Browsing around the wonderful last night, I came across a post titled Why Django kicks Ruby on Rails' collective ass. This is an interesting article, mainly because in a sense it is right, but it goes about explaining Django's benefits all wrong. First of all, Ruby on Rails ain't plural, and therefore it cannot have a 'collective ass'. Ok, I kid. But seriously, I started out my web programming 'career' with Rails, and I have since moved over to using Django. I'll try to list some constructive reasons why the 'pragmatic' (buzzword!) developer would chose Django over Rails.
Lately I've been working on CMS like application for a news portal and one of the major features include integrating WYSIWYG editor to enable journalists post news online with ease. With almost zero expertise in Javascript, I thought this will be a difficult activity but it turned out to be very easy and took less than an hour to integrate once we shortlisted on which editor we will be using.