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Rajiv M

User Experience (UX) Design, Ux Design, UX/UI Design, UI UX Design - 0 views

    Orange Oats is one of few unique User Experience UX Design, User Experience Design, User Interface Design, UX Design, Mobile Application Design, UX UI Design, UI UX Design, Software User Interface Design & web user interface design Company who does quality design for the customer to love in.

eCommerce Website Design Houston, Website Designer Houston - 0 views

    At our eCommerce website designing company, we have developed tens of online stores, and we understand what it takes to convert your visitors into buyers. Thanks to complete responsiveness, our sites are all ready for the mobile era, making it easy for your customers to browse and order your products. And thanks to intuitive CMS, you can manage your inventory and run your business hassle-free.

eCommerce Magento Web Design |Magento Web Design |eCommerce Web Designer - 0 views

    Fortune Innovations Los Angeles develops websites using ecommerce and Magento technology. It helps to easily increase traffic to your website. For more details visit:

Drupal Web Development Company Los Angeles - 0 views

    Fortune Innovations Los Angeles Web Development Company provides affordable custom website design with creative design using Drupal CMS Development.For more details visit:

Wordpress Web Development Company Los Angeles - 0 views

    Fortune Innovations Los Angeles Web Development Company provides affordable custom website design with creative design using Wordpress CMS Development. For more details visit:
Ace Dee

Make Your Website Design SEO-Friendly with Oracle Digital - 1 views

Our company has realised that our website design should be more than just how it looks. Oracle Digital's SEO services have helped us in optimising our website design that appeals to our customers, ...


started by Ace Dee on 16 May 11 no follow-up yet
clariene Austria

Web design seo - 3 views

If your website is not being listed on search engines, then you're missing out on a lot of business. Google has already overtaken yellow pages when it comes for searching for local business provide...

started by clariene Austria on 09 May 12 no follow-up yet
clariene Austria

Don't Just Get A Website… Get Discovered! - 2 views

If you're not being found on the search engines, then it's likely you didn't have an seo web development. A lot of web designers out there know how to make great looking websites that Google can't ...

started by clariene Austria on 30 May 12 no follow-up yet
clariene Austria

Lead generation marketing - 2 views

We know how expensive websites can cost. And we know how expensive SEO can be. We don't want you to get into overdraft to get a website, but we don't want to design a low quality website as well. S...

lead generation seo web design

started by clariene Austria on 08 May 12 no follow-up yet
Shahriar Kabir

Drupal - An Open Source CMS - 0 views

    Drupal is a distributed platform made by a dynamic group and overflowing with potential. Use as-is or snap in any of a huge number of free designs and modules for fast site assembly. Designers cherish the all around archived APIs of Drupal. Creators cherish their adaptability. Site chairmen love their boundless adaptability.

Using CTools for form item dependency / visibility | computerminds - 0 views

    One of several helpers included in the ctools module, ctools dependency is described on the module page itself as "a simple form widget to make form items appear and disappear based upon the selections in another item". It's designed to make it easy and quick to hide/show form elements based on the value of other form elements in the browser using javascript.
Megan Lloyd

The Problems in Android 5.0 Lollipop Update and Ways to Fix Them - 0 views

    Android 5.0 Lollipop is possibly the major software upgrades that meant to alter the performance under the cover, including new features and revamping the design language of the user interface.Read more at:
Scott Blackburn

Views Help: How to get a field to "Link this field to its user" besides username | drup... - 0 views

  • Though one would think the $field object is what we wanted-- the actual object we needed is $row (even though we're only looking at one field in the row). Put the following into the field tpl file to see what the necessary info is: <?phpprint '<pre>';print_r($row);print '</pre>';?> Then, to actually make the link, put the following in your field tpl file: <?php$account = user_load($row->uid);print l($row->profile_values_profile_fullname_value, 'users/' . $account->name);?> Change 'profile_values_profile_fullname_value' to the proper field alias (based on the $row output). Also, be sure to change 'users' to whatever the path is for your user accounts. I also had another thought-- given your use case, you may want to consider the module as well. It will replace usernames with whatever field(s) you designate all over the site. EDIT: I had another thought. I'm not sure of the performance implications of doing a user_load in the template file. Another option is to add the 'User: name' field to the view but exclude it from display. Then you could avoid the user_load and change the code in the tpl file to: <?phpprint l($row->profile_values_profile_fullname_value, 'users/' . $row->users_name);?>
    theming the field tpl files for Views2
Scott Blackburn

Content migration: options and strategies » Step Two Designs - 0 views

    Good article if you need to re-think site migration, especially from a content perspective. This isn't really about Drupal only.
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