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Improving Drupal's Performance with the Boost Module for the UN's Millennium Campaign |... - 0 views

    A good overview of the Boost module.

Low Cost and Efficient Drupal Development Services - 0 views

    Drupal development services have come up at the right time when there has been a resurgence of technological advancement. A wider acceptance and likeliness for the Drupal interface, which has now transformed into the most popular open -source Content Management System (CMS) available online today is a key trend which will drive forward internet technology in the times to come.

Content migration: options and strategies » Step Two Designs - 0 views

    Good article if you need to re-think site migration, especially from a content perspective. This isn't really about Drupal only.

Mobile Text Messaging Using Drupal | Ebizon NetInfo - 0 views

    Explore the true power of Drupal when it integrates the SMS functionality with Drupal websites.

Getting node path for theming list view | - 0 views

    I recently need to theme a node path in a list view. Comment #1 did the trick: $node = node_load($nid); $path = drupal_get_path_alias('node/'.$node->nid);

Views Help: How to get a field to "Link this field to its user" besides username | drup... - 0 views

  • Though one would think the $field object is what we wanted-- the actual object we needed is $row (even though we're only looking at one field in the row). Put the following into the field tpl file to see what the necessary info is: <?phpprint '<pre>';print_r($row);print '</pre>';?> Then, to actually make the link, put the following in your field tpl file: <?php$account = user_load($row->uid);print l($row->profile_values_profile_fullname_value, 'users/' . $account->name);?> Change 'profile_values_profile_fullname_value' to the proper field alias (based on the $row output). Also, be sure to change 'users' to whatever the path is for your user accounts. I also had another thought-- given your use case, you may want to consider the module as well. It will replace usernames with whatever field(s) you designate all over the site. EDIT: I had another thought. I'm not sure of the performance implications of doing a user_load in the template file. Another option is to add the 'User: name' field to the view but exclude it from display. Then you could avoid the user_load and change the code in the tpl file to: <?phpprint l($row->profile_values_profile_fullname_value, 'users/' . $row->users_name);?>
    theming the field tpl files for Views2

Litenode | Development Seed - 0 views

    Litenode is a new module that uses Views to replace multiple node_loads() on a page. The concept is simple: Views already knows how to grab any of the fields in a single go that many modules load independently in their hook_nodeapi('load'). Why not have Views grab them all at once (as you would do in a table view, for example) and then have a style plugin map the Views fields to all the places where modules expect them to be on a loaded node?

Internet Archive Search: subject:"DrupalCon DC 2009" - 0 views

    The full list of videos from the DrupalCon DC. Looks like I have a ton of viewing to do.

How to make CCK fields do some of the same tricks as taxonomy terms | !&# - 0 views

  • In Drupal, taxonomy.module implements hook_term to provide links among content which shares a given term. Site builders often use this feature to provide indexes and RSS feeds of their content. Taxonomy.module's purpose is to support the creation of controlled vocabularies which we can use to classify our site's content. If taxonomy.module were a prescription drug, this would be its "on-label" or indicated use. Using taxonomy.module vocabularies and terms to store essential data about our content is what I call an "off-label" use. You're not really creating a controlled vocabulary, and the term-node relationship in these cases isn't always classificatory. However, a clever web developer will use the tools that get the job done, and often taxonomy.module is the perfect tool for making this happen. Because this information is essential to your node's content, CCK fields are indicated for this use. However, CCK fields don't have built-in linking among nodes which share values for the same field. Also absent is any built-in RSS feed for a CCK field's value. This requires some theming and Views.

Theming Views In Drupal 6.x | Drupaler | Drupal Blog, Collaborative Drupal Resource - 0 views

  • <?phpfunction garland_preprocess_views_view__my_view(&$variables) {  $variables['foo'] = 'some text';}?>

Apache Solr and Drupal Default's Search | Trellon - 0 views

  • One issue that comes up from ApacheSolr being a separate search page is that the search form does not go to it by default. This is the $search_box in the page.tpl.php template. The way we change this behavior is to add a new submission handler to that form. You can create a custom module for this or put it in your custom theme. <?php/*** Implementation of hook_form_alter()*/function custommodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {  // Add submission handler to redirect to apachesolr  if ($form_id == 'search_theme_form') {    // Add a submit, because the search form redirects to a specific place    $form['#submit'][] = 'custommodule_search_submit';  }}/*** Implementation of form submit function*/function custommodule_search_submit($form, &$form_state) {  // Get form ID  $form_id = $form['form_id']['#value'];  // Create new redirect  $form_state['redirect'] = 'search/apachesolr_search/'. trim($form_state['values'][$form_id]);}?>

Theming the User Registration Form in Drupal 6 | Trellon - 0 views

  • <?phpfunction themename_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {  return array(    ...    // tell Drupal what template to use for the user register form    'user_register' => array(      'arguments' => array('form' => NULL),      'template' => 'user-register', // this is the name of the template    ),    ...  );}?>
  • <div id="registration_form">  <div class="field">    <?php      print drupal_render($form['account']['name']); // prints the username field    ?>  </div>  <div class="field">    <?php      print drupal_render($form['account']['pass']); // print the password field    ?>  </div>  <div class="field">    <?php        print drupal_render($form['submit']); // print the submit button      ?>    </div>  </div></div>
  • <?php  print '<pre>';  print var_export($form);  print '</pre>';?>
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Don't forget to render hidden fields or it won't work ;) echo drupal_render($form['timezone']); echo drupal_render($form['form_build_id']); echo drupal_render($form['form_id']);
  • you also have to print the "token" in order to make the form work print drupal_render($form['form_token']);
  • From my own experience using a form tpl.php, you need to print the whole $form at the very end of the template to ensure that the form will validate upon submission. <?php print drupal_render($form); ?> Just adding the hidden form_build_id and the form_id fields will not mean the form will work. Printing the entire form at the end, however, will mean that all the stuff you wanted to hide in making the template will show. For those fields, include "unset" statements for each one: <?php unset($form['field_to_hide']); ?> Please correct me if I'm wrong or if there is a better way to do this.

Quick Tip: SVN Filtering | | Drupal Tutorials - 0 views

    A fairly advanced screencast on SVN filtering. Matt Petrowsky has been doing such a great job putting together some of the best drupal related screencasts that are really helpful for my work environment and maybe yours too.

Limit Views-created block content by node author or current node | Geeks & God - 0 views

    Scenario One: Limit by author of current node Scenario Two: Limit source to CCK fields in the current node

Making Subversion/SVN recognize CVS Id and Revision tags |, Inc. - Drupal Dev... - 0 views

    One annoying aspect though is that almost all Drupal files use CVS style tags, such as the $Id$ one. Subversion does not recognize these by default. However, there is a way to make Subversion recognize these tags. This post describes the steps needed to achieve this goal.

Panels 3 / CTools TODO list: | - 0 views

    Merlinofchaos's TODO list: This is a rough TODO list generated from my personal notes regarding tasks that remain to be done for Panels 3 to complete the alpha stage. This does not include the obvious tasks of find/fix bugs/trim the issue queue.

Introducing Spaces for Drupal | Development Seed - 0 views

    This looks like a module to watch if you develop intranets and use Organic Groups heavily.

SmartOptimizer | - 0 views

    So far I have this running on a development site, and have to say that it does a great job and was simple to install and use.

Web Development Company - The Need of The Hour - 0 views

    This articles stresses upon the utility of a web development company and presents the many benefits that are associated with engaging such a company to look after your organizational needs.

PHP op-code caches / accelerators: Drupal large site case study |, Inc. - Dru... - 0 views

    Excellent resource for PHP op-code cache information
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