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Josh Beauregard

Drupal modules api site - 2 views

    Api documentation for contributed modules
Daniel Gregoire

How many RSS subscribers? | - 2 views

    Quick snippet for adding number of subscribers to RSS feed by looking at accesslog. See comments for (better) alternatives.
Daniel Gregoire

Multi-step Forms in Drupal 6 using variable functions | pingVision - 1 views

    Unique method for handling multistep forms in Drupal.
Daniel Gregoire

Load Testing Tools and Tips | Tag1 Consulting, Inc. - 1 views

  • ApacheBench (ab)
  • $ ab -n1000 -c10 http://localhost/
  • Links: Project's web page: Benchmarking Drupal code with ab:
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Siege
  • siege -c 10 -i -t 5m -d 3 -f url_list.txt
  • Links: Project's web page: Sproxy project page:
  • Apache JMeter
  • Links: Project's web page: Load testing Drupal with JMuery, part 1: Load testing Drupal with JMuery, part 2:
    Load testing tools. ab and siege are command-line, JMeter is graphical (and written in Java).
Daniel Gregoire

Wrapper ID (form-item) not displayed for Checkboxes / Radio Buttons CCK Fields | drupal... - 1 views

  •   if (!empty($element['#id'])) {    $output .= ' id="'. $element['#id'] .'-wrapper"';  }  else { // if we can't get the #id from $element['#id'] just build it from $element['#name']    $id=explode("[value]", $element['#name']);    $output .= ' id="'. $id[0] .'-wrapper"';  }
    Small fix for giving radio/checkbox form elements a proper ID on their wrapper. By default in 6.16 and CCK, no proper CSS ID is given to the wrappers of radio buttons and checkboxes, making it impossible to theme the layout of those elements in the form (specifically for me, the node edit forms).
Daniel Gregoire

How To Create Users Programmatically In Drupal 6.x - 1 views

  • <?php $newUser = array( 'name' => 'username', 'pass' => 'password', // note: do not md5 the password 'mail' => 'email address', 'status' => 1, 'init' => 'email address' ); user_save(null, $newUser); ?>
    Create users programmatically. A bit less involved than creating nodes; you just need to populate an array with values, don't need to cast it into an object.
Daniel Gregoire

Programmatically Create, Insert, and Update CCK Nodes | doug | CivicActions - 2 views

  • Always use content_database_info to get the database info. For example:   $field1 = content_database_info(content_fields('yourfield1', 'yourtable'));  $table1 = $field1['table'];  $column1 = $field1['columns']['value']['column'];  $field2 = content_database_info(content_fields('yourfield2', 'yourtable'));  $table2 = $field2['table'];  $column2 = $field2['columns']['value']['column'];  if ($table1 == $table2) {    $sql = "SELECT n.*, t1.$column1, t1.$column2 FROM {node} n ";    $sql .= " INNER JOIN {$table1} t1 ON t1.nid = n.nid AND t1.vid = n.vid";  }  else {    $sql = "SELECT n.*, t1.$column1, t2.$column2 FROM {node} n ";    $sql .= " INNER JOIN {$table1} t1 ON t1.nid = n.nid AND t1.vid = n.vid";    $sql .= " INNER JOIN {$table2} t2 ON t2.nid = n.nid AND t2.vid = n.vid";  }  $sql .= " WHERE n.nid = %d";
    Important point: Using special functions to let CCK get the proper name of the field (allowing users to make CCK changes in the UI and let your code continue to work).
Scott Blackburn

Projects | pingVision Feature Server - 1 views

    Image gallery Feature for OpenAtrium
Daniel Gregoire

Handling File Uploads | - 1 views

    Extra coding needed to handle file uploads outside of FAPI definitions.
Daniel Gregoire

Example Varnish VCL for a Drupal / Pressflow site | Drupal - 1 views

    Example Varnish configuration, used for optimizing site performance with file and database caching.
Daniel Gregoire

How to define page callbacks that you don't want to render using page template in Drupa... - 1 views

  • Method 1 : Printing your stuff and exit
  • Method 2 : Printing your stuff and returning NULL
    Callbacks, and how to get just the output (without template calls, etc.).
Scott Blackburn

have you seen ProjectPier? | - 0 views

  • We – - are using, with a lot of problem of daily configuration and setting, rather than 60 modules and three subdomains. The collaborative community – working in European research projects - now has a basecamp of 3000 users – biannual newsletters - and 300 collaborative participants, who needs mainly: a join calendar of events; the work-groups and all the rest of traditional modules associated. In addition, the basic forum and messaging and all the modules - it is needed more - of users, communities and profiles, usermap, userlist, search users, directory, etc On the other hand the modules of sharing files and documents - not absolutely solved - maybe with the drupal-ftp module... And finally and a lot important the media sections, podcasts, image gallery and video section - not well solved. The next steps is to integrate the donations, fees and commercial solutions and multichannel communication as SMS, and skype and IRC solutions and webminars. Any other simple or partially CWE in my honest opinion are not really sustainable.
    have you seen ProjectPier?
Fabola smith

Computer Troubleshooting - Now at Your Ease - 0 views

    With the availability of online help at all times and everywhere, it's not surprising to see people going onto internet for any and all kinds of computer troubleshooting problems. Calling up vendors and taking appointments for the help and eventually...
Scott Blackburn

Database Scripts | - 0 views

  • The Database Scripts project a series of command line scripts which will dump, erase, restore and merge databases. They are specifically set up to work the best when developing within the subversion version control environment. Their primary goal is to keep database configuration settings in sync with file changes, and then to allow a method to merge a development database with the production database
Daniel Gregoire

Module Development - Schema Won't Install | - 0 views

  • I had similar symptoms ... a simple install file that wouldn't create a table. However, I got it to work by going into the Drupal system table and deleting the record for my module. Then the next time that I enabled my module, Drupal freshly discovered it and ran the .install file to successfully create the table. Summary. When you have a module already in use (and so it appears in the system table), and *then* as a developer you create its .install file, it doesn't look like a *new* installation to Drupal (since the module name was already in the system table), so hook_install never gets called.
    Trick for schema's that won't install. If you have a custom module that you _had_ installed before making a .install file and including a schema, you need to: (1) Disable your module (2) Uninstall your module (3) Delete your module's row in the 'system' table in your Drupal database. Then you can re-introduce your module, and all its files will be recognized.
Scott Blackburn - 0 views

  • Ted wrote a theme_breadcrumb() override and called it vv_fix_breadcrumb(). The code is well commented and should be self-explanatory, even to non-phpers.
    • Scott Blackburn
      Finally, a breadcrumb solution for group calendars
Daniel Gregoire

PHP 5.2.10 .debs for Ubuntu 10.4 (Lucid) | The Jibe Multimedia, Inc. - Business Solutions - 0 views

    Resource for .deb file for PHP 5.2 on Lucid Lynx (Ubuntu 10.04), since we only have deb's for 5.3 by default, which makes Drupal contributed modules unhappy.
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