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Hans-Peter Zahno

Directory of Public Features Servers | - 3 views

    Considering the power of the Features module I'm surprised this list of public features servers is so small. Hopefully it will grow. Currently there isn't even a decent image gallery feature on any of these public features servers.
Scott Blackburn

Drupal Performance Tip: Block Visibility | Lullabot - 3 views

    "So remember: don't rely on regions and template files to hide blocks; they do so visually only. Using block visibility settings will ensure that extra processing is not performed on blocks that aren't being printed out in the first place, and keep your server nice and speedy!" See also the comment regarding the Context module and even Panels. Personally, I rarely use the traditional block page these days and rely more and more on the Context module as well as the Panels module in some cases.
Daniel Gregoire

Reducing server resource utilization for busy sites by implementing fast 404s in Drupal... - 3 views

  • // List of extensions for static files $exts = 'txt|png|gif|jpe?g|shtml?|css|js|ico|swf|flv|cgi|bat|pl|dll|exe|asp|xml'; // It is not an imagecache path, which we allow to go through Drupal if (!strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'imagecache')) { // It is not our main feed page if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != 'rss.xml') { // Is it a static file? if (preg_match('/\.(' . $exts . ')$/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) // Just send a 404 right now ... { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); print '<html>'; print '<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>'; print '<body><h1>Not Found</h1>'; print '<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>'; print '</body></html>'; exit(); } } }
    Fast Drupal 404 handling for static files.
Daniel Gregoire

20 APIs in 20 Days: Remember to Bring Your Tokens | Trellon - 3 views

    One of a series in 20 api's, Token module.
Daniel Gregoire

Securing file permissions and ownership | - 3 views

    Security pre-flight checklist. Files.
Scott Blackburn

Playing Nicely With Others: Integrating Drupal with Third-Party Data | Acquia - 3 views

    Good recorded webinar exploring some ways of integrated large amounts of third-party data into Drupal.
Daniel Gregoire

Views Slideshow Theming | Drupal Video Podcast - 3 views

    Video about views_slideshow and theming
Scott Blackburn

Bundling site settings using Features | - 3 views

    Great overview of how-to use Features

Free your content of PHP: Moving PHP code out of blocks, views and nodes |, I... - 2 views

  • From the early days, Drupal had the ability to embed PHP code in its content. This provides flexibility and functionality, most importantly, nodes and blocks can contain dynamically fetched data from the database using custom queries and displayed them in other content. This is an easy approach to get such data without writing a module. All you need to do is assign the PHP input format filter to the node or block and paste your PHP code in it, and voila, you have dynamic content. Code in Content: the issues However, this approach is suboptimal and has serious drawbacks, including:
    From the early days, Drupal had the ability to embed PHP code in its content. This provides flexibility and functionality, most importantly, nodes and blocks can contain dynamically fetched data from the database using custom queries and displayed them in other content. This is an easy approach to get such data without writing a module. All you need to do is assign the PHP input format filter to the node or block and paste your PHP code in it, and voila, you have dynamic content.
Daniel Gregoire

Wiki Pages - drupal-chart-api - Project Hosting on Google Code - 2 views

    Chart API module documentation
Richard Sheppard

Drupal: Programmaticaly creating nodes | Unofficial, unsactioned stuff out of Byte Craft - 2 views

    A rough guide to drupal_execute() versus node_save() with a bit of node_submit() on the side.
Bartłomiej Małysz

best free drupal 6 themes - 2 views

    my private collection of absolutely free best drupal 6 templates all themes are categorized
Daniel Gregoire

Create your own API Site in Drupal 6 | - 2 views

    Method for setting up a local/mirror copy of Core and contrib explained (though see comments for more details).
Daniel Gregoire

Programatic CCK Now Possible! | - 2 views

  • <?phpfunction mymodule_enable() {     // Get the files content   $filename = drupal_get_path('module','mymodule') . "/mymodule.cck";  $content = implode ('', file ($filename));      // Build form state    $form_state = array(       'values' => array(            'type_name' => '<create>',            'macro' => $content,      ),     );    // Put it in there     drupal_execute("content_copy_import_form", $form_state);}?>
    Start with comment 54181 - "This works for me in Drupal 6" and read along.
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