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Vi prometto, babbo, che imparerò un'arte e che sarò la consolazione e il bastone della vostra vecchiaia."Geppetto che, sebbene facesse il viso di tiranno, aveva gli occhi pieni di pianto e il cuore...


started by opinions1 opinions1 on 23 May 14 no follow-up yet
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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 24 May 14 no follow-up yet
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Cliccando sulle stesse saranno rimandati nel sito da cui proviene la notizia. Per quanto riguarda invece il Corriere della Sera Google Play potrebbe rientrare in futuro nella strategia relativa all...


started by opinions1 opinions1 on 21 May 14 no follow-up yet
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Une explosion solaire importante pourrait affecter le champ magnétique de la Terre et ainsi causer de nombreux problèmes de communication à travers le monde. Avec un peu de chance, cette tempête so...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 28 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Energy Net

Documents link wind farm foes to energy firm - The Boston Globe - 0 views

    A new lobbying firm for the group opposing a wind farm off Cape Cod filed a federal document last month reporting that its work for the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound is partially funded and shaped by an international energy conglomerate.
Energy Net

Doctor Fish Invents Fan Blade With Twenty Percent Greater Efficiency By Mimicking A Wha... - 0 views

    Christian Science Monitor has published a totally charming story about how Dr. Frank E. Fish was inspired to "bio-mimic" a fan blade design, upon viewing a Humpback Whale sculpture in a Boston MA gift shop. There are prospective efficiency gains from re-designed wind turbine blades, also, based on this "discovery".
Energy Net

Peak Energy: Efficient Thin-Film Solar Cells - 0 views

    The thin film solar field is still a hot bed of activity - Technology Review has a post on a prototype cell that uses photonic crystals - Efficient Thin-Film Solar Cells. Researchers at MIT have unveiled a new type of silicon solar cell that could be much more efficient and cost less than currently used solar cells. Materials science and engineering professor Lionel Kimerling and his colleagues presented results of the first device prototype at a recent meeting of the Materials Research Society in Boston. The design combines a highly effective reflector on the back of a solar cell with an antireflective coating on the front. This helps trap red and near-infrared light, which can be used to make electricity, in the silicon. The research team is licensing similar technology to StarSolar, a startup in Cambridge, MA.
Energy Net

'Small wind' power plants are blowing strong | - 0 views

    DOVER, Mass. - On a recent sunny afternoon Bob Loebelenz pauses to gaze 72 feet into the air at the spinning blades of his wind turbine, a small "clean, free electricity" smile creasing the corners of his mouth. While giant wind turbines that supply power to utilities sprout along ridgelines across the United States, far smaller residential wind generators, like the one Mr. Loebelenz erected in 2003 to power his suburban Boston home, are still unusual in densely populated places.
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Boîte surprise Selon les écrits remontant au début du XXe siècle, la boîte en cuivre contiendrait des photos, des autographes, des lettres de politiciens de Boston, des coupures de journaux ainsi q...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 10 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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Chemise Burberry pas cher En - 0 views

Burberry avec un style anglais traditionnel de conception, plaid classique, tissus uniques, généreux et élégant base. En plus des vêtements traditionnels, Burberry sera également conçu pour atteind...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 23 Apr 15 no follow-up yet
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Outre-Atlantique, on l'a baptisée ?Nash?: Non alcoholic steato hepatitis. Traduire: stéato-hépatite non-alcoolique ou, mieux cirrhose en devenir qui n'est pas due à des boissons alcooliques. On po...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 29 Jul 15 no follow-up yet
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Outre-Atlantique, on l'a baptisée ?Nash?: Non alcoholic steato hepatitis. Traduire: stéato-hépatite non-alcoolique ou, mieux cirrhose en devenir qui n'est pas due à des boissons alcooliques. On po...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 29 Jul 15 no follow-up yet
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500, et environ 8.500 à l'extérieur, massés dans le stade de rugby pour regarder la rencontre sur écrans géants. Toutes proportions gardées, "le CSP, c'est l'OM du basket", avait dit à leur propos ...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 26 Jun 15 no follow-up yet

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Si les livres envoyés n'épuisent point la susdite somme, prière d'acheter d'autres ouvrages à votre choix, surtout des ouvrages illustrés. Vous voyez que nos Japonais aiment les images. N'en soyez ...

started by xtiffany1599 on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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Lacoste Femme Pas Cher D'autres - 0 views

Ce qui montre que non seulement il n'est même plus à la remorque de l'opinion publique à la manière de Ledru-Rollin qui disait "je suis leur chef, donc je les suis". Mais qu'il est désormais en déc...

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started by opinions1 opinions1 on 05 Apr 16 no follow-up yet
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