les meilleurs vidéos de sapeurs pompiers français - 0 views
Mashi Rozan on 15 Oct 13The best videos and report on the French firefighters (sapeurs pompiers français). Reports on the elite units such as BSPP (Fire Brigade fire of Paris - Brigade des Sapeurs Pompiers de Paris) the BMPM (Marine Fire Battalion Marseille - Bataillon des Marins Pompiers de Marseille) or the military and specialized units such as GRIMP (research group and intervention hazardous environments - Groupe de recherche et d'intervention en Milieu Périlleux) or the underwater rescue team (Equipe de plongée et de spéléologie). Video and reports in the news of the great French channels (TF1, France 2, BFM TV ...). Interview representatives of Civil Security (Sécurité Civile Française). Of training interventions in forest fires or dog teams.