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Jerrid Kruse

Shaping the World - 5 views

This quest seems mostly concerned with students finding information rather than students creating info.


Jerrid Kruse

Early Explorers of the New World - 3 views

This quest isn't too bad, however, the students are just out finding facts. At no point does the webquest expect students to synthesize info or speculate or use any higher order thinking.


Jerrid Kruse

Baseball webquest - 3 views

This quest seems really unfocused, but at the same time doesn't actually get kids to think, just find trivial info about a baseball player


Alexa Homb

Book Review: Technopoly - 3 views

    I'm interested in actually reading this book because it discusses how technology can destroy humanity.
Alexa Homb

You Can Make A Difference - 3 views

    This webquest has sequential details with lots of resources or links to articles. It also has a page for the teacher. However, one of the overall purposes is to teach people the importance of recycling. I find this ironic because one of the end goals is to print off a newsletter that students can give out to anyone involved, which is a waste of a lot of paper when there are so many other technologies that can do this without wasting paper.
    This seems to be a better webquest because students have to COME UP WITH solutions rather than simply find solutions.
    That is so funny! If the whole idea of the project is to recycle, they should have incorporated technology (like email) and save paper. In this case, the best thing to use would be technology.
Jerrid Kruse

Facebook Doesn't Get Teachers Fired - Inappropriate Behavior Does by Lisa Nielsen - 2 views

    Well, yes and no - facebook is a platform that has a bias toward anonymity which lowers inhibitions, so this teacher probably never would have flirted in person with students, but did online.  Also facebook has limited expression - and it is documented.  If this happened in "real time" - nothing likely would have come of it.  I"m not excusing the teacher, but we need to guard ourselves against tech
Lisa Myers

Sun, Moon and Stars - 2 views

This is an example of a more interactive webquest. The creator has set up displays around the room with the task cards.


started by Lisa Myers on 29 Oct 10 no follow-up yet
Jerrid Kruse

Best Embeds for Educational Wikis and Blogs - 1 views

    Lists a lot of online tools for embedding in blogs & wikis. Most could be used on their own as well.
Grady Reuler

Andrew Keen The Great Suduction - 1 views

    Andrew Keen's website detailing the publication of his book, "The Cult of the Amateur",
Diana Mata Corvera

Tech Savvy - 1 views

    lets give this thing a try trying to link some different comments on here
Jerrid Kruse

Study Links Tech to Algebra Achievement - Digital Education - Education Week - 1 views

    Pay close attention to the caution the lead researcher uses.  The headline says "tech improves learning", the researchers know better.  More likely, the teachers were more willing to try new teaching strategies because they were going to have to learn the technology anyway. 
Jerrid Kruse

Easy Integration - top websites - 1 views

    Lots of links, when skimming I didn't find many high-level uses.
Lindsey Vande Wall

How to Watch TV News - 1 views

    This book is about America suffering from tons of information in the news and knowing what is important or what they can relate it to. According to the book, this means Americans are becoming the least knowledgeable people in the world. The authors try to tell us what the difference between news and advertising.
Emily Graham

Amusing Ourselves to Death - 0 views

    A look into how entertainment values have corrupted the way we think.
Samantha West

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr - 0 views

    This site has reviews as well as a summary of what is covered in this book. I think this is a brave man to state what he thinks the internet is doing to our brain and how it affecting our daily lives.
Amanda Aragon

The Shallows - 0 views

    This book looks interesting. It seems like every time we have a free moment we are checking one of our online social networks. I am curious what the author has to say about the effect of this habit.
Diana Mata Corvera

How to watch TV News - 0 views

    A quick review of the book by Neil Postman,"How to Watch TV News"
Jerrid Kruse

Dipity - 2 views

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