ambitious plan that will reduce Pittsburgh's carbon footprint while saving the city millions in electricity costs. Peduto, who has been the only city legislator to propose green legislation of any sort over the last few years, wants the city to convert all 40,000 of its street lamps to energy efficient LED lighting. The cost of the program will be around $24 million and will be paid using a combination of the annual costs savings and funding from the state's Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement. Pittsburgh would join cities such as Austin, Raleigh (home LED manufacturer CREE), and Toronto as major cities who have adopted LED lighting on a large scale. According to Peduto, Pittsburgh would be the largest city in the US to roll out a complete conversion to LED lighting. This would be great news for Pittsburgh's green agenda, especially in light of today's Pittsburgh Penguin's press conference, where they announced the 21 year naming rights deal for their new arena, which will be known as the Clean Coal Center.

ralph lauren factory store Here we waited - 0 views

What followed I will not describe, but never shall I forget the scene of those two heaps of worrying wolves, and of the maniac Khan, who yelled in his fiendish joy, and cheered on his death-hounds ...

started by xtiffany1599 on 06 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

sac faux vanessa bruno pas cher Les autres attractions touristiques - 0 views

Lions Rugby Tour 2013 - Brisbane premier essai Le Match anglaise et irlandaise Lions 2013 calendrier commence avec un match de pré-tournée à Hong Kong, puis se déplace à travers l'Australie, culmin...

started by audit0213 on 08 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

doudoune lacoste pas cher, Certains d'entre eux comprennent Aquarium - 0 views

Il existe de nombreuses Nouvelle-Orléans H?tels mais pour un H?tel de charme en plein coeur de la Nouvelle Orléans il est celui qui est titulaire d'un niveau plus élevé, la Maison Bienville sur le ...

started by happy0213 on 10 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

doudoune lacoste pas cher, Certains d'entre - 0 views

Il existe de nombreuses Nouvelle-Orléans H?tels mais pour un H?tel de charme en plein coeur de la Nouvelle Orléans il est celui qui est titulaire d'un niveau plus élevé, la Maison Bienville sur le ...

started by queen430213 on 01 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Intesab Husain

Microprocessor Based Photoelectric Sensor - Lux Sensor And Lux Switch For Lighting Load... - 0 views

    Photocell lux detector for exterior street lighting for automatic lighting control and energy savings.
opinions1 opinions1

Chemise Burberry pas cher En - 0 views

Burberry avec un style anglais traditionnel de conception, plaid classique, tissus uniques, généreux et élégant base. En plus des vêtements traditionnels, Burberry sera également conçu pour atteind...

Burberry pas cher Chemise Sac

started by opinions1 opinions1 on 23 Apr 15 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

Biden brings focus on energy policy to Democratic ticket: Scientific American Blog - 0 views

    By picking Joe Biden as a running mate, Barack Obama may have reassured the electorate about his lack of experience and foreign policy bona fides, according to some pundits. But the coal-state senator may have also taken a step toward shoring up his enviro cred. The Delaware senator is as serious as a heart attack about energy policy-a point The Wall Street Journal's Jeffrey Ball made this weekend.
Energy Net

India's 50-MPG Tata Nano: Auto Solution or Pollution? - 0 views

    It's Tuesday morning and the streets of Bangalore are, as always, jammed with traffic and saturated with smog. A young tech worker and his pregnant wife navigate the dusty roads on a tiny scooter, a 125-cc Hero Honda. Srinivasan Chandra's hands sweat onto the handlebars as he waits for the light to turn green. The journey from home to office is only 6 miles, but road conditions and rush hour have turned the four-lane highway into a cross between a parking lot and a demolition derby.
Energy Net

UK Invests Big Money In Bikes : TreeHugger - 0 views

    While certain American politicians complain about a million bucks being included in the country's energy plan to promote bikes, in the UK they are investing £140 million (about US$ 280 million) to create dedicated bike lanes, provide bike parking, safety training, on-street bike rental networks and a campaign to promote bicycling in 12 Cycling Demonstration Towns.
Energy Net

Solar power industry a bright light amid economic gloom: ENN - 0 views

    Not this week. As part of the Solar Power International conference here, big businesses such as equipment maker Applied Materials Inc. and solar cell manufacturer SunPower Corp. rented out bars and restaurants and shut down the streets to serve up free drinks and food to executives who partied through the night. "It's amazing, the euphoria in the industry right now," Victoria Hollick, vice president of Conserval Engineering Inc., said as a disc jockey played songs like "Good Times" and "Celebration." The solar industry has good reason to celebrate right now.
Energy Net

If You Can Afford It, New Incentives for Home Energy Efficiency - 0 views

    2009 brings some new incentives for homeowners to adopt energy efficiency from both state and federal sources. The Wall Street Journal reported last week on several of these, including new provisions for tax credits in solar, small wind, and biomass stoves (those burning wood pellets or corn). In addition, this year, both solar and wind residential tax credits can be claimed against the alternative minimum tax. Improvements to weatherize your home could also qualify for an energy efficiency tax credit of up to $500. There are also new credits for upgrading your furnace, boilers, heat pumps, and water heaters. Read more at Link to original post
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Lighting The Tenderloin With LEDs - 0 views

    Next100 has a report on the introduction of LED street lighting in some sections of San Francisco - Brightening Up San Francisco's Tenderloin. San Francisco's gritty Tenderloin district will shine a little brighter thanks to a new streetlighting program announced today by Mayor Gavin Newsom, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and PG&E. Newsom press conf 3-25-09.JPGAt a press conference this morning on Turk St., joined by PG&E's senior vice president for public affairs, Nancy McFadden, Newsom said the city is installing 50 ultra-efficient, energy-saving LED streetlights in the depressed neighborhood, a smart move to enhance public safety while demonstrating environmental leadership and saving money. In addition, city authorities are working with PG&E to evaluate "smart controller" technology that will monitor the performance of individual streetlights, adjust their intensity, and signal when they are about to fail. Flexible controls will give officials to ability to turn selected lights on or off, dim them, or flash them to alert emergency personnel.

4 Future Clean Energy Jobs: GreenCareersGuide - 0 views

    Have you driven down the street and noticed that a lot more solar panels are popping up? Starting in the clean energy field can be a confusing task if you are unsure of where to begin.

lacoste femme pas cher En Avril 2001 - 0 views

Il est important de vous immerger dans la communauté, l'apprentissage des quartiers, les gens, les parcs et les restaurants. Toutes ces informations vous guidera que vous affiner votre sélection po...

started by jkdhn0213 on 12 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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